Xiao Ming's Diary
So, the other day, one of my 13-year-old pals came up with a question.
Xiao Liu: Hey, if someone asks me to try an e-cigarette, does that mean we're friends?
Xiao Ming: Not really.
Xiao Liu: Why not? I mean, he's treating me, and he seems like a nice guy.
Xiao Ming: Do you even realize that smoking's terrible for your health?
Xiao Liu: Yeah, I get that.
Xiao Ming: Then why would you think it's a good thing when someone offers you something harmful?
Xiao Liu: Um...
Xiao Liu: So, is he trying to mess with me? Intentionally, maybe?
Xiao Ming: Could be, or maybe not.
Xiao Ming: Let's assume he's not trying to mess with you. If he can't see that what he's doing is off, do you think he's a smart and discerning person?
Xiao Liu: Not really.
Xiao Ming: So, you wanna be the kind of person who can't tell right from wrong?
Xiao Liu: Nah, not really.
Xiao Ming: Well, there's a saying, 'A man is known by the company he keeps.'
Xiao Liu: What's that mean?
Xiao Ming: It means the people you hang out with can influence your character and values.
Xiao Liu: I remember Confucius said something like, 'When you're with good folks, it's like entering a room full of sweet fragrance, and even if you stay there for a while, you won't lose that sweet smell. When you're with bad folks, it's like walking into a fish market, and no matter how long you stay, that stench won't leave you.'
Xiao Ming: Whoa, you've got some deep cultural knowledge.
Xiao Liu: Been in those classical studies classes since kindergarten.
Xiao Ming: Well, with all that wisdom, you better start applying it!
小劉:「ㄜ...... 」
小明 :「你想成為不辨是非的人嗎?」
小明 :「伊索寓言裡面有一句話,"A man is known by the company he keeps."」
小明 :「這句諺語強調一個人的人品和價值觀,會受到他所交往的人的影響。」
小明 :「哇塞!你文化底蘊滿強的說。」
小明 :「那你學了那麼多,還不會應用!」