[英文面試] 怎麼準備,10大必考題目回答範例

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第二件事情是要多看。Babbel Magazine有一份報告,告訴大家如何用五感學習,尤其是學習一個語言的時候,特別有幫助:
大家可能會覺得看書只有使用一個感官 - 眼晴。但其實不只,因為我們在看書時,腦中,甚至有時候不自覺的,嘴巴會唸出讀過的字。而如果可以讀,對自己來說,有興趣的書籍,會更有幫助。建議可以從讀小說開始,因為這類書籍的情境與對話相較的多,用詞也不會太過技術性,甚至還可以發揮想像,讓自己加深印象。


身邊沒有人講英文,是一件比較難解決的事,總不可能為了講英文,把朋友家人都換到。Glints建議可以跟一些也想進步學英文的朋友,一起創立一個 [ 說英文的聚會 ] ,以一週一次,或是看大家的時間為期,內容自己選擇。在聚會中,大家都只能使用英文來對話。如此一來,就製造了多講英文的機會



1. 請你簡短的自我介紹

Tell me about yourself.
Hello, my name is Michael. I began my career in retail management, but 3 years ago, I took a course to become a front-end software engineer. I’ve always been interested and skilled at creating something from scratch. My experience successfully helped me with organizing my thoughts logically, and I’ve been building a career as a front-end software engineer ever since.

Hello, my name is Michael. I have a wonderful family with my father and my mother, and a little brother. We also have a dog, he's very cute. I went to school in Taipei for my entire life, and graduated long time ago. I worked for 3 years in retail, then I wanted to do something else, and make more money, so I became a front-end engineer for 2 years.

2. 你遇過哪些困難或挑戰?

What challenges have you faced? How did you handle them?
你是怎麼面對的?面試時,面試官會利用這個問題,來考驗你的邏輯。要讓面試官知道你能發現問題、設計解決方案、提出完善計畫。 以下是正確與錯誤的回答範例 :
In my previous job, I noticed that there is an anomaly in the performance of our website. I quickly realized that it was due to a CTA link misplacement. I came up with two solutions: completely remove the CTA or use a redirection landing page to be able to continue tracking website traffic. After discussion with the team, we decided to go with the second option, which results in a 15% increase in website traffic in the end.

After this incident, I suggested my manager to implement a two-step QA process. Since then, we have never seen any problems like that again.

When I was working at my previous job, found out there is a problem with the website I worked on. It was the CTA not working. I suggested to make another landing page, and my team agreed. So we spent more time to create another landing page to cover for the CTA traffic, so we can keep tracking numbers. It was really helpful in the end.

But after that, we had to be more careful and asked the QA team to help us double check, so this issue does not happen again.

3. 你的優缺點是什麼?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
優缺點的面試問題也是公司非常看重的地方,而面試官之所以會問「 優缺點 」的原因,是他們要知道公司是否能從你身上獲得他們所需要的,以及公司未來可能會要輔助你哪方面的需求。以下是正確與錯誤的回答範例:
I believe leadership is my one of my top strengths. During my time as a front-end software team lead, I successfully merged two teams, constructed and conducted a training session for the team members, making sure everyone is confident with the new role their were heading into. The new team bought great success in the first month, bringing engagement rate for the for our website up by 5%.

My weakness is that I am an idealist. Every time I complete a project, I tend to think that it could be better. Although it already received a lot of complements. For this reason, I overwork myself quite a lot, and feels tired from time to time. I have started to fix this problem by receiving assistance from my team members, I have already made good progress, and will continue to do so.

My strength is I am a good leader. I helped merge two teams in my previous company, and team members all like each other and work fine with each other, too. They have showed great promises, and I am very proud of them and of what I have done.

My weakness is that I like everything to be perfect. So when one thing is done, I always have to spend extra time to double check the work. If it is not perfect from my opinion, I will ask the team to improve it and we do it together. I have tried to let go of this, but it is hard, I just want to see things perfectly completed.

4. 你的職涯目標是什麼?

What are your career goals? Where do you see yourself in 1/3/5 years?
你認為一/三/五年後的自己會在做什麼?- 人才未來的規劃會影響公司的結構。雖然求職者在這一題給出的答案,跟他本身的工作能力沒有太大的關係,但是跟他在公司未來成長上,以及能不能成為公司的梁柱有莫大的關係。面試官會希望了解求職者對職涯想法,以此確認在這份工作的長期發展上,這位求職者適不適合。 以下是正確與錯誤的回答範例 :
The career plan that I set for the coming year, as a front-end engineer, is to continue to follow the trend and future direction of the technology era, developing innovative and efficient ways to solve problems. And be able to use my positive, active, and beginner's mindset to integrate into the company culture.

In addition, no matter where I end up, I plan to understand the core of being in a team, and become a good partner who is willing to listen and communicate, as to find the most efficient way of cooperation.

Finally, I plan to pick up a front-end related skill or tool every quarter this year, to accumulate experience and take more management responsibilities, in the hope to become a great supervisor in the future.

