2022年3月12日,佛光山佛陀紀念館舉行「佛教植物園區」揭碑儀式,標誌著全台最大的佛教植物園在佛館正式落成。同時,佛教植物教育展開始籌備。2022年11月,佛教植物教育展在佛館一教塔迎接遊客。 展覽策展過程充滿挑戰和創意,加強互動體驗,讓遊客真實地與佛教植物建立聯繫。展品近半數為手工製作,其中也包括國際義工們的辛勞貢獻。佛教植物教育展自去年11月開展以來,已迎接來自36個國家的數萬名遊客,其中757名學生參與戶外教學。國際組義工們熱情介紹佛教和植物知識,提 升大眾對佛教的認識和對自然環境的關注。遊客對展覽的迴響非常積極,留言簿上寫下滿滿感動:「現場佈置生動有依據,解說人員專業親切」、「藉此認識佛教植物及背後的因緣」、「小而巧, 用心有趣,富有教育性」。
佛教植物教育展走過10個月的歷程,在所有參與者心中種下了智慧的種子。展覽將於今年8月27 日結束,歡迎大家前來參觀,並持續關注我們的網站,深入了解更多佛教植物知識。On March 12, 2022, the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum held an unveiling ceremony for the Buddhist Botanical Garden, marking the official completion of the largest Buddhist botanical garden in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Buddhist Botanical Exhibition was under preparation. In November 2022, the exhibition started to welcome visitors at the One Teaching Pagoda.The process of curating the exhibition was filled with challenges and creativity, focusing on enhancing interactive experiences to establish a genuine connection between visitors and Buddhist plants. Nearly half of the exhibits were handmade, including the contributions of international volunteers. Since Museum International Affairs DepartmentBlooming Wisdom: The Journey of the Buddhist Botanical Exhibition its launch in November of last year, the Buddhist Botanical Exhibition has welcomed tens of thousands of visitors from 36 countries, with 757 students participating in outdoor educational activities. The international team of volunteers enthusiastically shared their knowledge of Buddhism and plants, increasing public awareness of Buddhism and fostering environmental consciousness. The feedbacks from visitors were positive, with heartwarming comments such as "The exhibition is vividly and thoughtfully arranged, and the guides are professional and friendly," "Through this, I've gained insights into Buddhist plants and their underlying significance," and "Compact yet engaging, the exhibition is educational and captivating."
The Buddhist Botanical Exhibition, throughout its 10-month journey, has planted seeds of wisdom in the hearts of all participants. The exhibition will conclude on August 27th this year, and we welcome everyone to visit and continue following our website for a deeper understanding of Buddhist plants.