今後的世界,並不是以武力統治,而是以創意支配。 The world of the future will not be ruled by force but will be governed by creativity.我想一個人的尊嚴,並不在於他能賺多少錢,或獲得了什麼社會地位,而在於能不能發揮他的專長,過有意義的生活。
I believe a person's dignity does not lie in how much money they can earn or what social status they achieve, but in whether they can use their talents to lead a meaningful life.
A hundred people cannot all do the same thing; each has their own way of life. Though different, living by one’s talents and strengths, finding joy in it, sharing it with society, and understanding one’s value through contribution are widely held aspirations today.
Running a business is the result of numerous components working together; one wrong idea can lead to complete failure.
We retain top talent in business and let the second-tier talent move into politics.
Regardless of others' ridicule, if you persevere quietly to the end, it will eventually bring admiration.
In exceptional times, exceptional thoughts and actions are necessary—do not be swayed by external values.
In addition to knowledge and integrity, managers must fully commit themselves and constantly reflect to grasp the essence of management, which ultimately brings about fruitful results.
A constantly active mind not only makes plans more thorough, but also inspires others to join in with full cooperation.
Seize every moment and opportunity to serve customers with humility and courtesy.
Attracting talent is not about offering high salaries but about the corporate image an enterprise establishes. Look for sincerity and a willingness to work hard in candidates; experience is not always necessary. Companies should recruit suitable talent—over-qualification may not always be beneficial.
We don't need to envy others' talents or lament our own mediocrity; the most important thing is to recognize and develop our own unique qualities.
資料來源 : Panasonic Group、Wiki