「做女人真的不容易,你很漂亮,也很聰明.. 你還是認為自己不夠好,這真的讓我心碎。我們總是被期盼應該出類拔萃,但不知道怎麼的,我們總是做錯了。
我們必須要瘦,但不要太瘦,也不能說想變瘦。你必須說你想要健康的體重,不過… 對,你還是要瘦。
你得始終突出,也始終要非常感激… 但永遠不要忘記這個體制是固定的,所以要知道怎麼認同它,但也要記得感恩。
"It is literally impossible to be a woman.
You are very beautiful and very smart... and it breaks my soul that you think you're not good enough, like we're always supposed to be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.
We have to be skinny, but not too much and you must not say you want to be skinny. You must say you want a healthy weight, but also… YES you have to be skinny.
You must have money, but you can’t ask for money because that would be rude.
You gotta be a boss, but you can't be tough. You must lead, but you cannot crush other people’s ideas.
You’re supposed to love being a mom, but you don’t talk about your kids all the time.
You have to be a professional, but also always take care of everyone else.
You are responsible for men’s misbehavior, WHICH IS CRAZY, but if you notice that, you’re accused of being a whine.
You're expected to keep yourself pretty for men, but not so pretty you 'try them too much' or threaten other women… because you're supposed to be part of the sorority.
You must always stand out and always be very grateful… but never forget the system is fixed, so find how to acknowledge it but remember to be grateful.
You must never grow old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never stumble, never fail or show fear and, of course, you must never be sassy.
It's very hard, it's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you. And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything WRONG, but also, everything that happens is YOUR FAULT.
I'm tired of seeing myself and every woman doing the impossible for others to love us."
-America Georgina Ferrera as Gloria