32. 恆 001110 雷風-震巽 (Quarter 2-15)

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亨,無咎。利貞,利有攸往。-- 高興追求長久感情、持之以恆聯繫在心,本來是沒錯;敏銳偵測再三思量,感情一事何必緊張,悠遊自在有何不妥?......雷聲大作、空氣震動,急促呼嘯的風,吹的車搖晃、鈴乍響,短暫迴盪在人稀的街道上,煞是恆長在心中盤旋著餘響,久久不散........

初六:浚恆,貞凶,無攸利。/ 變卦雷天大壯 -- 起初急把感情放,深信永恆是堅強,往後為此費思量,擔心變化與無常。啊!這樣......怎麼輕鬆面對?怎麼悠遊自在?指天的誓言、緊握的倆手、真實的瀾漫、怒放的深情,如今何在?...... (P.S. 此處「浚」解爲「深」。)
九二:悔亡。/ 變卦雷山小過 -- 追求永恆的感情,一旦感情出了差錯,往往心生後悔和空忙一場的感覺,甚至心懷自責和犯了過錯的情緒啊!
九三:不恆其德,或承之羞,貞吝。/ 變卦雷水解 -- 也許就是因為不能恆久把感情當作一種生活中可以學習和養成的習慣,或是羞愧於承擔來到面前的感情,所以感情之路纔會愈走愈窄,甚至覺得自己受困其中而欲求解脫。(P.S. 此處「德」解爲「直覺的行為」或「習慣」。)
九四:田無禽。/ 變卦地風升 -- 稻穀不成熟,田裡無禽鳥;感情的培養也不是一天兩天的事啊!只要有恆心的往來互動,也許會節節高升、喜上眉梢呢!
六五:恆其德貞,婦人吉,夫子凶。/ 變卦澤風大過 -- 恆久於感情的覺察和表達,把它當作一種可以探究和學習的生活習慣,通常婦女欣喜於此,夫子卻百般遲疑。難道,學習感情的表達是難為情的事嗎?是太過份的事嗎?是很沒骨氣的事嗎?(P.S. 此處「貞」解爲「探究」;「吉」解爲「喜」;「凶」解爲「行動中斷於停頓推延或心智沉陷於遲疑盤算」。)
上六:振恆,凶。/ 變卦火風鼎 -- 感情的振作和恆久的維繫雖然不是單方面的事,但是在周圍的推波助瀾和鼓譟聲中,也可能燃起熱情的熊熊火焰。如同鼎下有助燃的鼓風爐一般,短時間就能使鼎中的湯水加熱成沸騰的蒸汽、快速將湯水中的食物攪混的爛熟。...... 這也是火熱生風的鍋爐或不斷運轉的高能量噴射引擎可以當作推進器或發電機的原理之一啊!......
"As the wind blowing through a tree, the leaves on the tree might tremble a while, because of the air was trying to find the paths between the leaves to easily flow. The powerful wind even could destruct a wall......"
"When we shouted between two parallel walls, we might hear our own shouting sounds resonated again and again in the space between two walls, because of there were some sound-waves could not find an exit way and turn around between such two walls....... That's so called '恆'."
"And when we stood between two parallel mirrors, we might see our own numerous reflected portrait-images between two mirrors, because of there also were some light-waves could not find an exit way between such two mirrors, was it the same effect related to '恆'?"
"What I interest with is that the passionate feelings between two close lovers might be felt like endless by both of them, they persevered in connecting with the emotion and imagination of each other, and built an enclosed space without being bothered by another one, that might make them feel they seem like already have got a permanent passionate world belonged to both of them......... It looked so everlasting in such moment as falling in love with each other........"
"I know what you mean,..... If one side of the mirrors disappeared, then the numerous reflecting images between them would no longer exist...... It might be a little sorry,...... but from the other sight, the light between both sides could find an exit way and get more freedom, isn't it?......."
"I had been wondering why the universe was created from a Big Bang which was theorized by some of the cosmological physicists? The original particles of the universe must try to escape from an enclosed point, and that enclosed point might be a bit like some kind of binaural diode, then in a moment it was activated and exploded out to create the whole universe by all of the very micro particles which already existed in such point........"
"So, those original particles which had got freedom long-long time ago are still keeping running fast in every possible way and arriving at every possible edge in the time-space far away from the starting basic big-bang point at this moment when we are talking, but why we are still staying here? Do you think now we are also getting arrival at some kind of edge?......"
"What you say let me have a little confuse. If a person walks on one of the long ways toward a termination, he must know the edge of the end point is still far away from him in a distance, but how can we say that he already have got arrival at some kind of edge?"
"Because of the edge was already existent in the beginning when he set up the route, no matter what is his moving speed, no matter what’re the details of his long journey on his way, from the macro vision, he didn't move out of the enclosed time-space which defined by the start-point and the end-point. That means he is always staying inside the edges of that preset time-space......."
