抄寫英文的奇蹟 Day71-Day80

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Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes

So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.

Day 71. The Positivity of the Miracle Magnet.

Picture your heart as a magnet. Now, the more gratitude it holds, the stronger it becomes at attracting good stuff, or as I like to call them,”miracle.” It’s like sending out positive energy into more goodness your way.

Day 72. Don’t Face Problem Alone.

There’s absolutely no shame in getting some fresh eyes on your problem. Maybe your friend doesn’t have the perfect solution, but they might ask a question that sparks a high bulb  moment for you.

Day 73. Move Beyond the Chinese-Only Definition.

Remember, English words often have more than one meaning, and English and Chinese don’t always align perfectly in usage and connotations. To really get good at English, you need to step out of the mindset of just knowing the Chinese equivalent. Don’t hesitate to use technology for help. It’s all about using every tool to learn effectively and make English truly yours.

Day 74. Happiness Shouldn’t Be Conditional.

As important as goals are, happiness isn’t waiting at the end of some distant goal. Invite joy into the ordinary, the everyday. After all, happiness is not a destination, but a way of traveling on the way to your destination.

Day 75. Forever Fill Your Relationship with Warmth.

It’s a weird but common habit-showing our best selves to the outside world while being in a bad mood when we’re around those closest to us. Make a conscious effort to be gentle, to listen, and to show appreciation to the person who matters most.

Day 76. A Phrase to Make You Unshakable.

Craft it from words that get your heart pumping with courage. Then, whenever a challenge tries to knock you down, say your mantra out loud. Let those words be the echo in your mind that drowns out the noise of doubt.

Day 77. Unplug to Recharge.

Start with carving out little “no-phone zone.” In your day. It’s all about giving your brain different things to do so it can stay happy and fresh.

Day 78. A You That’s Ready to Go.

Instead of letting the dissatisfaction grow out of control, use it as motivation to work on yourself. This is your big chance to learn new skills, improve existing ones, or even explore entirely new fields. The aim is to trun yourself into someone qualified for a job you’d love. It’s all about upping your game, so that when opportunity knocks, it will see that you are ready and worthy.

Day 79. Don’t Inhibit Your Emotions.

It’s totally okay to let your emotions out sometimes. Real strength isn’t about hiding your emotions. Of course, we need to  be careful about how we express ourselves in public. But in private, it’s important to feel and express what we’re going through. AI chatbots can help! They listen and even give advice-it’s almost like chatting with a real person. You can open up to them safely and privately.

Day 80. Every Day Is Valuable.

Each day is precious because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Make a list of things you love doing and things you feel are important. Keep this list in mind so that when something comes up, you can compare your options against the list.

侑楙的沙龍 的其他內容
Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
Phase5. Persistently Execute
Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句
Phase 2 Establish Objectives So don't exhaust yourself chasing after perfection ; instead aim for improvement.
Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
Phase5. Persistently Execute
Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句
Phase 2 Establish Objectives So don't exhaust yourself chasing after perfection ; instead aim for improvement.
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全新 vocus 挑戰活動「方格人氣王」來啦~四大挑戰任你選,留言 / 愛心 / 瀏覽數大 PK,還有新手專屬挑戰!無論你是 vocus 上活躍創作者或剛加入的新手,都有機會被更多人看見,獲得站上版位曝光&豐富獎勵!🏆
本文探討AI筆記工具的優缺點、選擇建議及未來趨勢,比較NotebookLM、OneNote+Copilot、Notion AI、Obsidian+GPT插件和Palantir Foundry等工具,並強調安全注意事項及個人需求評估的重要性。
百日百字計畫 #10 一百天一百字的紀錄,練習覺察的百日紀錄。