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Democratisation of Architectural Knowledge: The Path to Digital Transformation in Taiwan's Construction Industry


Part One: Original Excerpt, by Agustina Iñiguez, Arch Daily

第一部分:原文摘錄,由 Agustina Iñiguez 撰寫,發表於 Arch Daily

The Role of Digital Technologies in Modern Construction: Insights into BAU 2025

數位科技在現代建築中的角色:對 BAU 2025 的洞察

The discourse on digital technology in modern construction reveals that it has become an integral thread woven through the very fabric of the industry.


In the push toward the Building Industry Agenda 2025 (BAU 2025), digital tools no longer serve as mere accessories but as pivotal agents of transformation, reshaping the methods by which architects, engineers, and contractors conceive and realize structures.

在邁向 2025 年建築產業議程 (BAU 2025) 的推動過程中,數位工具不再僅是附屬品,而是成為改變的關鍵力量,重塑了建築師、工程師和承包商構思及實現結構的方式。

The article insightfully maps out how Building Information Modeling (BIM), augmented reality, and data analytics are not just trends but essential frameworks in this brave new world.


These technologies foster a more collaborative design environment, breaking down silos and encouraging an exchange of ideas across disciplines.


The adoption of BIM, in particular, signifies a philosophical shift where virtual models become the lifeblood of projects, allowing for a more integrated approach from conception through to construction and beyond.

特別是 BIM 的採用,標誌著一種哲學上的轉變,虛擬模型成為專案的生命線,允許從構思到施工乃至其後階段採取更統整的方法。

This marks a departure from fragmented processes to a harmonious workflow driven by a shared digital vision. By highlighting real-world applications, the article underscores that digital tools streamline processes and enhance decision-making.


For instance, the integration of sensor data within buildings supports a feedback loop in which performance metrics inform both operational adjustments and future design choices.


This careful balance between technical possibility and practical implementation suggests that while the potential is vast, the path forward requires thoughtful change management and an understanding of the human factors at play.


The narrative emphasizes that the transition isn’t solely about adopting new gadgets but about evolving the industry's mindset to embrace continuous innovation.


Sustainability, another cornerstone of BAU 2025, emerges as a recurrent theme. Digital technologies offer new vistas for sustainable design by simulating environmental impacts and optimizing material usage.

永續性作為 BAU 2025 的另一基石,成為反覆出現的主題。數位科技透過模擬環境影響和優化材料使用,為可持續設計提供了新的視野。

The ability to model energy flows and resource consumption in a virtual environment allows architects to predict and mitigate negative impacts before physical construction begins.


This capability is instrumental in achieving long-term environmental goals and improving the lifecycle performance of buildings.


The integration of sustainability into digital frameworks is not an afterthought but a central pillar, emphasizing that technology should serve as a tool for better stewardship of our environment.


Furthermore, the piece touches on the democratization of construction knowledge through digital platforms. Sharing best practices and lessons learned becomes more seamless in an interconnected digital age.


This open exchange not only raises the collective competency of the industry but also accelerates innovation, as architects and builders draw from a wider array of experiences and insights.


The narrative suggests that by opening up access to information, smaller firms and emerging talents can participate on a more level playing field, injecting fresh ideas and fostering diversity in design thinking.


Yet, with all its promise, the transition to a fully digital construction environment is not without its challenges. There is a clear need for education and training to keep pace with rapidly evolving tools.


The industry must invest in upskilling its workforce and developing new frameworks for collaboration that embrace rather than resist change.


The importance of leadership and vision in guiding the sector through these transformations comes to the forefront; technological advancement must be accompanied by a shift in mindset.


The commentary highlights that change management is as crucial as technological adoption, advocating for strategic planning, supportive policies, and an inclusive approach that brings all stakeholders on board.


Moreover, the growing reliance on digital infrastructure raises questions of data security, privacy, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence in design and construction processes.


These concerns necessitate the development of robust guidelines and standards to ensure that technological benefits do not come at the expense of safety and integrity.


The dialogue points out that as the construction industry embraces these digital tools, it must also engage with regulators, educators, and technologists to create a resilient ecosystem that can withstand potential disruptions and adapt to future needs.


