#精品級咖啡 #守成咖啡HaruCoffe
#歧視的多種面向 #DiscriminationDimensions
謝伯伯時間Office Hour的人客Ariel與Hanna上課時討論到關於歧視的議題,於是順口問了大叔們有沒有相關的經歷。沒想到大叔們不論是在台灣或海外,不只有被歧視的經驗,也曾經歧視過他人。
而說到美國的亞裔,如果單單只用成績來衡量,他們在美國的大學錄取率卻是非常低的。這樣的現象是否也是源自於種族歧視,是個值得思考的問題。除此之外,美國也有白人提出他們反被歧視的問題。最有名的例子應該是白人學生控告美國德州大學法學院,他們沒有成功錄取該學院,成績卻比其他錄取的少數民族學生還要高,於是他們認為種族保障政策反使他們受害。而這個訴訟最後由美國最高法院駁回 (
Hopwood vs. Texas)。
今天的談話內容尚屬於淺談,既沒有要為這個議題定調,也沒有要討論解決辦法。其中有一點蠻值得思考的是,美國最高法院的大法官在Cardigan Mountain School的
Discrimination comes in many flavors and directions. Although racial issues in the US are prominent, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or combination with other factors could also be ground for discrimination. The expressions of discrimination are also often subtle and implicit.
Beyond the person-to-person level, there are institutional discriminations. Japan, for a long time, is known for treating “outsiders'' differently. Within Taiwan, the national identification system did not take into account the needs of aborigine names - implicitly forcing everyone to use Mandarin; and was changed only recently after much effort by aborigine advocates.
There are many who also claim “reverse discrimination” - this comes in the form of excluding people who are otherwise qualified. For example, Asian student populations are disproportionately low in many universities if judging solely by academic performance. One of the most famous (US) case is the one regarding the University of Texas law school admission (Hopwood vs. Texas
In Taiwan, there are many forms of discrimination that are not “obvious” to the mainstream. Examples include foreign brides and foreign laborers.
This conversation is not an exhaustive discussion of the issue of discrimination, nor an attempt at providing any solution. Nevertheless, it is instructive to paraphrase what the US Supreme Court Justice John Roberts said at Cardigan Mountain School - by the time you left the school, you have privileges (video:
https://cutt.ly/qzB50fV). People will give you an extra chance in life if you are mainstream/elite. Using the same logic, maybe a good definition of discrimination is the lack of that extra chance in life.
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