Tavern Tales | Losing the Most Precious Thing

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A few weeks ago, I attended the Alpha course organized in collaboration with a Christian church at the University of Vancouver.

The main purpose of attending, of course, was for the free dinner, to meet new friends, and to immerse myself in an English-speaking environment.

After the dinner chat, the course would watch a video related to a topic. After the video, everyone would form a small circle to discuss based on the topic.

One of the topics discussed was "Have you ever lost something precious? What is that thing?" We determined the order of answers by spinning bottle.


Lost the most precious thing

My memories are sealed inside. And the feeling of amnesia.

A girl named Zhen sitting next to me was selected by the spin bottle.

She hooked her hair behind her ears with her hands and stared at the ground for three seconds.

With a deep breath and a painful tone, she said,

"I lost my previous phone."

Everyone made a sad sound for her.

She continued,

"The phone is not really missing, the phone is still there, but because of some operating reasons, it was locked. I took it to the Apple company, but they couldn't unlock it for me. Now the unlock time of it needs to take longer than my life to open."

"The most important thing is, I lost all the photos in my phone."

"I can't find all the photos from my five years of using my phone."

"Losing these photos, it's like I've lost the past five years."

A part of myself seems to have been lost in the locked phone.

In the era of advanced technology, our memories are preserved through photos, posts, videos, and chat records.

Earlier, the hassle of changing phones might be the main reason many people are hesitant to get a new one.

Because changing phones means that you might lose your LINE conversation records, and it may be difficult to transfer contacts, albums, etc. in your phone...

The same goes for changing computers.

For Zhen, it's sad that her phone can't be used, but losing the memories of time is a deeper pain.

Such pain is like losing memory.

Do you also use your phone to record your life? Have you ever regretted not documenting your life more in the past?
Or do you think these are all fleeting, and you don't need to preserve memories through these things?

Graduation Ceremony

My father is a photographer who loves to take pictures and has documented a lot of my life since I was young.

Of course, he wouldn't miss any of my graduation ceremonies.

Because each of my graduation ceremonies is a unique graduation ceremony in our lives.

I still remember my high school graduation ceremony.

Each class chose a theme for their outfits. Our class chose the theme of the Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service.

At the ceremony, although I wasn't any important role that day, just a graduate as ordinary as can be.

But I think in my parents' eyes, I was still shining.

They left many beautiful memories of the ceremony for me.

However, the afternoon of the next day after getting home.

I remember the golden sunlight fell in the living room through the small leaf olive tree.

My father rushed down the stairs from upstairs, the sound of his slippers hitting the stairs hard, the sound of running hurriedly, still etched in my memory.

"What to do?" He asked me standing at the corner of the stairs from the first to the second floor.

I looked up in the living room, full of confusion, and replied, "What's wrong?"

"I accidentally formatted the photos. All the photos are gone!"

We began to look up various articles on the Internet such as "What to do if photos are formatted".

With some clues, we took the memory card, my father rode our small motorcycle, and I sat in the back.

We went to the small town of Hukou, asking each communication shop one by one if they could fix it.

The whole town of Hukou couldn't find a shop that could solve our problem.

My father was very anxious and wanted to retrieve the memories of the special day stored in that memory card.

He was not reconciled. We went home, switched to a car, and drove to Hsinchu.

In the end, we found a shop specializing in memory card repair near the National Tsing Hua University.

I remember the corners of his eyes, as small as mine, were relaxed at the moment we found hope.

I don't know why my mother wasn't home that day.

I don't remember how much it cost to fix that memory.

I remember that we agreed not to tell my mother first that day.

It wasn't until several weeks later, when we got the repaired memory card back, that we confessed to our mother about this.

If you ask me what the expression of regaining a lost thing is, I think it was written in my father's eyes that day.



