每日英語 #166: Changing Marriage Trends

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Changing Marriage Trends in the United States 美國婚姻趨勢的變化

Fifty years ago in the United States, it was common for young people to marry when they graduated from high school or soon after finishing college. In the past 20 years, however, both men and women have waited until they are older before getting married.


One of the reasons for this change is that more women are now working in full-time jobs. These women are interested in waiting longer before getting married and having children. Many men and women do not marry until their late 20s and early 30s, especially those who go to college.


Traditionally, it is the man who proposes to or asks a woman to marry him. This is still probably true for most people in the United States. It was also common many years ago for a man to ask “permission” to marry a woman from her father or parents. This is not very common anymore, however.



  • 1. propose /prəˈpoʊz/ 求婚
  • 2. permission /pərˈmɪʃən/ 許可
  • 3. full-time jobs /fʊl taɪm ʤɒbz/ 全職工作
  • 4. late 20s and early 30s 晚二十歲到三十歲出頭
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