中文版:Google Play Books. 這是一本中文有注音的兒童圖畫書,給2歲到9歲的寶貝們,大意是老師守在校門口不給沒戴口罩的進門,很多人異想天開戴了一堆奇形怪狀的口罩入門,有人拿頭髮當口罩、有人拿蘋果當口罩,老師會讓他們進去嗎?
英文版:I Forget My Mask " Ms. Strong stands in front of the school. She won't let anybody in without a mask. Some people forget wearing their masks. They wear all kinds of stuff to try to get into the school. Will Ms. Strong let them in?"It's a book for age 2 to 9 years old children. It delivers an important idea of wearing a mask when one's in a flu or high contagious disease. Though Covid-19 was the cause I made the book, the simple action of wearing masks is crucial.