優琪去哪裡 的其他內容
前幾週去參加基督教會在溫哥華大學所合作舉辦的Alpha course。 去參加的主要目的當然是為了免費的晚餐,還有認識新朋友,強迫自己沈浸在英文的互動環境中。 在聊天的晚餐會之後,課程會看一個議題相關的影片,影片之後,大家圍成一個小圓圈,根據題目討論。 有一題討論到「是否曾經遺失過最珍
這是第一篇酒館小故事,所以簡單說明一下,事情發生的地點可能不一定是在酒館,可能是公車上、餐廳、派對⋯⋯,經由我小小的整理改編之後記錄下來的。 這一系列的文章,會記錄在加拿大與人的對談或聽到的故事分享,所以應該會是比較輕鬆隨意的風格。 泰迪在分享他們移民到加拿大的過程 泰迪是英國人,跟一個紐西
在溫哥華遇到的人都很健談,等公車可以聊一下,餐廳坐下來也可以閒聊。 每每遇到新朋友,大家都會問「為什麼溫哥華?」 Netflix有一部影集叫做「維琴河」,劇情雖然算不上特別精彩,但風景卻引人入勝。每次觀看的時候,都很喜歡欣賞裡面的風景。 希望自己可以像女主角一樣,放下身邊的東西,然後到一
在我開始分享我在加拿大生活的紀錄之後,最常被問的問題就是「要花多少錢呀?」「溫哥華是全世界最貴的城市耶!」 所以這篇文章就要來揭秘到底生活費有多貴勒!! 註:以下匯率以CA$乘以23.5換算成NT$。 到加拿大前的花費 從開始申請加拿大打工度假(以下均用簡稱:加打),就要開始花錢啦! 抽
一開始爬了很多的溫哥華交通介紹文,但是一直無法完全搞懂遊戲規則,所以多走了很多路,花了很多冤枉錢呀>< 在抵達溫哥華一週終於搞清楚在這裡定居該如何省錢啦!ㄎㄎ 本篇文章主要會介紹Sky train系統(類似台灣捷運、公車)相關的交通方式,自駕租車、城外交通則不在這篇裡討論,未來如果對於那兩個
認識一個城市,從認識這裡的人開始。 抵達溫哥華一個星期,恰巧天氣都很不錯,剛好錯開了前一週的-18度大雪。在這裡的住宿開銷甚大,因此不能關起門來只待在房間裡都不去探險囉,不然這樣怎麼對得起自己辛苦賺來的錢錢呢~你說對吧! 給自己一個小任務,帶著google map出門去買朋友推薦的咖啡
前幾週去參加基督教會在溫哥華大學所合作舉辦的Alpha course。 去參加的主要目的當然是為了免費的晚餐,還有認識新朋友,強迫自己沈浸在英文的互動環境中。 在聊天的晚餐會之後,課程會看一個議題相關的影片,影片之後,大家圍成一個小圓圈,根據題目討論。 有一題討論到「是否曾經遺失過最珍
這是第一篇酒館小故事,所以簡單說明一下,事情發生的地點可能不一定是在酒館,可能是公車上、餐廳、派對⋯⋯,經由我小小的整理改編之後記錄下來的。 這一系列的文章,會記錄在加拿大與人的對談或聽到的故事分享,所以應該會是比較輕鬆隨意的風格。 泰迪在分享他們移民到加拿大的過程 泰迪是英國人,跟一個紐西
在溫哥華遇到的人都很健談,等公車可以聊一下,餐廳坐下來也可以閒聊。 每每遇到新朋友,大家都會問「為什麼溫哥華?」 Netflix有一部影集叫做「維琴河」,劇情雖然算不上特別精彩,但風景卻引人入勝。每次觀看的時候,都很喜歡欣賞裡面的風景。 希望自己可以像女主角一樣,放下身邊的東西,然後到一
在我開始分享我在加拿大生活的紀錄之後,最常被問的問題就是「要花多少錢呀?」「溫哥華是全世界最貴的城市耶!」 所以這篇文章就要來揭秘到底生活費有多貴勒!! 註:以下匯率以CA$乘以23.5換算成NT$。 到加拿大前的花費 從開始申請加拿大打工度假(以下均用簡稱:加打),就要開始花錢啦! 抽
