Global Pioneers Conference Catches Eyes of Chinese Influenti

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Global Pioneers Conference Catches Eyes of Chinese Influentials with New Insights into Overseas Markets Exploration


Global Pioneers Conference 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "GPC 2023"), the series of forums focusing on sharing views on seeking and positioning business potentials outside China, was held on 19 December. Coorganized by ShineGlobal, The Economic Observer and Xinhuanghe, a new media outlet of Jinan Daily, this conference garnered attention from business heavyweights looking to expand globally, industry experts and scholars to discuss the opportunities Chinese companies might face in overseas exploration.


Meanwhile, an array of annual awards recognizing individuals, enterprises and investment firms making pioneering achievements during 2023 also unfolded that day.


Vivi He, the Director of ShineGlobal, shared her insights into the trends of Chinese companies' so-called 'going-global' efforts over the years. She also released a report on the globalization trends of Chinese companies in 2024 and the roadmap presenting one-stop globalization guidance for Chinese companies on the spot.

According to what Vivi observed for the whole year, she labeled 2023 'the first year of going global explosively' as more and more Chinese companies have reshaped local business landscapes by bringing products and services to overseas markets.


Vivi also forecasted that 2024 would witness an upsurge in industries like B2B cross-border e-commerce, short dramas, and AI-powered realms. In some emerging markets like SEA, Latin America, MENA, and mature markets like Europe, North America, Australia, etc., there would still be room for Chinese companies to grow strongly in the e-commerce and new-energy fields.


Daniel Forster, the Director of China Innovation Centre at Dubai Chambers and President of Capital Club Dubai, said the Middle East has presented compelling opportunities for businesses to expand their horizons amid the interconnected world where cross-border collaboration intertwined.


"The Middle East is always looking to embrace technological advances and foster a culture of innovation that will drive integrated development. And we've seen a lot of new technology and innovations that we can collaborate on and do R&D work to promote technology transfer and encourage the adoption of digital solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency." Daniel added.



The parallel sessions of GPC2023 were also in the spotlight due to their enlightening topics. During the session, which focused on how Chinese culture and entertainment companies dig into global markets, speakers from big techs and startups gathered to talk about AI trends and how they bring out new opportunities in online traffic growth and content creation of the entertainment industry.


Zexi He, the Director of Overseas Operations from Jiuzhou Wenhua, a short-drama production firm, shared the strategies for producing hits that fit the tastes of global audiences. He pointed out that the overseas short-drama market is full of potential in resources and profitability.


He also believed the difference in cognition and cultural backgrounds among countries and the overall narrative structures should be addressed when pushing short dramas toward global markets. He predicted new unicorns in this area would undoubtedly emerge in the future.


In another session where exploring opportunities hidden in consumer businesses has also engaged many audiences, speakers focused on analyzing the global investment trends of Chinese consumer companies. ShineGlobal officially released the 'Report on Trends in Chinese Consumer Goods 2023' during this forum.


Wu Li, the Deputy Director of TF Securities Research Institute, viewed the 'going global' strategy as the second curve for Chinese companies to develop. "Some Chinese brands have tried to get new growth points for profitability by focusing on global markets, as the intense domestic market competition has squeezed the space for profit growth," Wu said.


Apart from these two topics, how Chinese companies build influence in ESG and collaborate with international bodies to improve ESG performance caught participants' eyes, too.


Bingbing Zhao, the Chief Representative of Greater China at London & Partners, stressed the importance of ESG implementation. "Chinese companies that eye global markets should foster insights into the social and business values that ESG has created, and the implementation should be based on the unity of knowledge and action," Zhao added.


It's estimated that over 1,000 people attended the offline event and over 100,000 audiences viewed live streams simultaneously.


ShineGlobal is a China-based content service provider and industry think tank founded in 2019. It mainly focuses on global market research and analysis, helping Chinese companies shape more insightful mindsets of exploration worldwide.

For any enquiries, please kindly contact [email protected]

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