In essence, the core message distilled from the article is that digital technologies are not merely instruments but enablers of a more efficient, sustainable, and collaborative future in construction.


The journey to BAU 2025 is as much about embracing new ways of thinking as it is about adopting new tools. The industry stands on the cusp of a digital renaissance, one that promises to redefine how we build and live.

邁向 BAU 2025 的旅程,不僅僅在於採用新工具,更在於擁抱新的思維方式。產業正站在數位文藝復興的門檻上,這一浪潮有望重新定義我們的建造與生活方式。

This transformation requires clear intent, thoughtful strategy, and an openness to continuous learning.


By focusing on these principles, the construction sector can harness digital advancements to create smarter, greener, and more resilient built environments for future generations.


Part Two: Our Viewpoint


Democratisation of Architectural Knowledge: The Path to Digital Transformation in Taiwan's Construction Industry


The digital revolution has markedly shifted the paradigms of modern construction across the globe.


Central to this transformation is the concept of “democratisation of architectural knowledge,” wherein access to cutting-edge digital tools and best practices is no longer confined to a select few but is being opened up to a wider audience.


The global momentum towards this democratisation is evident in diverse regions, where architects, engineers, and builders leverage Building Information Modeling (BIM), augmented reality (AR), and data analytics to foster more collaborative, transparent, and efficient construction processes.


This exploration will delve into the current state of architectural knowledge democratisation worldwide, followed by an in-depth examination of how Taiwan’s construction industry is harnessing these digital technologies.


In doing so, we will highlight the specific applications and challenges related to BIM, AR, and data analytics in Taiwan, culminating in a discussion on the obstacles and strategies for realising the democratisation of architectural knowledge within the Taiwanese context.

在此過程中,我們將強調台灣在 BIM、AR 和數據分析方面的具體應用與挑戰,最終討論在台灣實現建築知識民主化的障礙與策略。

Global Perspectives on the Democratisation of Architectural Knowledge


The democratisation of architectural knowledge refers to the widespread accessibility of design information, research findings, and construction methodologies. This paradigm shift is powered by digital technologies, which have dismantled traditional barriers to information.


Online platforms, open-source software, and collaborative forums allow practitioners and students alike to share ideas, access tutorials, and learn from global case studies.


Globally, initiatives such as open BIM standards, virtual reality walkthroughs, and collaborative project management systems have fostered a more inclusive environment.

在全球範圍內,像是開放式 BIM 標準、虛擬實境漫遊和協作專案管理系統等舉措,促進了更具包容性的環境。

This movement not only empowers smaller firms to compete with larger players but also encourages community involvement in design decisions.


In Europe, the adoption of BIM mandates for public projects has ensured that even small architectural practices contribute to and benefit from shared datasets.

在歐洲,公共專案採用 BIM 強制規定確保即使是小型建築實踐也能貢獻並受惠於共享數據庫。

In North America and Asia, numerous platforms exist where professionals share best practices, iterate on design issues, and collectively solve problems, bolstering the collective intelligence of the industry.


A nuanced understanding of these trends underscores a shift in architectural culture: knowledge is no longer hoarded but distributed, leading to more sustainable, innovative, and community-focused designs.


This democratization is not without its challenges, however, as it requires a fundamental shift in mentality, investment in training, and the creation of robust digital infrastructures to support seamless information exchange.


Taiwan’s Adoption of Digital Technologies in Construction


Taiwan’s architectural and construction industry, much like its counterparts globally, is at a critical juncture where digital technologies are redefining conventional practices.


While Taiwan has shown commendable progress in technological adoption, there remain unique challenges that shape the landscape of BIM, augmented reality, and data analytics in the region.

雖然台灣在技術採用上取得了令人讚賞的進展,但在 BIM、擴增實境及數據分析的應用上仍有獨特的挑戰影響著這一領域的發展。

Building Information Modeling (BIM):

建築資訊模型 (BIM):

BIM has been touted as a foundational tool for modern construction, offering a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building.

BIM 被譽為現代建築的基石工具,它提供了建築物物理與功能特性的數位化表現。

In Taiwan, BIM adoption has steadily increased, particularly among larger firms engaged in complex projects.

