Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery 

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

On the first and second days of the Chinese Lunar New Year in the Year of the Dragon, I, as president of the BLIA subchapter, despite a bit of inner conflict and conscience, abandoned the members who were making turnip cakes at the Hsi Lai Temple New Year's Fair in favor of driving alone to the Hsi Fang Temple in San Diego from Los Angeles, which takes two hours one way. I made the resolute decision to hit the road. 

I really wanted to go! I had to go! Thanks to the vice-president for arranging the turnip cake affairs properly, and only after confirming with the guiding venerable in my media group that she didn't need me as a volunteer, did I set off! 

What did I do at Hsi Fang Temple? Well, I simply went there to experience the festive atmosphere as a visitor. Did I do nothing? Of course not! On the second day of the Lunar New Year, after having breakfast with the venerable and the volunteers, I voluntarily did the dishes! Ha ha!

I visited the four special theme exhibitions at Hsi Fang Temple—Cloud & Water Dragon, Carefree Orchids, Auspicious Mala, and Joyful LEGO. I saw with my own eyes the dragon and LEGO that I had completed news reports on through remote interviews. It was truly marvelous! 

(Source:Hsi Fang Temple)

(Source:Hsi Fang Temple)

LEGO creator Eugene Chiang and his wife Christina Liu took time to show me around, treated me first for dessert and then for dinner. I was moved and wanted to shout, "I have friends in San Diego!" 

In the afternoon of the first day, I sat in the Main Shrine and read the work of Venerable Hsin Ting, "Chan and Wisdom." Despite the comings and goings in the hall, I still managed to concentrate and finished reading it with great reward! Before going to bed at night, I flipped through the volumes of "Contemporary Buddhism." Perhaps because I had too much fun during the day, I only read a little and soon fell asleep, but I gained a deeper understanding of the "Four Dharma Realms (Four Realms of Reality)." 

My first-time temple sleep-over and my first participation in the second-day Homage to the Thousand Buddhas Dharma service (although I was quite sleepy during the process) were dedicated to Hsi Fang Temple! 

Most unexpectedly, I received a "Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery"! 

After leaving some money in the donation box, I noticed that the people ahead of me were all taking the red envelopes placed to the side. I knew there were some blessed items inside, usually candies, keychains, or ornaments. Over time, I've accumulated quite a few of them and have recently given some away, so I wasn't particularly interested.  

But this time, inexplicably, I took one! 

When I arrived home, I unpacked the ornaments, candies, and a small bag of blessed rice from the red envelope. Sensing there might be something else, I retrieved a small card. One side featured a one-stroke calligraphy work by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of FGS, which read "Live with Awakenment to the Path." On the reverse side, it said "Humble Table, Wise Fare." However, to reveal its contents, one had to scratch it. It turned out to be a "Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery" indeed! "How marvelous!" I thought to myself. 

Scratch, scratch, scratch... When I uncovered the inscription "Using time well is treasuring life; seizing time is mastering life," I was on the brink of exclaiming aloud. It perfectly aligned with what I had been contemplating all along, even during the return journey while driving! 

(Source: A Wordsmith)

(Source: A Wordsmith)

I promptly shared my scratch lottery results with the venerable at Hsi Fang Temple. To my surprise, I had won a prize! She responded, "The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas understand you." 

I have aspirations related to time and life planning. Although I'm eager to put them into action, I feel a bit apprehensive and hesitant. The "Hsi Fang Scratch lottery" arrived at the perfect moment. I hope it has granted me the courage and confidence I seek! 