"From this word "恆" which involved a symbol of '忄', I think it might express a feature about the 'mind', and seemed like there were some messages always busily running inside the mind and couldn't stop, only if the fixed link of the nervous transmitting was temporally weakly loosed or disconnected......"
"The symbol '亙' in the right part of '恆' was graphed as the moon or a ship between two edge lines for presenting the meaning about the moon looked like always move between horizons or a ship always sailed between two shores, maybe the nervous system in human body also has such similar bi-path transmitting function to build the whole body's healthy condition."
"That means, an entirely eternal passion between lovers must be built by a long term of the interactive communication, and it might be able to be constructed firmly with some kind of learning....... It's not just simply equal to build the relationship by contract......."
"I see, that's why the third yao in this qua had mentioned about the love and affection might be a learnable habit for more eternal relationship between a couple of lovers, but.......the following words in fifth yao also revealed that most of the female seemed like more pleasant and willing to learn such affective courses than most of the male........."
"Maybe........during that time, most of the men have borne and raised to be a warrior at all, and not a worrier about love.......... "
"Anyway,.......the love affair was not decided without reference to the other partner's involving, when under the surrounding encouragements and waving push, it might be aroused quickly with the passionate emotion and speedily get the tight connection. Just like the meal could thoroughly well cooked inside an enclosed cauldron by the surrounding heat in a short time. Such effect had been noted at the sixth yao in this qua, and that was also one of the principles about the hot boiling steamer and jet engine for the moving propulsion and the electricity generator......."
"But if the love affair had a precise formula or constant sequence of processes, even had the prepared scripts and lyrics to express the emotion, and always could speedily get the effectiveness, would it be lack of plenty imagination, unexpected surprise and the exciting of pursuing, then became a little boring?......."
"When you tried your best and spent a long time to run or chase for something, that's just the pursuing. But if there is pursuing or chasing, will there be escaping or hiding, too?"
"That's why the next qua '遯' was going to talk about pursue and escape, chase and hide, seek or flee. To the whole I.E. Scripture, the 33rd qua '遯' was also the awesome start-point of the third quarter...... which might be going to move on the way by the autumn time in a round of the ancient humankind's civilization."
"Due to the graphical hexagram of the next qua '遯' was combined with '111-sky' and '100-mountain', it seemed like mark the highest place above the ground that the normal human could get arrival at. Did it also reveal the possibility that such highest point was also some kind of rising extreme to the ancient humankind's civilization before it was going to decline?......."
"Sunrise, sunset, .......then moonrise again......., they looked like always run for each other in the sky but never touched by each other. When the moon met with sun and caused it eclipsed, the sun seemed like temporally disappear, so did the numerous stars which surrounded the lodestar in the northern night sky......."
"Maybe the love between celestial stars is not the touchable love, they just run and run, chasing and chasing....... Because of the pursuing and the escaping between them might be the natural reactions as their gravities carrying powerful magnets......."
At that moment, suddenly the winds made a strong blowing and blow down many leaves with rustles to the water surface from the trees beside the villa house....... And those falling and floating leaves speedily moved like lively fishes to turn around and surround both of Mermaid E. and I as a circle when we closely stayed in the warming pool........ Then I almost could smell a little cool atmosphere coming of the autumn season in the future........
"Do you want dive around with me for a while?...... I know a more warm cave under sea water.........  "
"Sure!........ It's the best time for fleeing to the deep......... I'm just thinking around something about why the third quarter in The I.E. Scripture was started from '遯'....... Though this Hanese word '遯' was a little horribly sounded like English word 'dune', do you feel it might be related to a movement or a situation about 'turn around'?......."
"It's not impossible, because of this Hanese word '遯' was combined with '辶' and '豚'....... '辶' was a symbol related to movement, and '豚' was just sounded like 'tun'...... Was this word more closing with 'turn' in ancient time?......"
"Yes! When we tried to flee away, we might turn ourselves around to look for a safe and easy way......... And if we could take a moving tool with powerful engine which was projecting the thundering wind, that might be easier for speedily going.........."
"Thundering wind?....... Maybe it was the wind made by thunderbird as it was flying, not made by jet plane in the very ancient time....... Who knows?....... Or it just told that follow the wind might let us feel more easy to go on moving?........"
"Then, what is the more definite meaning about turn?...... Turn around, turn back, turn away, turn against, turn on, turn off, turn into,......... There were many possibilities........"
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery

亨,利貞,取女吉。-- 山丘為何出水流?湖澤為何起波濤?……山丘上也可能有積水的湖澤,湖澤下也可能有起伏的山丘。當你無意之間感到高興、聚精會神的傾心於一位讓你覺得有趣的女子,甚至不期而遇的結識她、喜歡她,她的部份特質很可能正是你自己潛在的部份性格呢!......