在台灣,BIM 的應用持續增加,尤其是在從事複雜專案的大型公司中。

These digital models facilitate better coordination among architects, engineers (such as structural and MEP), and contractors, leading to more efficient project management and reduced errors during construction.


Taiwanese firms are increasingly recognising the value of BIM for lifecycle management, energy efficiency analysis, and maintenance planning. However, the industry faces several challenges in fully integrating BIM.

台灣的公司越來越認識到 BIM 在全生命週期管理、能源效率分析和維護規劃上的價值。然而,產業在全面整合 BIM 上面臨著若干挑戰。

Standardisation remains an issue; although global BIM standards exist, local adaptation and consistent application across small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been slow.

標準化依然是一個問題;儘管存在全球 BIM 標準,但在中小企業間的在地化適應與一致應用進展緩慢。

Furthermore, the learning curve associated with BIM software and the initial investment costs deter some smaller firms from adopting the technology comprehensively.

此外,與 BIM 軟體相關的學習曲線和初期投資成本也使得一些小型公司猶豫不決,無法全面採用這項技術。

Augmented Reality (AR):

擴增實境 (AR):

Augmented reality offers the ability to overlay digital information onto the physical world, enhancing visualization and on-site decision-making. In Taiwan, AR applications are emerging in areas such as construction training, safety management, and client engagement.

擴增實境能將數位資訊疊加於現實世界之上,提升視覺化效果及現場決策能力。在台灣,AR 應用正出現在建築培訓、安全管理及客戶互動等領域。

For instance, some progressive firms are using AR to project a digital construction model onto a site to identify potential spatial conflicts or to guide workers through complex assembly tasks.

例如,一些前瞻性的公司使用 AR 將數位建築模型投射到工地上,以識別潛在的空間衝突或引導工人完成複雜的組裝任務。

Despite its promising potential, AR in Taiwan is still in nascent stages. The high cost of AR hardware, the need for specialised skill sets, and the requirement for robust internet connectivity in construction sites pose significant barriers.

儘管前景可期,但 AR 在台灣仍處於初期階段。AR 硬體的高成本、對專業技能的需求,以及工地上對穩定網路連接的要求,都是重大障礙。

Moreover, cultural adoption of AR tools may be slow due to traditional mindsets and resistance to change within certain segments of the industry.

此外,由於傳統思維與部分產業群體對變革的抵觸,文化上對 AR 工具的接受度可能會較慢。

Data Analytics:


Data analytics in construction involves the systematic analysis of data collected from various sources, such as sensors embedded in buildings, project management software, and client feedback.


In Taiwan, data-driven decision-making is gaining traction as firms seek to optimise resource utilisation, improve safety, and enhance project outcomes.


Taiwanese construction projects increasingly utilise IoT sensors to monitor structural health, energy consumption, and environmental conditions. The collected data informs maintenance schedules, energy conservation measures, and predictive maintenance strategies.


However, the challenge lies in data integration and interpretation; many firms struggle to consolidate data from disparate sources into coherent insights that drive actionable outcomes.


Additionally, data privacy regulations and concerns about cybersecurity add layers of complexity to the adoption of comprehensive data analytics solutions.


Challenges and Pathways for the Democratisation of Architectural Knowledge in Taiwan


The democratisation of architectural knowledge in Taiwan faces several obstacles, primarily due to the varied adoption rates of digital technologies among stakeholders and the fragmented nature of the construction industry.


The following points elucidate the primary challenges and propose pathways to overcome them:


Educational and Skills Gap:


A significant barrier to fully realising the democratisation of architectural knowledge is the skills gap in digital competencies. While universities in Taiwan offer programmes in architecture and civil engineering, the integration of advanced digital tools into curricula is uneven.


Many practitioners, particularly those from older generations, may lack the digital literacy required to leverage BIM, AR, and data analytics effectively.

許多從業者,尤其是年長者,可能缺乏有效利用 BIM、AR 和數據分析所需的數位素養。

To address this gap, a concerted effort is needed from educational institutions, industry associations, and government bodies to update curricula, offer continuous professional development courses, and create certification programmes in digital construction technologies.


