向FB(面冊)相辭 !2019:袂出賣個資 ê 社群網站- by Jamie,譯者:Kuê

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Ku ê:Góa ta̍uhta̍uhá hoane̍k, goânbûn sian khì ji̍p.(2019/06/23)
Alternatives 2019 — Social Networks That Won’t Sell Your Data
People are starting to wise up to what Facebook is doing with your data.
In fact according to the Ponemon Institute, trust in Facebook took a 66% Plunge in 2018. Over the past few years Facebook has been collecting vast amounts of data of all its users, which quite frankly is scary. You can see exactly what Facebook has on you by downloading your data zip file here.
Everything from photos and messages to mobile phone numbers of everyone in your phone. They also have all your text messages you’ve made on your cell phone! It’s crazy how much they have. And with the recent Facebookl CA scandal, people are now looking for alternatives to Facebook where privacy is respected and private information is never shared or sold to other companies or organisations.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of social networks and messaging apps that you can use instead of Facebook. For years these networks and apps have been living in the shadows of the mighty beast that is Facebook. But now is the time to explore a better way of interacting with friends and family without the fear of your data being stolen and stored on huge servers in far flung places.

Best Social Network Alternatives To Facebook


Ello launched back in 2014 with quite a stir in the US as it was about the time when Facebook changed its policy on names of its members, where they had to use their proper legal name. Its popularity grew as Ello presented itself to the world as a “Facebook killer social network” which doesn’t push ads down its users’ throats and doesn’t sell peoples’ information and data to 3rd parties.
Ello is growing fast again, especially as the #deletefacebook movement is gathering pace. People want to feel safe and secure on a social network and it doesn’t seem to be that way on Facebook at the moment. Hence why platforms like Ello are gobbling up these Facebook migrants.
Ello currently is a home to artists and creative people, but has the platform to embrace all types of users.


Vero presents itself as “a social network for anyone who loves anything enough to share it — and wants control over who they share it with. Just like we do in real life.”
Vero is a subscription based social network. It shows no ads and doesn’t collect data. It’s a totally different model to Facebook in the sense that Facebook needs user data in order to make money from them. Vero does collect some usage data which is used to see how often the app is used, but note that this option by default is off. Unlike Facebook where they have everything turned on and you have to go into your settings and turn them off.
Another great thing about the usage data they collect is how its displayed to you. Vero want to address the issue of social media addiction.
Vero says that they want the platform to enhance your life and not detract from it. So they use the usage data that they collect from you to show you how much time you’re spending in the app so you can manage your screen time.


Mastodon launched in 2017 and made quite an impact on the social network scene. Mastodon is a free, open-source social network. When it launched it was presented as an open source Twitter competitor, but as people are leaving Facebook its being used the same way you would Facebook, which makes it a really good alternative to Facebook.
Ultimately Mastodon is a decentralized alternative to all the commercial social network platforms, which means that no single company owns it or can monopolize your communication.


Steemit is like a cross between Reddit and Quora where you can publish your posts which can be voted up or down depending if people like them or not ( similar to both reddit and quora ).
When you get upvotes you receive Steem crypto tokens which lends itself well to those cryptocurrency and open source enthusiasts. Also people are using the platform due to its compensation to the users for spending time using the platform.
Users don’t have to post anything if they don’t want to and it can simply be used as a news aggregator or just a platform to get involved in conversations related to specific interests.
Steemit has about 10 million visits per month which in comparison to Facebook is tiny! But its growing and it doesn’t gobble up your personal data and sell it to 3rd parties.


Raftr calls itself a “civilized social network.” It launched in 2017 by Sue Decker, a former Yahoo executive. Here vision for the platform is to create a place where conversations and unfolding stories are the pure focus. Its a place where you can connect to the communities who share the same or similar interests that you have.
I love the initial sign up page as it gives you two options.
1: Find out what’s going on in the real world
2: Connect with people at your college / work / family etc.
What data do they collect?
Raft collects some data, but that’s only to build your profile. They do not share any of your personal data with 3rd parties.
Raft is a great alternative to Facebook and a platform where you can follow news, events and interests relevant to you.


Diaspora is also in the mix when it comes to Facebook alternatives. Diaspora is a decentralized social network that is nonprofit and runs on free Diaspora software. The software is in the form of a free personal web server.
As I just mentioned, Diaspora is decentralized which means no one person owns it. This means that it doesn’t have any form of advertisement and corporate interference. It also does not collect any of your data. When you create your account, you are responsible for your own data and retain the ownership of your personal data.
Unlike Facebook, Diaspora allows you to use whatever identity you want, so pseudonyms and nicknames are fine to display as your profile. You can use hashtags, mentions, text formatting, etc.


