國會改革亂象第三者觀點  雲程 20240524

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國會改革亂象第三者觀點   雲程 20240524

My view as a third party on the chaos of Parliamentary Reform  HoonTing 20240524

The current chaos in Parliament is a "greeting" of a new political situation - both camps are filled with hawkish leaders, along with the addition of city councilors joining the legislative lineup. As a result, both camps have agitated their supporters, leading to a bigger spectacle - is this inevitable? Can it be cleaned up? It all comes down to "the party actors." Which one is benefiting from the mess? It cannot be assessed superficially.  目前國會的混亂局面是一個新政治局勢的「見面禮」 - 兩個陣營都充斥鷹派領導,加上市議員加入立法陣容。結果是,雙方都挑釁了支持者,以引發更大的場面 - 這是不可避免的嗎?能否收拾乾淨?一切都取決於「政黨行為者」。誰從這一團糟中獲利?不能表面化地評估。


Parliamentary reform is absolutely necessary - this is the negative legacy from Dr. Sun Yat-sen, late President Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Ching-kuo to Lee Teng-hui (no one is a saint). In this regard, the DPP has also offered proposals for the reform based on reasons of anti-constitutionality. However, after tasting "the power of governance", they have completely denied it.  國會改革是絕對必要的 - 這是從孫中山先生、已故蔣介石總統、蔣經國到李登輝的負面遺產(沒有人是聖人)。在這方面,民進黨也基於反違憲的理由提出了改革草案建議。然而,在嘗到「執政甜頭」後,DPP完全否認了。


The versions previously proposed by DPP legislators like Lin Chia-lung and Yu Mei-nu were not much different from the second reading version recently. The DPP cadres (especially the one nicknamed "吾酥咬") now do not acknowledge the versions that were presented in the past, and instead claim the "version is invalid," which is just the result of "discontinuity from the previous term" - how can the DPP deny their history and values when they were in the opposition?  之前由民進黨立委林佳龍和尤美女等人提出的版本,與最近的二讀版本差異不大。民進黨幹部(綽號為吾酥咬)現在也不承認過去存在過的版本,而稱「版本無效」,實際上只是「過屆不連續」的程序結果而已。民進黨如何能否認自己在野時的歷史和價值觀?


If the five branches of power are reduced to three, doesn't that essentially mean approaching constitutionalism? Doesn't it mean approaching the founding of a new nation? At least toward an autonomy that is moving further away from Communist China, and isn't this the traditional ideal of the DPP? Now the opportunity has arisen, but DPP is hesitating?  如果五權收縮為三權,這不就本質上意味著接近制憲主義嗎?不就意味著接近建立新國家?至少是一種遠離中共中國的自治,難道這不是民進黨的傳統理想嗎?現在機會來了,但民進黨卻在猶豫。


Power tends to corrupt and "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to be a truth. 權力往往會腐敗,而「絕對權力必然腐敗」似乎是真理。


Additionally, the statement issued by Eric Chu, the chairman of the mainland Kuomintang, is quite interesting. It is within the constitutional norms and also condemns the Chinese military exercises against Taiwan, which is different from the content presented in the mainstream media. It seems that there are internal struggles within the mainland Kuomintang not just within the TPP.  此外,大陸國民黨主席朱立倫發表的聲明也很有趣。它符合憲政框架,也譴責了中國對台灣的軍事演習,這與主流媒體報導的內容不同。看來,在大陸國民黨內部也存在內部鬥爭,而不僅僅是在民眾黨TPP內而已。


After KMT’s party whip Fu Kun-chi's visit to China, he staged this parliamentary reform drama - it was over-done, and everyone questioned why so rush? So Fu’s being "smeared red" is just a natural consequence.  大陸國民黨黨鞭傅錕萁訪問中國後,他主導這場國會改革鬧劇 - 做得過火了。大家都疑問為什麼如此急迫?所以傅被「抹紅」只是自然結果。


The US Secretary Blinken warned Chinese Communist not to cause any trouble before May 20th, the day Lai Ching-te was sworn in as President. Three days after that, Beijing made its "military exercise statement" - it is the result of "tacit agreement between the US and China." It also represents: the crisis can be managed!  美國國務卿布林肯警告中共在5月20日之前不要製造任何麻煩,這是賴清德就任總統的日子。三天後,北京發表了它的「演習聲明」 - 這是「美中兩國默契」的結果。它也意味著:危機可以控制!


The new Defense Minister Koo, Li-Hsiung did not "go into the cave," a nick name of the Republic of China Armed Forces Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC), but instead entered the new established "Crisis Response Center" of the Ministry of National Defense - a new and interesting phenomenon!  新任國防部長顧立雄沒有「進洞」(中華民國國軍聯合作戰指揮中心的暱稱),而是進入了國防部新成立的「危機應變中心」 - 這是一個新穎有趣的現象!


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