the putter is held in the fingers - 6 finger + 2 thumbs grip, with pressure point on both thumbs and the right forefinger set “as in triggering a gun” (hook or like a ? position, wrapped around grip, slight space from second finger), the left forefinger is reverse overlap and the right pinky is overlapped like Vardon-style, the back of left hand and palm or right
> hands/wrists and maybe a little forearms (“elbows down”); only used a little upper arms and shoulders on longer putts (usually 30 ft or more) / slower greens requiring more speed / distance
“left hand is rudder, right hand is drive shaft”
stroke tempo is anything but fast
more weight is on left heel, weight is on left heel, no body or head movement during stroke
one (or more) practice stroke, set up to ball and go / stroke
> hand are facing target line
find comfortable length to place your hands on grip
arms hang naturally down, elbows stay close to body
slightly open stance, shoulder width (distance = outside of shoes, not between / inside)
one ball position, hands slightly ahead of ball to hit slightly down at impact (not on the upstroke)
his stroke was “wristy but not flippy” and movement was from hands/wrists and maybe a little forearms ("elbows down"); only used a little upper arms and shoulders on longer putts (usually 30 ft or more) / slower greens requiring more speed / distance
- "left hand is rudder, right hand is drive shaft"
stroke tempo is anything but fast
- more weight is on left heel, no body or head movement during stroke
one (or more) practice stroke, set up to ball and go / stroke
> 以下是 George Low 的推桿方法/揮桿方法的簡要說明 - “swinging door” (適用於右撇子) ...
推桿用指頭握住 - 6 個指頭 + 2 個拇指握法,雙拇指施壓,右食指位置像“扣動槍機” (像一個勾或?的位置,包覆住握柄,和第二指有一點距離),左食指採用反疊握,右小指像 Vardon 式重疊,左手背和右手掌
> 手腕/手掌和可能一點前臂(“肘部向下”);長推桿(通常 30 英尺或更長)時僅使用少量上臂和肩膀/較慢的果嶺需要更高的速度/距離
> 雙手面向目標線
他的揮桿是“有點腕力但不太軟”,來自手/手腕的動作,也許還有一點前臂(「手肘向下」);僅在較長的推桿(通常 30 英尺或更長)/較慢的果嶺上需要更多的速度/距離時使用一點上臂和肩膀
- “左手是方向舵,右手是傳動軸”
- 左腳跟承受更多重量,划水期間身體或頭部沒有移動n