Minds is an open source social network that was created by Bill Ottman, John Ottman and Mark Harding in 2012, but launched to the public in 2015.
The platform is a community-owned social networking platform that rewards its users for their activity online, similar to the Steemit platform. They do this with paying users in crypto and providing users with more views on their posted content. Minds will monitor each users daily contribution and relative to the community. The amount a user gets will be determined by their percentage across the network which then determines their share of the Daily Reward Pool of tokens.
Minds social network is built on a foundation of freedom, transparency, privacy and democratization.

Messaging Apps — Alternative to Facebook


Crypto cat
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...伊是承受日本70%米國軍事基地 ê Okinawa,內底看--出去 ê 海,色致 hō͘ 我想着「進撃の巨人(22)」ê 單行本封面...
『台島陷落日,咱聚集所有 ê 力量,拚「新•國家運動」!』 【Tósū Koh Hāmlo̍h Tē-73-Tang──Cháuchhōe Formosa Kiōnghô Kokbîn】
...伊是承受日本70%米國軍事基地 ê Okinawa,內底看--出去 ê 海,色致 hō͘ 我想着「進撃の巨人(22)」ê 單行本封面...
Google News 追蹤
哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
【新手創業者的好夥伴】 ─這是最容易入門,也是大眾最熟悉的平台之一 在談到新手創業如何有效運用社群媒體時, 我會首推Meta(也就是Facebook)。 這個平台不僅易於上手, 也是大眾最為熟悉的。 我最初也是在這個平台上跌跌撞撞, 才一路走到了
臺灣社群媒體平臺在日常生活中顯得尤為重要, Discord, Patreon, Uscreen, Buy Me a Coffee, ko-fi, Gumroad, Gotomax 和 Getmax 等社群平臺都在臺灣具有一定受眾。本文通過比較不同社群平臺的優缺點。
TikToK一個風靡全球的社交媒體平台 TikTok是一個在全球迅速流行的社交媒體平台,允許用戶分享短視頻,與其他用戶互動,並參與各種挑戰和趨勢。   TikTok的隱私問題 數據收集 TikTok面臨著各種隱私問題,這些問題已經引起了政府機構和用戶的關注。 TikTok收集了用戶的
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with platforms like Facebook connecting billions of people around
In recent years, social media platforms have played an increasingly significant role in shaping public discourse and facilitating social movements. Am
稍早使用網路時赫然發現臉書遭到登出,有被盜過YT頻道的我自然有些驚慌, 也好家在有過經驗,發現手機簡訊機制沒有用(多次要求簡訊但全沒有發送),使用備用信箱救援也沒反應,再者,我的帳號早已和安全金鑰綁定,救援機制沒有要求我插入安全金鑰,所以我大膽猜想-臉書又出事了! 果然,一搜尋立刻就有相關新聞,M
首先跟大家報告,為何選擇DISCORD當作主要討論區 其實在大約 2019年的時候一開始是使用LINE當作討論區,但是LINE很麻煩,有些惡劣店家跟師父就是會故意檢舉跟翻群,所以第二階段換到微信。 換到微信之後,他的閱讀介面沒有想像中的好,很多同志朋友對於微信也是比較反感,在諸多探詢與討論後
哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
【新手創業者的好夥伴】 ─這是最容易入門,也是大眾最熟悉的平台之一 在談到新手創業如何有效運用社群媒體時, 我會首推Meta(也就是Facebook)。 這個平台不僅易於上手, 也是大眾最為熟悉的。 我最初也是在這個平台上跌跌撞撞, 才一路走到了
臺灣社群媒體平臺在日常生活中顯得尤為重要, Discord, Patreon, Uscreen, Buy Me a Coffee, ko-fi, Gumroad, Gotomax 和 Getmax 等社群平臺都在臺灣具有一定受眾。本文通過比較不同社群平臺的優缺點。
TikToK一個風靡全球的社交媒體平台 TikTok是一個在全球迅速流行的社交媒體平台,允許用戶分享短視頻,與其他用戶互動,並參與各種挑戰和趨勢。   TikTok的隱私問題 數據收集 TikTok面臨著各種隱私問題,這些問題已經引起了政府機構和用戶的關注。 TikTok收集了用戶的
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with platforms like Facebook connecting billions of people around
In recent years, social media platforms have played an increasingly significant role in shaping public discourse and facilitating social movements. Am
稍早使用網路時赫然發現臉書遭到登出,有被盜過YT頻道的我自然有些驚慌, 也好家在有過經驗,發現手機簡訊機制沒有用(多次要求簡訊但全沒有發送),使用備用信箱救援也沒反應,再者,我的帳號早已和安全金鑰綁定,救援機制沒有要求我插入安全金鑰,所以我大膽猜想-臉書又出事了! 果然,一搜尋立刻就有相關新聞,M
首先跟大家報告,為何選擇DISCORD當作主要討論區 其實在大約 2019年的時候一開始是使用LINE當作討論區,但是LINE很麻煩,有些惡劣店家跟師父就是會故意檢舉跟翻群,所以第二階段換到微信。 換到微信之後,他的閱讀介面沒有想像中的好,很多同志朋友對於微信也是比較反感,在諸多探詢與討論後