Be at perfect peace. Do not strain to understand that which is not for your understanding. When I wish to convey something to you, it will be done without effort, for I will throw the light of truth onto it. It will be revealed to you, and you will be left in no doubt as to the meaning of it. When I say that life is effortless, that is exactly what I mean. There is far too much strain and effort in life. How can you hope to be at peace when you are straining and striving all the time? Let My peace which passes all understanding infil and enfold you, for when you are at peace within, you reflect peace without, and all those souls you meet will feel that peace. Let nothing disturb or distress you. Simply know that all is in My hands, and all is very, very well. So lift up your heart in deep love, praise and gratitude, and go forth this day at peace.