更新於 2024/12/17閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

July 19

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
Do not just talk about the new heaven and new earth; it is up to you to bring it down into your life to make it reality. Do not talk about love and loving; live it so that all can see what it mean. Words without action are meaningless and useless. They are like hot air that evaporates into nothingness. You are to bring down My kingdom on earth by the way you live and behave, so your life is an example, a joyous example, which all will want to follow. No one wants to go through life over-burdened, lacking joy and spontaneity. Blessed is that person who brings joy to those souls who are burdened and lack sparkle in life. Cast all your burdens upon Me, and bring joy and freedom to all those souls you contact. Be joy and inspiration, and reflect Me in all that you do, say and think. Be at perfect peace as you do My will and walk in My ways, glorifying Me.
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