文字小工 的其他內容
Child, what is your name?  Although it's been two years, every time I recall this, it still brings a smile to my face.  I was volunteering at Fo Gua
雖然過了兩年,我每次想起這事情,還是會莞爾一笑。  我在佛光山西來寺當義工,某日吃午餐的時候,義工A聊起她11歲的兒子寫電郵給老師,送出後,朋友A發現兒子沒有在最後屬名,於是跟兒子說:「你要屬名您是誰啊!」  可愛的兒子立刻追加了一封電郵—  老師好!我是剛剛發電郵給您的某某某,我剛剛忘了屬名
I served as a video recording technician at FoGuang HuB (FGS North America Humanistic Buddhism Courses) fall semester of 2023.The course I was respons
Discussion on the concept of 'The Dharma is Just This Way' taught by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
孔子說他四十而不惑,我年過四十好幾歲,對人生還是有好多疑惑,例如為什麼每天我都在掃落髮,落髮都是黑髮,頭上日益增多的白髮卻如如不動?「三千煩惱絲」日漸稀疏不應是好事嗎?但這漸由青絲變白髮的過程,看來還是讓我煩惱,一想到此,我不禁笑了,「三千煩惱絲」果真名副其實。 有句話說「哀樂中年」,我想這是指人
Child, what is your name?  Although it's been two years, every time I recall this, it still brings a smile to my face.  I was volunteering at Fo Gua
雖然過了兩年,我每次想起這事情,還是會莞爾一笑。  我在佛光山西來寺當義工,某日吃午餐的時候,義工A聊起她11歲的兒子寫電郵給老師,送出後,朋友A發現兒子沒有在最後屬名,於是跟兒子說:「你要屬名您是誰啊!」  可愛的兒子立刻追加了一封電郵—  老師好!我是剛剛發電郵給您的某某某,我剛剛忘了屬名
I served as a video recording technician at FoGuang HuB (FGS North America Humanistic Buddhism Courses) fall semester of 2023.The course I was respons
Discussion on the concept of 'The Dharma is Just This Way' taught by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
孔子說他四十而不惑,我年過四十好幾歲,對人生還是有好多疑惑,例如為什麼每天我都在掃落髮,落髮都是黑髮,頭上日益增多的白髮卻如如不動?「三千煩惱絲」日漸稀疏不應是好事嗎?但這漸由青絲變白髮的過程,看來還是讓我煩惱,一想到此,我不禁笑了,「三千煩惱絲」果真名副其實。 有句話說「哀樂中年」,我想這是指人
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
之前分享過台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘在哥本哈根時裝周出現的幾場品牌服裝秀,而這回登場的是另一個服飾品牌Lovechild 1979。
繼The Garment 2024秋冬系列服裝秀伸展台,我們再次看到台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘走上服裝秀伸展台,這回是瑞典品牌J.Lindeberg。
江心靜 Hsinching 當代藝術沙龍 叛逆少女,超級文青,無法無天的藝術家。 叛逆,騎單車跑了全世界。文青,出了17本書。藝術,辦了11次個展。 沙龍關鍵字 : #旅行 #文學 #藝術 #讓天賦自由 #夢想
哥本哈根時裝周上再次看到熟悉臉孔,The Garment 2024秋冬系列服裝秀伸展台上看到的是台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘。
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《「謝銘峻 醫師 2022.7.30」》 # 杏仁酸是什麼? 杏仁酸(mandelic acid,MA)是一種含8個碳原子的果酸,分子量為152.14 g·mol−1,較常用的第一代果酸--甘醇酸小。由於其化學結構式類似抗生素,因此它可以抑制多種細菌的增生。 # 杏仁酸功效的過往研究 之前有研究證實
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
之前分享過台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘在哥本哈根時裝周出現的幾場品牌服裝秀,而這回登場的是另一個服飾品牌Lovechild 1979。
繼The Garment 2024秋冬系列服裝秀伸展台,我們再次看到台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘走上服裝秀伸展台,這回是瑞典品牌J.Lindeberg。
江心靜 Hsinching 當代藝術沙龍 叛逆少女,超級文青,無法無天的藝術家。 叛逆,騎單車跑了全世界。文青,出了17本書。藝術,辦了11次個展。 沙龍關鍵字 : #旅行 #文學 #藝術 #讓天賦自由 #夢想
哥本哈根時裝周上再次看到熟悉臉孔,The Garment 2024秋冬系列服裝秀伸展台上看到的是台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen陳湘。
2024年倫敦春夏時裝週進入尾聲時,小小驚喜看到台晚以倫敦活躍據點的台灣旅外模特兒Hsiang Chen 陳湘,本季出現在SRVC 2024春夏系列服裝秀伸展台。
  新竹輕軌駛入竹北生活圈,新竹縣府5月獲交通部補助1200萬、縣府投入1300萬,辦理新竹縣大眾捷運系統整體路網評估,及輕軌藍線的可行性研究,預計在2023年完成。   早在1989年提出的新竹輕軌,當時稱作「新竹都會區大眾捷運系統」,但於2001年改規畫為輕軌系統。2007年,新竹縣、新竹市、苗
With 10 years of experience, Chi-hsien Chen has candidly witnessed many people come and go in this industry, but he has remained determined to move fo
英國知名皮件品牌Mulberry 2023年春夏新品上架,其中新品型錄中有多位來自世界各地模特兒進行展演,其中包含來自台灣的Gia TANG 唐熒霜以及Hsiang Chen陳湘。
《「謝銘峻 醫師 2022.7.30」》 # 杏仁酸是什麼? 杏仁酸(mandelic acid,MA)是一種含8個碳原子的果酸,分子量為152.14 g·mol−1,較常用的第一代果酸--甘醇酸小。由於其化學結構式類似抗生素,因此它可以抑制多種細菌的增生。 # 杏仁酸功效的過往研究 之前有研究證實