Flower of Glow

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The once-a-decade flower fair competition is about to start. All flower hunters are trying their best to find the most beautiful flower in the whole universe. Aurora had always been called a genius due to her photographic memory and meticulous observation, so everyone had big expectations of her. She did not disappoint others' expectations. She planned to find the legendary flower – Flower of Glow- at the Black Hole gate to participate in the competition. 

“You shouldn’t set such a high goal for yourself, you won’t find it.” Aurora’s mom says.

“Of course I will, I’m always the best, and this is the only way I can win.” Aurora stood still before her mom and looked at her, full of firmness.

She shakes her head and  walks to the kitchen then says, “If that’s what you want, then go, and be safe.”

Aurora took her backpack and opened the door. “Don’t worry Mom, I’ll bring your back the trophy.”

Aurora walks out of the door and heads on her way to Astro Canyon. Climbing on the cliff edge, she can feel the strong wind blowing through her skin, slapping her hard again and again as if it was going to blow her down. Aurora had to grit her teeth and tense up her body to prevent herself from falling. She spent hours climbing, till the end, she was holding by her insistence not to fall. She used her last strength to pull her up and now she could finally release her stress a little and lie down. 

Aurora sits up and looks around and sees something she has never seen before. Some trees are Star-Net. It’s structured like a spider web that spreads out from the center point and goes all the way to the top. Huge planets floating around the nets that are the size of a soccer ball. Aurora wanted to explore more, but she had no time to waste. She stands up and shakes off the dirt. She moves forward and feels that something is following her, but every time she looks back, it disappears. She didn’t care about it and decided to move faster. Finally, she stands in front of the Milky Way river. The color is beautiful, the silver base mixes with the combination of the river. The looming waves make the river look very calm, and the clear surface also makes it look shallow. But Aurora didn't relax her vigilance. She grabs a rock from the side and throws it down, it immediately vanishes without a sound. Aurora can’t even see it landing, which means this river is very deep.

She looks around and sees if there’s anything she can use to pass. She puts her attention to the floating plants and has an idea. She walks to the side of one of the Star-Nets and tries to jump up and grab the planets, but they are too high and keep floating around. She stood hunched under the tree, trying to think of something else. At this time, a fox flies out from another tree to Aurora and says to her. 

“I could help you if you needed.”

Aurora was shocked by it, but soon faced back and walked to the other side. “I wouldn’t need anyone’s help.” She says.

The fox stays there and watches.

The sky started to get dark, and millions of microorganisms started to climb out. Aurora is shocked and scared, she never met anything like this. At this time, the fox floated out again and said, “I can help you if you want, there's no microorganism on the other side of the Canyon.”

Even though she was very scared, Aurora still insisted on going there by herself. She had never needed help before and was unwilling to put down her pride and ask for help. Aurora kept looking around and pacing in a hurry, trying to find high ground where she could hide. She walks toward the river closer and closer, and when she almost steps in, the fox flies to her and carries her to the other side. Aurora kneels on the ground and breathes heavily, glad that she wasn’t swallowed by the microorganism wave.

Aurora turned her head to the fox and answered with a short breath. “Thank you, uh…”

“Sirius, my name is Sirius. ”

“Thank you, Sirius. You’re right, I do need help after all.” Aurora stood up and looked at the path in front of her. “I should keep on going. Do you know how I can get to the Blackhole gate? You’ve lived here for a long time and this really matters a lot to me.”

Sirius showed a smile, “Of course, glad you asked.”

Aurora and Sirius head on their way to the Black Hole gate. Soon they go to the top of the Canyon. Sirius wiggles its tail and some sparkling powder spreads out of it. The gate soon appeared.

“Wow.” Aurora marveled. The gate to the black hole is a black whirlpool, which seems to be forbidden to move, but it actually flows inside.

“Let’s go inside.” Sirius floats inside and its body soon disappears. Aurora follows up.

After a spin, everything finally calmed down. After Aurora stood firmly, she found herself in a black space with stars around her. Everything seemed to have no boundaries or sides. Sirius floats beside her and says, “Are you ready, the test is about to begin.”

 Going through this trip had made Aurora grow a lot, she answered calmly and looked at Sirius. “Never been more.”

“Welcome.” The fairy says. She’s the guardian fairy of the Black Hole gate, controlling all the tests for people who want to get the Flower of Glow. Sirius and Aurora both look up at their heads and stare at the fairy. They were so shocked by her appearance that they lost their words. She could not even just be described as beautiful. She has huge, light blue wings that are thin like paper. Looking at the sky through it feels like she’s carrying the whole universe on her wings and shoulders. Her hair is bright, warm yellow, naturally resting on her neck and shoulders. Even her dress seems to not have any weight on it, swinging gently around.

“It’s an honor to meet you," both Sirius and Aurora say.

