想學好英語,開始(100天計畫)..^.^.. Day 10

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A: Mrs. Sanders, this is my husband, Danny. Danny, meet my manager, Mrs. Sanders.

B: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Sanders.

C: Wow, he's not only handsome but also polite!

Mrs. Sanders, this is my husband, Danny.

Amy, this is my best friend, Sam.

This is Olivia. She is my coworker.

It's a pleasure to meet you,/ Pleased to meet you,/ Nice to meet you,/ Glad to meet you, Mrs. Sanders.

A: What's your name?

B: Brandon. And you are Rachel, right?

A: You got it. What do you do for a living, Brandon?

B: I'm a web designer.

A: No kidding. So am I!

A: Nice to meet you. My name is Nicholas.

B: Nice to meet you as well. I'm Amy.

A: Do you come to this bookstore often?

B: Actually, yes. I work here.

A: No wonder I always see you here!

always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ seldom/ never

A: Are you read for the midterm exam today?

B: Not at all.

A: Me, neither.

B: Let's study together. We still have time!

A: Not really... The test starts in five minutes!

Are you ready/ prepared for the midterm (final) exam today?

Are you ready for/ to take midterm exam today?

Not really./ Not exactly.


Atai的沙龍 的其他內容
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: You are 20 minutes last for work! B: I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin. A: This is the third time. You are fired!
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Next. please! B: Hi. I opened a savings account last week, but now I want to close it. A: Why is that? B: Well, I don't have much
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Hi Jasmine. It's Uncle Eric calling is your father at home? B: I'm afraid not. Can I take a message? A: Sure. Do you have a pen?
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Wait! I can't go into this coffee shop. B: Why not? A: I might run into my ex-girlfriend. She always come here. B: No problem.
A: Wake up, Peter! There's an earthquake! B: Ah! Should we run outside? What... I don't feel anything. A: Oh... It's really small. Go
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: What time is it , Michael? B: Let me check...It's 6:05 p.m. A: Oh my! B: What's wrong? A: Turn on the TV! My show is on!
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: You are 20 minutes last for work! B: I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin. A: This is the third time. You are fired!
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Next. please! B: Hi. I opened a savings account last week, but now I want to close it. A: Why is that? B: Well, I don't have much
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Hi Jasmine. It's Uncle Eric calling is your father at home? B: I'm afraid not. Can I take a message? A: Sure. Do you have a pen?
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: Wait! I can't go into this coffee shop. B: Why not? A: I might run into my ex-girlfriend. She always come here. B: No problem.
A: Wake up, Peter! There's an earthquake! B: Ah! Should we run outside? What... I don't feel anything. A: Oh... It's really small. Go
今天學習到的基礎會話: A: What time is it , Michael? B: Let me check...It's 6:05 p.m. A: Oh my! B: What's wrong? A: Turn on the TV! My show is on!
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做自己…最真實…   我們與人交流時…常常會有所”準備” 準備…標準答案…四處取經…囫圇吞棗… 最後…呈現出來的…反而似是而非…   準備…很重要… 不管是…見客戶, 面試, 簡報…等等 我最常被問一個問題…請問我需不需要先準備什麼?   裡面有一些Don’t… 1. Don’
OEEC 4/15 Today is so tired and interest   ,because wake up bed too early at A.m 5 .will…share about meet co-work. She’s name is Vicky. Vicky and
最近很多面試相關的筆記…這次要記錄一個…很有趣的面試… 來面試的年輕人很Lovely…有禮貌…Very Gentle… 看得出來他也是有能力的… 但…他散發出一個感覺…就是… 這個人什麼都好…但…不適合…繼續聊下去… 我才發現問題…就是…他不知道…他到底要什麼?? 他也不確定…想得到這份工作的Dr
之前在讀書時,把所有的時間都用在讀書。最開始,覺得通通都是英文,而且是醫學的專有名詞,解剖學、各種疾病等等,那是我遇到的第一個難題。然後每個星期都是一堆小考....一堆小考過後,有每個term的大考; 再來有畢業考。一路走來,眼前的困難真的就如「一山還有一山高」那樣,在終於考完畢業考後,我在參加考前