Hands-on training workshops and partnership programmes with technology providers can also accelerate skill acquisition among professionals.


Fragmented Industry Structure:


Taiwan’s construction industry is characterised by a mix of large conglomerates and numerous SMEs, often with varying degrees of technological adoption. The fragmentation can hinder the standardisation of digital practices and impede widespread information sharing.


Larger firms may have the resources to implement state-of-the-art digital solutions, but smaller firms might lag, creating a digital divide within the industry.


Industry associations and government agencies can play a pivotal role in bridging this divide by promoting collaborative platforms where best practices and digital resources are shared freely.


Subsidies or tax incentives for SMEs to invest in digital technologies could encourage more widespread adoption.


Furthermore, fostering networks or consortiums of small firms could allow them to pool resources for digital transformation efforts, thus achieving economies of scale in training and implementation.


Data Sharing and Privacy Concerns:


While the democratisation of architectural knowledge thrives on openness and sharing, there are legitimate concerns regarding data privacy and intellectual property.


Taiwanese firms may be reluctant to share proprietary design data or construction methodologies due to competitive pressures and fears of losing a market edge.


Establishing secure, standardized protocols for data sharing, supported by robust legal frameworks, can mitigate these concerns.


Creating platforms where anonymised or non-sensitive data can be shared without compromising competitive advantage will further the cause of knowledge democratisation.


Additionally, developing industry-wide standards for data security and ethical use can build trust among stakeholders, encouraging more open exchange of ideas and information.


Government and Regulatory Support:


Support from the government can greatly accelerate the democratisation of architectural knowledge. By setting clear policies and providing funding for digital initiatives, the government of Taiwan can stimulate investment in technology and education.


Regulations that mandate the use of BIM for public projects, for example, can ensure a baseline of digital competency across the sector, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

例如,規定公共專案必須使用 BIM 的法規可以確保全產業的數位基本能力,進而培養永續學習和創新的文化。

Moreover, partnerships between government agencies, academic institutions, and industry leaders can establish innovation hubs where research in digital construction technologies is conducted.


These hubs can serve as incubators for new ideas, pilot projects, and training programmes, driving the adoption of best practices and advanced tools throughout the industry.


Cultivating a Culture of Collaboration:


At the heart of democratising architectural knowledge is the development of a collaborative culture that values sharing over hoarding.


Taiwanese firms can benefit from a mindset that recognises the collective advancement of the industry as more important than individual proprietary successes.


Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration—between architects, engineers, IT professionals, and construction workers—ensures that digital tools are effectively integrated into every phase of a project.

鼓勵跨學科合作 —— 建築師、工程師、資訊專業人士和施工人員之間的合作 —— 能確保數位工具有效地融入專案的每一個階段。

Successful collaboration often requires platforms that facilitate communication and knowledge exchange.


Establishing online communities, forums, and resource repositories dedicated to digital construction in Taiwan can foster an environment where professionals feel comfortable sharing experiences, lessons learned, and innovative solutions.


Regular conferences, seminars, and meet-ups centered on digital technologies can also help in building networks and spreading new ideas.




The integration of digital technologies in modern construction is not a passing fad but a fundamental shift that holds the promise of greater efficiency, sustainability, and collaboration.


In Taiwan, the adoption of BIM, augmented reality, and data analytics is gradually reshaping the construction landscape, albeit with distinct challenges.


The road to democratising architectural knowledge in Taiwan is paved with the need to address educational gaps, overcome industry fragmentation, ensure secure data sharing, and galvanise government support.


By committing to continuous learning, fostering a culture of openness, and investing in digital infrastructure and skills, Taiwan’s construction industry can rise to the challenge.


The democratisation of architectural knowledge promises not just technical advancements but also a richer, more inclusive design culture that benefits professionals, clients, and the community at large.


As Taiwan moves towards a digital renaissance in construction, the collaborative spirit and strategic integration of cutting-edge technologies will be key to shaping a resilient and innovative built environment for future generations.


我們是居住在海外具有建築師(TW & NY)和大學建築系教師的空間專業者與教師。本站旨在提供全球建築及相關空間產業的資訊、觀點與海外生活見聞(中英文字檔)。

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