巴夏 真愛的訊息
Q:I'm a such dreamer. I dream of meeting my true love.
A:You dream of meeting of your true love. Look in the mirror.
That is your first true love. For how can you attract a reflection of true love if you don't truly love yourself.
這是你第一個真愛。如果你不是真的愛自己,你 怎麼能吸引真愛的反映(到你身上)?
Do you understand ? The outer world is a reflection. It doesn't make you whole. It reflects the wholeness you allow yourself to know is true.
你明白嗎?外在世界是個反映,它無法使你完整 。外在世界反映著「你允許自己知曉為真」的完 整。
So, dream on but dream in.
--A part of the session, "A Message for Japan" Los Angeles, June 17, 2011