“We’ll begin the test. I’ll give you two riddles, you’ll have to answer all of them in order to earn the Flower of Glow, and if you miss any of them. You’ll get thrown into the vortex immediately. Are you sure you want to conduct this test?”

Aurora and Sirius look at each other, they see trust and firmness inside their eyes. They stood together and answered, “Yes.”

“The first riddle. I’m the time between daylight and darkness when blood drinkers like to come out. What am I?”

This one was easy for Aurora, she answered quickly, “Twilight.” 

“Correct. The second riddle. Pronounced as one letter, and written with three, two letters there are, and two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m black blue, and gray, I’m read from both ends, and the same either way. What am I?”

This one got complicated and Aurora could answer it.

“Read from both ends…. Same either way… That means the letter repeats! Three letters?” Sirius thinks through their mind, trying to search for a vocabulary that applies both rules. Suddenly it looks at Aurora and the fairy’s eyes and says, “I know! The answer is yes. Both are at the end and read as the sound “e”.”

“And can be Black blue, and gray. Sirius you got it!” Aurora did a hand punch with Sirius and waited for the last one.

“Correct. The last riddle. Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me when I have flown. What am I?”

Aurora and Sirius were silent, trying to figure out the answer. If they answer this incorrectly, all their efforts and time… “Wait!” Aurora thought inside her heart. Time wasn’t an idea until Sundial, and if it passes, then it never comes back, so the answer is, “The answer is time!”

They wait with bated breath for the final verdict. Finally, the fairy nodded her head and said, “Correct, you’ve earned the Flower of Glow.” She opened her palms, and a flower emerged with golden light. In an instant, the entire space was illuminated by light and warmth. It floats into Aurora’s backpack. 

Aurora and Sirius looked at the flower and smiled, “It’s time to go home.”

Sirius starts to cry, it’s happy for Aurora living her dream, but it really doesn't want to be alone anymore. It asked with a trembling voice, “Can I go with you?”

“Of course, let’s go home.” Aurora holds hands with Sirius.

“I’ll send you home. People are waiting for your victory.”

The fairy waved her hands, and white light flashed. They went home with something more important than victory.


內含負能量,很無厘頭,介意的別看 「我怎麼就因為這種小事而哭呢⋯⋯」
內含負能量,很無厘頭,介意的別看 「我怎麼就因為這種小事而哭呢⋯⋯」
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開心農場有不認識的花,乳白色漏斗狀垂掛而下,好奇拍照,查詢,是月桃。 久仰其名,百聞不如一見,曾經和同學阿枝約定去她家看月桃花。 後來,班上出了問題,人人自危,這個約定暫時擱置,然後,遺忘了。 十三、四歲的我們還不懂花開有時,人與人之間的緣份也是時數的, 我們都覺得可以輕易立下誓言,因為還不
夢見我在學校參與一個專案,我是指導教授。我鼓勵學生,盡量發揮你的創造力及想像力,來寫故事,並且參加比賽。 然後我想舉個例子,眼前正好有一朵花,我就說這一朵花,它可能不是一朵正常的花,而是敵人派來偵察敵情用。 當我正在講的時候,那一朵花真的不見了。我問同學:「有人可以幫我找到那朵花嗎?」 突然這
說到不怕熱不怕冷,一年開花300天的多年生草本花卉,美女櫻(Glandularia)可算是最好的選擇。 美女櫻開花非常好看,而且花量巨大,地栽可匍匐生長,開成一片,也可盆栽,非常容易爆盆,就算是新手,也完全不用擔心養不好,因為非常好養,是一款回報率很高的花。
開心農場有不認識的花,乳白色漏斗狀垂掛而下,好奇拍照,查詢,是月桃。 久仰其名,百聞不如一見,曾經和同學阿枝約定去她家看月桃花。 後來,班上出了問題,人人自危,這個約定暫時擱置,然後,遺忘了。 十三、四歲的我們還不懂花開有時,人與人之間的緣份也是時數的, 我們都覺得可以輕易立下誓言,因為還不
夢見我在學校參與一個專案,我是指導教授。我鼓勵學生,盡量發揮你的創造力及想像力,來寫故事,並且參加比賽。 然後我想舉個例子,眼前正好有一朵花,我就說這一朵花,它可能不是一朵正常的花,而是敵人派來偵察敵情用。 當我正在講的時候,那一朵花真的不見了。我問同學:「有人可以幫我找到那朵花嗎?」 突然這
說到不怕熱不怕冷,一年開花300天的多年生草本花卉,美女櫻(Glandularia)可算是最好的選擇。 美女櫻開花非常好看,而且花量巨大,地栽可匍匐生長,開成一片,也可盆栽,非常容易爆盆,就算是新手,也完全不用擔心養不好,因為非常好養,是一款回報率很高的花。