一開始爬了很多的溫哥華交通介紹文,但是一直無法完全搞懂遊戲規則,所以多走了很多路,花了很多冤枉錢呀>< 在抵達溫哥華一週終於搞清楚在這裡定居該如何省錢啦!ㄎㄎ 本篇文章主要會介紹Sky train系統(類似台灣捷運、公車)相關的交通方式,自駕租車、城外交通則不在這篇裡討論,未來如果對於那兩個
認識一個城市,從認識這裡的人開始。 抵達溫哥華一個星期,恰巧天氣都很不錯,剛好錯開了前一週的-18度大雪。在這裡的住宿開銷甚大,因此不能關起門來只待在房間裡都不去探險囉,不然這樣怎麼對得起自己辛苦賺來的錢錢呢~你說對吧! 給自己一個小任務,帶著google map出門去買朋友推薦的咖啡
Google News 追蹤
第一場想要互動性高一點,多方交流與討論,但人數又不能太多,否則太多意見會聊不完。 這場會著重於參與者的經驗分享,一樣會有基本的講座,只是內容會依現場狀況調整,盡量找有共鳴且能幫助大家的內容,期望每個人都能順利找到另一半!
今天就來分享吃飯,各位聽眾會覺得說還有吃飯就吃飯, 你有什麼好分享的部分呢,在大學裡面吃飯,可是說是一個很重大的活動, 之前有講過說台南是個美食之都市,每間大學附近都是小吃與美食街, 所以吃飯的文化是非常的重要的,他不僅只是讓肚子有東西可以轉而已, 還是未來社會交際的一部分,說了這麼多今天就
到了實體課程當天,一早就排滿了人,我很訝異原本說好只有500人的,最後是2000人,我們坐著很硬的折疊椅,人跟人肩碰肩的擠在一起,原本說好的實體瑜珈課,也因為場地限制而取消,VIP座位與核心團隊有特別顏色的手環做區別,虛榮感~ 我抱著瞭解葫蘆裡賣什麼藥,還有只要出席就不會虧損的心情來參加,第一天的
05/17/2015 多了一個   旅行團中掉東西是常見的,領隊多半都會耳提命面的提醒著。 講多了,總會有些效果的。 除了團員們會提高警覺外, 有時候,還會有意想不到的效果。   午餐時間,我在馬帖拉教堂廣場旁的小店,喝了瓶啤酒再配個義大利飯糰。 集合點就在旁邊教堂下的台階,時間將
自上次發文至今,快要一個月沒有發文章了,呵。 今天,我想來分享一下昨天晚上參加了某個社群平台舉辦的線上自媒體講座的一些感想。
第一場想要互動性高一點,多方交流與討論,但人數又不能太多,否則太多意見會聊不完。 這場會著重於參與者的經驗分享,一樣會有基本的講座,只是內容會依現場狀況調整,盡量找有共鳴且能幫助大家的內容,期望每個人都能順利找到另一半!
今天就來分享吃飯,各位聽眾會覺得說還有吃飯就吃飯, 你有什麼好分享的部分呢,在大學裡面吃飯,可是說是一個很重大的活動, 之前有講過說台南是個美食之都市,每間大學附近都是小吃與美食街, 所以吃飯的文化是非常的重要的,他不僅只是讓肚子有東西可以轉而已, 還是未來社會交際的一部分,說了這麼多今天就
到了實體課程當天,一早就排滿了人,我很訝異原本說好只有500人的,最後是2000人,我們坐著很硬的折疊椅,人跟人肩碰肩的擠在一起,原本說好的實體瑜珈課,也因為場地限制而取消,VIP座位與核心團隊有特別顏色的手環做區別,虛榮感~ 我抱著瞭解葫蘆裡賣什麼藥,還有只要出席就不會虧損的心情來參加,第一天的
05/17/2015 多了一個   旅行團中掉東西是常見的,領隊多半都會耳提命面的提醒著。 講多了,總會有些效果的。 除了團員們會提高警覺外, 有時候,還會有意想不到的效果。   午餐時間,我在馬帖拉教堂廣場旁的小店,喝了瓶啤酒再配個義大利飯糰。 集合點就在旁邊教堂下的台階,時間將
自上次發文至今,快要一個月沒有發文章了,呵。 今天,我想來分享一下昨天晚上參加了某個社群平台舉辦的線上自媒體講座的一些感想。