- 你不需要從頭開始,只需要從現在開始。You don't need to start over; you only need to start now.」《一路玩到掛(The Bucket List)2007》
- 耐心不是讓你空等,而是要你在等待時堅守你的信念。
Patience isn’t the ability to wait, but the ability to keep faith while waiting.《刺激1995 (The Shawshank Redeption), 1994 》 - 沒有無法達成的夢想,只有太早放棄的自己
No dreams are unachievable; Only those that were given up too soon.
《十月的天空 (October Sky), 1999》 - 隨遇而安不是要你逆來順受,而是在困境之中找到值得享受的小細節。
Taking it easy doesn't mean forcing yourself to compromise, but to find those little things in every situation that are worth enjoying.
《航站情緣 (The Terminal), 2004》 - 你必須先知道你在哪,才能去到想去的地方。
You have to know where you are to get to where you want to go.
《金盞花大酒店 (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), 2011》 - 愛,是兩個人一起面對的考驗,而不是考驗彼此。
Love is meant to be a test for the both of you, not a test on each other.
《絕配冤家 (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days), 2003》 - 旅行最大的收穫,就是在陌生的風景中,找到了全新的自己。
The biggest reward in a journey is getting to know yourself in an unknown place.《革命前夕的摩托車日記 (The Motorcycle Diaries), 2004》 - 有時候牆的存在不是為了要阻擋你,而是希望你找出動力與方法去跨越它。
Sometimes walls exist not to block your way, but for you to find the reason and method to get over it. 《星際效應 (Interstellar), 2014》 - 永遠不要讓別人的無情、無禮、與無知,阻止你成為最好的自己。
Never let anyone's indifference, insolence, and ignorance stop you from being the best person that you can be.《麻辣公主 (Ella Enchanted), 2004》 - 對自己滿意的時候,就是你停止挑戰自己時候。
The moment you are satisfied is the moment you stop challenging yourself. 《進擊的鼓手 (Whiplash), 2014》 - 有三件事可以讓你的人生更美好: 放下過去, 期盼未來, 把握現在。
Three things can make your life a happier one: let go of the past, dream of the future, live in the present.《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris), 2010》 - 改變不是為了要討好,而是為了要更好。Change only to be better, not to please another. 《沒問題先生 (Yes Man), 2008》
- 寧願做了而失敗難過一陣子,也不要沒做而錯過後悔一輩子。 Failed by trying may keep you sad for awhile, but failing to try may make you regret for a lifetime. 《魔球 (Moneyball), 2011》
- 對你來說,牠可能只是你生命中的一部分;但對牠來說,你卻是牠的全世界。《忠犬小八,2010》
- 一個人就像一本書,有著獨特的故事。但你若不翻開封面,就永遠無法體會其中的精彩。 A person is like a book with a unique story. But if you don’t open its cover, you can never experience the story.
《珍奧斯汀的戀愛教室(The Jane Austen Book Club), 2007》 - 有時你能陪家人做的事,會比你能替他們做的事還珍貴。
Sometimes what you can do with your family is more important than what you can do for them. 《大法官(The Judge), 2014 》 - 沒有誰能夠永遠傷害你;當你懂得放下時,傷就開始癒合了。
No one can hurt you forever; let go, and the wound will start to heal.
《黑魔女:沉睡魔咒 (Maleficent), 2014》 - 當你懷疑自己的時候,不妨想想那些相信你可以的人。
When in times of self-doubt, think of those who believe that you can.
《征服情海 (Jerry Maguire), 1996》 - 愛或許是一切的答案,但愛本身卻往往沒有答案。
Love may be the answer to everything, but often there’s no answer to love.《愛的萬物論 (The Theory of Everything), 2014》 - 不要為了討好別人而扭曲自己;雖然很多人會因為你為他們做的事而愛你,但總是有些人愛你,是因為你就是你。 Never twist yourself just to please others. Most people love you for what you do for them, but there are still those who will love you just for who you are. 《史瑞克2(Shrek 2), 2004》
- 很多時候我們缺的不是機會,而是決心與勇氣。
Often times what we lack is not the opportunity, but courage and determination.《心靈捕手 (Good Will Hunting), 1997》 - 第一步永遠是最難的;但不踏出第一步怎會有下一步,不離開原地怎到得了遠方。
The first step is always the hardest. But if you don’t take the first step, there can never be a next step; if you don’t leave where you are, you will never reach afar.
《白日夢冒險王 (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty), 2013》 - 孤單是一種狀態,寂寞是一種心態。我或許孤單,但我並不寂寞。
Being alone is a status, feeling lonely is a state of mind. I may be alone, but I'm not lonely.《型男飛行日誌 (Up in the Air), 2009》 - 出身只能決定你最初站在哪裡,不能決定你最後能爬多高。
Your background can only decide where you stand at the beginning, not how far you can reach in the end.《金牌特務 (Kingsman: The Secret Service), 2014》 - 試著原諒。要是你只顧著恨那些你恨的人,就沒空去愛那些你愛的人了。
Try to forgive. If you spend all of your time hating those who you hate, you will never find the time to love those who you love.
《大英雄天團 (Big Hero 6), 2014》 - 別說未來你無法控制;今天你了做什麼事,將會決定明天你成為什麼人。
Don’t say you have no control over the future; what you do today defines who you are tomorrow. 《迴路殺手 (Looper), 2012》 - 成長有兩個階段:放開手,與往前走。
There are two parts to growing up: letting go, and moving on.
《那時候,我只剩下勇敢 (Wild), 2014》 - 每段感情都有美好的開始,但唯有珍惜,才能走到最後。
All relationships have a great beginning, but only by cherishing will they last. 《愛在午夜希臘時 (Before Midnight), 2013》 - 把自己從過去解放出來;前進的最好方法,是不要往回看。
Free yourself from the past; the only way to move forward is not to look back.《全面啟動 (Inception), 2010》