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Cost to serve
- We also remain squarely focused on cost to serve in our fulfillment network, which has been a meaningful driver of our increased operating income. - Overall, we've reduced our global cost to serve on a per unit basis for the second year in a row...
- 2024 also marks the second year in a row where we've lowered our global cost to serve on a per-unit basis.
Cost to Serve(CTS 或 C2S)模型是一種分析工具,用於計算企業在為客戶提供產品或服務時所產生的總成本。這些成本包括直接的生產或採購費用,以及間接的運輸、倉儲、行銷和客戶服務等開支。
▌透過 Cost To Serve 模型,我們能深入分析這些成本,評估每個事業群、客戶、產品、區域甚至是訂單的實際盈利能力,因此有些公司也會稱其為Profitability model。
▌事業群 ( BU ) - 不同事業群因結構不同,可能導致利潤、成本的差異。比如同樣的產品在B2B事業群可能單價較低,但同時物流成本也因為經濟批量而可以被壓低,而在B2C事業群則相反。
▌客戶 (Customer ) - 不同客戶對服務的需求不同,可能導致成本的差異。例如,客戶A的單次下單量較大、下單頻率較低,單位成本可以壓得比客戶B來的低。
▌產品 (SKU ) - 低價值產品 (Low-ticket) 的銷售可能需要更高比例的營運、物流成本,例如包裝、促銷、配送。產品也會因為包裝的不同導致能否與其他物品一同包裝共同分擔配送成本。
▌市場 (Market ) - 不同地區可能會因為物流商的服務成本不同而導致配送成本有所差異。在美國,靠近市區的門市也會能會因為分區定價而有所不同。
- Starting with our top-line financial results. ...
「top and bottom line」
Top-line growth 指公司收入(revenue)的成長,通常來自於新的市場及銷售額的提升。Bottom-line growth 則是指淨利(net profit)的成長,代表公司扣除所有成本、開支和稅務後的盈利能力。
- Our top-line growth was driven by a successful product launch and strong market demand.
- The company's top-line growth reflects its expanding customer base and increased sales. - We focused on cost-cutting measures to drive bottom-line growth this quarter. - Despite top-line growth, the company struggled to achieve bottom-line growth due to rising operational expenses.
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