
閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

Comment on Memorandum of Understanding (referring to the second negotiation of the purchase of Sotobanari Island and Uchibanari Island)


According to Taiwanese notable TV channel ETtoady, the victim of the recent homicide Chen Jin-fu owned Sotobanari Island and Uchibanari Island pertaining to the Iriomode Island , Okinawa since 1980s, and was negotiating the purchase by unknown Hong Kong buyer.

There are points to be noted:

1.  The Memorandum of Understanding or the Letter of Intent appears to be professional, judging from the wordings and the form, and is quite similar to note verbale or aide-mémoire for diplomatic occasions.

2.  Due to the professionalism and the invisibility, the real buyer from Hong Kong could be identified as a semi-official organization or even a governmental institution.

3.  The buyer was deeply concerned about the right to access Japanese territorial waters for marine vessels.

4.  The buyer might be non-Japanese citizen.

5.  No details of the first negotiation are available.

6.  The time of the negotiation is coincidentally the Double Tenth, the National Day of ROC, at 10.00-12.00 on October 10th.

7.  The news reported that the victim Chen studied in Japan with Lai Hau-min, the President of the Judicial Yuan.

8.  Was Chen a Japanese citizen? since Hong Kong cared much about the buyer’s citizenship?

9.  There were records of boars on the islands but the species was extinguished in 1770, according to Japanese pages of the WIKI.  However, the year 1770 is expressed in the reign title of Qing Empire, not Japanese.





1.  備忘錄所用的形式與用字,非常專業,有官方外交備忘錄或口頭備忘錄之水準。

2.  由於專業演出,加上「港方」未見曝光,可懷疑「港方」可能為某種半官方組織或政府機構。

3.  買方非常在意船隻領海進出,顯然專注「外國船籍船隻」之停泊與進出。

4.  買方是非日本國民。

5.  首次會談內容不明。

6.  會談時間正好是雙十節國慶典禮舉行時刻,充滿政治味,且「僑胞」滿街跑。

7.  新聞報導指出:陳進福與前司法院長賴浩敏為留日同學,似與王進旺熟稔。

8.  陳進福是日本籍嗎?

9.  內離與外離兩島原來有山豬,但1770年滅絕。有趣的是,WIKI日文的說明中,此處以大清「雍正」的表述。累積相罵本吧?


備忘錄(有關外離內離兩島買賣之二度商談)with English Translation

    Google News 追蹤
    嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
    嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~