鈴木敏文,日本7-ELEVEN之父,不僅一手型塑今日全球便利商店的面貌,更將7-ELEVEN 這個源於美國的品牌,發展成日本最大、亞洲最大、全球第四大的零售王國。他獨到的銷售思維,也被日本媒體譽為「新經營之神」!
"Don't analyze past successes ; letting go of experience bias allows for fresh thinking."2.不被既有常識所左右,就是身為外行人的最大強項!"Not being influenced by conventional wisdom is the greatest advantage of being an outsider ! "
"It's simple—if you don't talk about things you don't understand, you won't feel nervous."
"I've said it" doesn't mean "they have heard it."
"Action begins with awareness. When someone insists their idea is right, the only way to guide them is to have them articulate your expectations themselves, leading them to take action."
"The words that come from our own mouths must be things we are familiar with or have thought through deeply—they are never borrowed phrases we barely understand ourselves."
資料參考 : 《賣到顧客的心理》、Wiki、booklife