The plan for me this year is to learn more things, and be able to enjoy working as a front-end engineer. I want to learn more skills to make things easier for me and for the team. So we can finish our work faster and more efficiently.

Also I want to become more understanding for my team members. Listen to them more and tell them what is on my mind as well. This way we can work together in a more open way, and this will help us improve.

Finally, I promise myself that I will learn a front-end related skill or tool each quarter this year, to become better, so I can become a manager. After that, I will be able to help many newbies.

5. 你為什麼離開上一份工作?

Why did you leave your last job?
First of all, my former company’s management believes that the success of operations are based on effectiveness, which I absolutely agree with. However, from a cultural perspective, to maintain a certain level of effectiveness, I think it should be based on the happiness of the employees. So made a difficult decision to leave the company to go on a search this kind of environment. From your company's culture, I can see that this is also something you care about very much, that's why I was very eager to meet with you.

I left my previous company because the boss thinks that only hardworking can bring success for the company. I disagree with him, and I think it will be better if the employees can be happy working there. So I am trying to find somewhere that have the same mindset as me. Then I found your company, and from looking at your company culture, I think you care about that a lot, too.

6. 目前為止你最滿意的工作成就?

What is your biggest achievement during your career?
In my former company, there was an opportunity to speak for a presentation, on the construction of the logic behind our website, for the entire company and VIP customers, in a 3-hour seminar. I fought for and got the opportunity to represent the front-end engineering department.

I had to prepare for a 45-minute presentation. At that time, my task was not only to investigate the e-commerce market, but also to condense a large amount of information in just 35 minutes, because I was asked to reserve 10 minutes for questions and answers.

I believed that it was a good opportunity for the audience to think outside the framework, so I planned for the audience to participate in the presentation: audience interaction, interesting photos and videos, and accurate data. To let the audience fully understand my point of view, I chose a creative format, which turned the audience into a part of my presentation, maximizing the interaction.

My department received great feedback and evaluation, and were invited by our VIP customers to give another presentation at their coming annual conference. In addition, the presentation was also written into a report for the company's reference. This is definitely one of my greatest achievements.

My greatest achievement is that I spoke at a seminar for our company and our VIP customers. The presentation went really well, everyone was happy with the outcome. I hoped they learned a lot from the presentation because I really put a lot of work into it.

And because it went so well, our boss was really happy and he praised my department in front of the whole company. We were also asked to go speak at other companies, too.

7. 你在工作以外的興趣是什麼?

What are your personal interests/hobbies outside of work?
One of my hobbies is jogging. It is something that I do 3-4 times a week. When I'm jogging, I have clear goal to reach, and for that reason, my mind becomes extra clear. Some of my best work-related ideas actually came to me when I was jogging.

I believe my hobby will help me as a front-end software engineer because on a day-to-day basis, I have to face many complex situations. With a clear mind, I will be able to construct efficient ways to resolve issues.

I love to jog. I spend a lot of time doing it. I am also looking for other hobbies but currently nothing else has interests me like jogging does. I think it feels good after you jog, its like taking a break from work and life, and clear your mind.

I think this helps me with my job because we are only human. Once awhile we need to take a break from the difficulties and learn to enjoy ourselves, so we can be recharged to work again.

8. 為什麼想來我們公司?

Why did you want to join our company?
這一題,很多時候是由老闆親自發問,尤其是在新創公司。為這一題的原因是有兩個,1. 他們想要知道,你能不能成為願意跟公司一起奮鬥的一員。2. 他們想要知道,你對公司了解到什麼程度。以下是正確與錯誤的回答範例:
The reason why I want to join you is for your touching and admirable mission and culture.

I have personally experienced the pain-point that you mentioned during our conversation. It was really a difficult time, I faced the same thing in my two previous job. I wish to completely eliminate this problem for all the job seekers.

The cultures and mission at your company fits the description with my personal attitude. I believe your company is heading to the right direction, and will soon bring great success in this matter. This is also why I would love to be part of the contribution.

The reason why I want to join you is because I like what you are doing.

I also needed help like this back then, but there were nothing like that. It was very sad and hard for me, if you existed back then, I would be so much happier. I want to make that happen for many others.

Also, I think are you definitely doing the right thing, although, it will be very hard to achieve. I want to give it a try because it is worthwhile.

9. 你對加班有什麼想法?

What do you think about overtime?
I think it’s a good thing to be able to work wholeheartedly. I am also the kind of people that continue to strike for improvement and creating values. However, regarding overtime, I hope to understand the company’s overtime status and the reasons for overtime.

I think it is good to work very hard for something that you believe in. So if I believe in what the company is doing, then I think working overtime is totally fine. However, sometimes, I will have to be with my families, so I might not be able to always do that.

10. 你有什麼想問我們的問題嗎?

Do you have any questions for us?
Yes, I have a couple questions for you:

1. In order to fully understand where the company stands, could you please elaborate on the company's culture, which we talked about earlier?

2. What kind of people are your employees? Are there any key qualities that all of them possessed?

Yes, I have some questions for you.