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
習坎,有孚維心,亨行有尚。-- 岸邊的小水鳥正在學習飛翔,牠面對重重水波,似乎躍躍欲試,心知降落水中要能浮出水面、飛行時也要維持重心平穩,纔可能行得通、飛得高、離得遠。牠環顧周遭遠近的景象、想像可能遇到的艱難,此時該如何迎風展翅、奮力跳躍纔能遠渡重洋、抵達彼岸呢?……
棟撓。利有攸往,亨。-- 所謂太過份,就像建築的骨幹或柱子因為份量不夠、承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲偏折的現象,柱子要能輕鬆支撐它負荷的重量纔行得通啊!……
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
亨,利貞,取女吉。-- 山丘為何出水流?湖澤為何起波濤?……山丘上也可能有積水的湖澤,湖澤下也可能有起伏的山丘。當你無意之間感到高興、聚精會神的傾心於一位讓你覺得有趣的女子,甚至不期而遇的結識她、喜歡她,她的部份特質很可能正是你自己潛在的部份性格呢!......
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
習坎,有孚維心,亨行有尚。-- 岸邊的小水鳥正在學習飛翔,牠面對重重水波,似乎躍躍欲試,心知降落水中要能浮出水面、飛行時也要維持重心平穩,纔可能行得通、飛得高、離得遠。牠環顧周遭遠近的景象、想像可能遇到的艱難,此時該如何迎風展翅、奮力跳躍纔能遠渡重洋、抵達彼岸呢?……
棟撓。利有攸往,亨。-- 所謂太過份,就像建築的骨幹或柱子因為份量不夠、承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲偏折的現象,柱子要能輕鬆支撐它負荷的重量纔行得通啊!……
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
Google News 追蹤
原文:有物混成,先天地生。寂兮寥兮,獨立而不改,周行而不殆,可以為天地母。吾不知其名,強字之曰:道,強為之名曰:大。大曰逝,逝曰遠,遠曰反。故道大,天大,地大,人亦大。城中有四大,而人居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。   這一篇講的是道生成於無形的天,生生息息周而運行的天是大地的
一段感情能有多深,一句誓言能有多久? 每個人都在尋找自己心中的那「唯一」,但老玄必須跟大家說明: 所謂對的人,不是「找到」,而是「認定」。 阻隔兩個人相愛的事物有哪些?小時候覺得真愛無敵,文章、小說、漫畫、甚至電視電影都這樣告知我們。 但長大之後發現兩個人相愛的事物卻太多太多:現實父母距離年齡
激烈的愛情,容易消退,平淡的愛情,容易走散,讓愛情恆溫,似乎容易走的更長更遠。 有人說一見鍾情是盲目的危險,沒有太清醒的評估,愛情總會被現實擊敗。也有人認為淡如水的愛情,沒有浪漫的催化,只是多個室友感覺,真的能成為一生的伴侶嗎?! 愛情的課題沒有專家 卻有不變的幸福解答,只是每個人對幸
黑暗跟光明不斷地動蕩著,流動著,生命透過這水漾的動盪而誕生,這份愛來自於黑暗與光明的回響⋯⋯ 請好好的欣賞你綻放你自己,是那無條件的愛,那麼當黑暗遇上光明,你最大的臣服就是我們生命中的珍珠,閃亮動人,溫柔,體貼。我們願意成為你生命中的蚌殼,而你即是凝聚我們眾多力量的珍珠。
原文:有物混成,先天地生。寂兮寥兮,獨立而不改,周行而不殆,可以為天地母。吾不知其名,強字之曰:道,強為之名曰:大。大曰逝,逝曰遠,遠曰反。故道大,天大,地大,人亦大。城中有四大,而人居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。   這一篇講的是道生成於無形的天,生生息息周而運行的天是大地的
一段感情能有多深,一句誓言能有多久? 每個人都在尋找自己心中的那「唯一」,但老玄必須跟大家說明: 所謂對的人,不是「找到」,而是「認定」。 阻隔兩個人相愛的事物有哪些?小時候覺得真愛無敵,文章、小說、漫畫、甚至電視電影都這樣告知我們。 但長大之後發現兩個人相愛的事物卻太多太多:現實父母距離年齡
激烈的愛情,容易消退,平淡的愛情,容易走散,讓愛情恆溫,似乎容易走的更長更遠。 有人說一見鍾情是盲目的危險,沒有太清醒的評估,愛情總會被現實擊敗。也有人認為淡如水的愛情,沒有浪漫的催化,只是多個室友感覺,真的能成為一生的伴侶嗎?! 愛情的課題沒有專家 卻有不變的幸福解答,只是每個人對幸
黑暗跟光明不斷地動蕩著,流動著,生命透過這水漾的動盪而誕生,這份愛來自於黑暗與光明的回響⋯⋯ 請好好的欣賞你綻放你自己,是那無條件的愛,那麼當黑暗遇上光明,你最大的臣服就是我們生命中的珍珠,閃亮動人,溫柔,體貼。我們願意成為你生命中的蚌殼,而你即是凝聚我們眾多力量的珍珠。