1991 年,Xerox PARC 的 Mark Weiser 發表了 《The Computer for the 21st Century》,這篇論文不僅是一個技術預測,更是一種對未來數位世界的哲學思考。他認為,真正成熟的電腦技術應該是「無所不在的運算(Ubiquitous Computing)」,讓科技消失在我們的日常環境之中,讓人們專注於生活本身,而非設備本身。
In 1991, Mark Weiser from Xerox PARC published "The Computer for the 21st Century", a paper that was not just a technological prediction but a philosophical reflection on the future of computing. He envisioned a world where computers would be seamlessly integrated into everyday life—what he called Ubiquitous Computing—allowing technology to fade into the background so that humans could focus on living rather than on operating devices.
Weiser 的構想建立在「Calm Technology(安靜科技)」的基礎上,他認為科技不應該佔據使用者的注意力,而應該靜默地運作,幫助人類完成任務。他提出了 Tab、Pad、Board 三種尺寸的運算設備,分別對應於小型可攜裝置、平板電腦與大型顯示界面。這些概念如今已成為現代數位生活的基礎——智慧手機、平板電腦、智慧家居螢幕,都可以視為這些想法的延續。
Weiser’s vision was built upon the concept of Calm Technology, where technology should not demand attention but rather work silently in the background, assisting users without being intrusive. He introduced three categories of ubiquitous computing devices: Tabs, Pads, and Boards, corresponding to small wearable devices, tablet-sized interfaces, and large interactive displays. Today, we see echoes of these ideas in the smartphones, tablets, and smart home screens that have become essential parts of daily life.
然而,無所不在的運算的實現並不如 Weiser 所預期地順利。雖然我們擁有了 IoT 設備、智慧城市、語音助理等應用,但技術並未完全「消失」,反而創造了更多需要管理的裝置與數據。現代科技環境更接近於「過度資訊化」而非 Weiser 理想中的「安靜科技」。
However, the realization of ubiquitous computing has not unfolded as smoothly as Weiser envisioned. While we have IoT devices, smart cities, and voice assistants, technology has not "disappeared" into the background as he had hoped. Instead, we now manage an overwhelming number of devices and data, creating an environment that often feels more like information overload than calm technology.
我們是否真正走向了 Weiser 所描述的 21 世紀運算模式?還是說,這個願景仍然停留在部分實現的狀態?當 AI、擴增實境(AR)與智慧環境技術持續發展時,無所不在的運算是否仍然是我們追求的終極方向?
Have we truly moved toward Weiser’s vision of 21st-century computing, or has his dream remained only partially realized? As AI, augmented reality (AR), and intelligent environments continue to evolve, is Ubiquitous Computing still the ultimate direction we are heading toward?
Weiser 的願景啟發了無數研究者與科技創新者,但我們是否仍然在技術與人性之間尋找平衡?科技應該進一步隱形,還是我們需要重新定義人與數位世界的關係?這是一個值得深思的問題。
Weiser’s vision has inspired countless researchers and technological innovations, but are we still searching for the balance between technology and human experience? Should technology become even more invisible, or do we need to rethink our relationship with the digital world? This is a question worth pondering.
你認為我們是否真正實現了 21 世紀電腦的願景,還是仍在摸索中?
Do you think we have truly realized the vision of the 21st-century computer, or are we still navigating our way toward it?