1. I'm not sure of your company culture, can you tell me what they are?

2. What kind of people are your employees? Will I need some kind of qualities in order to get alone with them?



社會新鮮人 - 大家不是6、7月就畢業了嗎?其實很多人不一定在一畢業之後就開始投履歷找工作,有的人畢業前就開始,有的人畢業後出國旅行一年,而台灣多數的人都選休息一到兩個月,再開始找工作。所以9月、10月才是社會新鮮人進場的時候!要如何在眾多的畢業生中脫穎而出呢?就靠這3招!
「 為什麼想來我們公司 ?」一個看似普通的面試問題,卻有很多的社會新鮮人,甚至已經在職場上很久的人,不知道怎麼回答!其實想不出好的回答,最大的原因,來自於太重視人資想想聽到的是什麼,而局限了自己的回答。Glints這篇文章要交各位,如何規劃並回答「為什麼想來我們公司?」這個問題!
「 為什麼想來我們公司 ?」一個看似普通的面試問題,卻有很多的社會新鮮人,甚至已經在職場上很久的人,不知道怎麼回答!其實想不出好的回答,最大的原因,來自於太重視人資想想聽到的是什麼,而局限了自己的回答。Glints這篇文章要交各位,如何規劃並回答「為什麼想來我們公司?」這個問題!
離職原因 : Google搜尋「為何離開前公司」,放眼望去都是類似「X句神回覆,讓你面試輕鬆過關。」的標題,但是用這些回覆,真的就一定有效嗎?Glints要跟大家分享,沒有百分之百會讓你過關的回覆,但是絕對有百分之百會讓你被淘汰的回覆!回答離職原因,別再這麼說了,人資都不敢要你了!
社會新鮮人 - 大家不是6、7月就畢業了嗎?其實很多人不一定在一畢業之後就開始投履歷找工作,有的人畢業前就開始,有的人畢業後出國旅行一年,而台灣多數的人都選休息一到兩個月,再開始找工作。所以9月、10月才是社會新鮮人進場的時候!要如何在眾多的畢業生中脫穎而出呢?就靠這3招!
「 為什麼想來我們公司 ?」一個看似普通的面試問題,卻有很多的社會新鮮人,甚至已經在職場上很久的人,不知道怎麼回答!其實想不出好的回答,最大的原因,來自於太重視人資想想聽到的是什麼,而局限了自己的回答。Glints這篇文章要交各位,如何規劃並回答「為什麼想來我們公司?」這個問題!
「 為什麼想來我們公司 ?」一個看似普通的面試問題,卻有很多的社會新鮮人,甚至已經在職場上很久的人,不知道怎麼回答!其實想不出好的回答,最大的原因,來自於太重視人資想想聽到的是什麼,而局限了自己的回答。Glints這篇文章要交各位,如何規劃並回答「為什麼想來我們公司?」這個問題!
離職原因 : Google搜尋「為何離開前公司」,放眼望去都是類似「X句神回覆,讓你面試輕鬆過關。」的標題,但是用這些回覆,真的就一定有效嗎?Glints要跟大家分享,沒有百分之百會讓你過關的回覆,但是絕對有百分之百會讓你被淘汰的回覆!回答離職原因,別再這麼說了,人資都不敢要你了!
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隨著雙語國家政策的實施,英文學習可以說是當下最熱門的話題之一,而提到學習英文,也有許多英語教學者不斷地提及「用英文思考」的重要性。但「用英文思考」這個說法的合理性產生疑惑,究竟這樣的說法是否合理呢? 如果「用英文思考」的說法並不合理,那目前正在推動的雙語教育政策,是否需要調整呢?
在準備TOEFL及IELTS這種難度頗高的英文證照考試時,除了多做考題「熟悉」考試的內容及「釐清」考試的方向外,也可以每日閱讀Scientific Americm電子報及聽該網站Podcast,「重新提升」或「再塑」自己在準備難度頗高的英文證照考試答題「真實力」。
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隨著雙語國家政策的實施,英文學習可以說是當下最熱門的話題之一,而提到學習英文,也有許多英語教學者不斷地提及「用英文思考」的重要性。但「用英文思考」這個說法的合理性產生疑惑,究竟這樣的說法是否合理呢? 如果「用英文思考」的說法並不合理,那目前正在推動的雙語教育政策,是否需要調整呢?
在準備TOEFL及IELTS這種難度頗高的英文證照考試時,除了多做考題「熟悉」考試的內容及「釐清」考試的方向外,也可以每日閱讀Scientific Americm電子報及聽該網站Podcast,「重新提升」或「再塑」自己在準備難度頗高的英文證照考試答題「真實力」。
準備英文面試難免都會讓人緊張 畢竟中文面試就已經夠緊張了 何況又要準備不是我們母語的英文面試 以下整理幾個英文面試重點,減緩英文面試的緊張感! 第一,準備英文自我介紹 無論是中文還是英文面試,面試第一個問題都一定是"請向我介紹你自己" 那如何準備英文自我介紹呢? 其實做法跟中文差不多X