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《Opening Doors Within》敞開內心之門 Foreword

【作者】Eileen Caddy
In 1953 Eileen Caddy first began to receive personal guidance from a still, small voice deep within herself, from a source she calls the God within.
The simple teachings she has received over the years offer spiritual truth and vision, and insight into how to live a more happy, more meaningful, more fulfilling life. It has been her guidance which has served as the source of inspiration for the creation and development of what has become the Findhorn Foundation, the international spiritual community and holistic education center in northern Scotland.
This is a book of spiritual values——love, joy, peace, gratitude, unity. You will find these and other themes echoing over and over again throughout the book, for, in the words of Eileen’s guidance, ‘Very gently and very lovingly I go on and on reminding you of the things that do matter in life until eventually they become a part of you, and live and more and have their being in you.’
This perennial diary offers inspirational messages of practical and compelling guidance in simple and direct prose, with specific suggestions for your daily spiritual growth and development.
You may wish to read each day’s message upon awakening to provide an overall direction to your day. Or to have your family take turns reading it at the breakfast table. Or to use it as the basis for a daily meditation. And to re-read it at bedtime to help put your day in perspective.
However you choose to use them, take these teachings into ourself, and carry them with you day after day, year after year, until ‘they become a part of you and live and move and have their being in you’, until they have done their silent and gentle and loving work of ‘Opening Doors Within’.
David Earl Platts
Eileen Caddy, who is the co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation and Community in the north of Scotland, has based her life on obeying her 'still small voice within'. Since 1962, when she and her husband Peter and their three small children were led to Findhorn Bay Caravan Park, thousands of people have been attracted to visit and many have remained to create a community based on spiritual principles and co-operation with the nature kingdoms.
Today the community is a vibrant, challenging and expanding place, with around 500 people actively involved in some way with its inner and outer work. It is possible for guests to visit and participate in the day-to-day life or in the many workshops offered by the Findhorn Foundation. For further details please write to The Accommodation Secretary, Findhorn Foundation, Cluny Hill College, Forres, Scotland IV36 0RD.
  1953年 Eileen Caddy 第一次開始接受來自她自己內在深處良知的聲音對她個人的指引,這聲音的來源被她稱之為內在的上天。
  這是一本關於靈性價值觀的書——愛、喜悅、寧靜、感恩、和一致性。你會在這本書中找到這些和其它的主題不斷地回響,用指引 Eileen 的言語來說,「非常溫柔和充滿愛地我不斷地提醒你關於生命中重要的事情,直到它們成為你的一部分,並在你的生命中成長和存在著。」
David Earl Platts
  Eileen Caddy,是在蘇格蘭北部的芬德恩霍中心和社區的聯合創始人,一直以來將她的生命基於對她「內在良知的聲音」的服從。從1962年起,在她和她的丈夫Peter還有他們的三個孩子被引領至芬德恩霍灣房車公園後,成千上萬的人們被吸引來拜訪,並且很多人留了下來,然後創建了一個以精神準則和同大自然合作為基礎的社區。
  若要瞭解更多詳情請寫信至:The Accommodation Secretary, Findhorn Foundation, Cluny Hill College, Forres, Scotland IV36 0RD.
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