Bill Ackman做空30年債的邏輯以及對股市的寓意20230812

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30年期美債殖利率=3%(通膨)+0.5%(實質利率)+2%(term premium,期限溢價) =5.5%。



(A)通膨是否存在Bill Ackman談的長期性因素,的確是,例如從中國脫鉤(de couple)造成全球以及美國物價通縮的效應減弱,這是的確。但是實際上,這是非常長期的問題,不是立刻的影響。



(D)  因此,其實我們可以得到一個概略性的結論。就是至少Bill Ackman說的頂多是”似是而非”的事實。至少時空架構,跟現在的交易是搭不上的。恐怕更多的是為了他的交易能夠達到目的。


(F)巴菲特並未與Bill Ackman對作。巴菲特的作法是去買超短債3-6個月到期的短債。基本上就是政治正確,且不傷身,替代現金parking的一種方式。(意思是巴菲特也不反對短線美債技術性壓力,但是他對長債也沒興趣)


I have been surprised how low US long-term rates have remained in light of structural changes that are likely to lead to higher levels of long-term inflation including de-globalization, higher defense costs, the energy transition, growing entitlements, and the greater bargaining power of workers. As a result, I would be very surprised if we don’t find ourselves in a world with persistent ~3% inflation. From a supply/demand perspective, long-term Treasurys (T) also look overbought. With $32 trillion of debt and large deficits as far as the eye can see and higher refi rates, an increasing supply of T is assured. When you couple new issuance with QT, it is hard to imagine how the market absorbs such a large increase in supply without materially higher rates. I have also been puzzled as to why the


hasn’t been financing our government in the longer part of the curve in light of materially lower long-term rates. This does not look like prudent term management in my opinion. Then consider China’s (and other countries’) desire to decouple financially from the US, YCC ending in Japan increasing the relative appeal of Yen bonds vs. T for the largest foreign owner of T, and growing concerns about US governance, fiscal responsibility, and political divisiveness recently referenced in Fitch’s downgrade. So if long-term inflation is 3% instead of 2% and history holds, then we could see the 30-year T yield = 3% + 0.5% (the real rate) + 2% (term premium) or 5.5%, and it can happen soon. There are many times in history where the bond market reprices the long end of the curve in a matter of weeks, and this seems like one of those times. That’s why we are short in size the 30-year T — first as a hedge on the impact of higher LT rates on stocks, and second because we believe it is a high probability standalone bet. There are few macro investments that still offer reasonably probable asymmetric payoffs and this is one of them. The best hedges are the ones you would invest in anyway even if you didn’t need the hedge. This fits that bill, and also I think we need the hedge.
