2020-11-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

Andrew Marvell與他嬌羞的情人

偶然讀到彌爾頓以前的詩人助手Andrew Marvell的一首詩《To His Coy Mistress致他嬌羞的情人》,那在玄學派基礎上的狂放文字,現在讀起來既美麗又浪漫,17世紀的靈魂或許也適合身處北北半球十度以下的肉身!?
Had we but world enough, and time, 如果我們有足夠的天地與時間 This coyness, lady, were no crime. 女孩,你這樣的羞澀就不是罪惡 . We would sit down and think which way 我們可以坐下來細細思量 To walk, and pass our long love's day; 去哪裡度過漫漫的戀愛之日 Thou by the Indian Ganges' side 你可以沿著印度的恒河之堤 Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide 尋著光彩奪目的紅寶石,而我可以 Of Humber would complain. I would 對著漢堡河畔的潮汐躊躇,我應該 Love you ten years before the Flood. 要在諾亞洪水來臨的十年之前與你相愛 And you should, if you please, refuse 如果願意,你可以一直拒絕著我 Till the conversion of the Jews. 直到異教徒尋到了正道所在 . My vegetable love should grow 我的愛情如植物般成長茁壯 Vaster than empires, and more slow. 比帝國還遼闊,無止盡的綿延 An hundred years should go to praise 我要用一百年的時間讚嘆你 Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; 讚嘆你的眼睛,凝視你的額眉 Two hundred to adore each breast, 用兩百年的時間驚嘆你如水的乳 But thirty thousand to the rest; 再用三萬年愛遍你的所有 An age at least to every part, 你的美都值得用一個時代來讚頌 And the last age should show your heart. 直到最後闖進你的心房 . For, lady, you deserve this state, 只有這樣的隆重才配得上你 Nor would I love at lower rate. 而這只是我最低的格調 . But at my back I always hear 因為,我身後總是有個聲音 Time's winged chariot hurrying near; 時光的車輪飛逝運轉 And yonder all before us lie 恆亙我們面前的 Deserts of vast eternity. 是荒無人煙的沙漠 Thy beauty shall no more be found, 你的美麗將隨風遠去 Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound 在你大理石的墓穴裡 My echoing song; then worms shall try 不再回蕩我的歌聲;害蟲也會將你 That long preserv'd virginity, 珍藏的貞操給吞噬 And your quaint honour turn to dust, 你渾然天成的美將回歸塵土 And into ashes all my lust. 一如我滿腔的渴望 The grave's a fine and private place, 墳墓是私會的好地方 But none I think do there embrace. 但沒有人在那裡相擁 . Now therefore, while the youthful hue 因此,趁著年華正茂,你的青春光澤 Sits on thy skin like morning dew, 就像滑落在你肌膚上的早晨露珠 And while thy willing soul transpires 趁著現在靈魂交纏 At every pore with instant fires, 就讓每寸毛孔燃著火焰 Now let us sport us while we may; 良辰美景無須再等待 And now, like am'rous birds of prey, 讓我們像久困的猛獸肆意狂歡 Rather at once our time devour, 任憑被短暫的歡快給淹沒 Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power. 也不要在煎熬的折磨中蹉跎 Let us roll all our strength, and all 讓我們用盡所有力氣,所有的 Our sweetness, up into one ball; 銷魂甜蜜,讓我們水乳纏綿 And tear our pleasures with rough strife 在撕裂我們的歡愉中狂暴 Thorough the iron gates of life. 也穿越所有人生的禁錮 Thus, though we cannot make our sun 這樣,雖然我們不能停止太陽升起 Stand still, yet we will make him run. 但卻可以讓生命在狂野中奔跑
Andrew Marvell與他嬌羞的情人?
Andrew Marvell與他嬌羞的情人?
這個世界唯一比是非對錯更重要的,是角度與思考吧。因為, 今天這個世界不再缺乏深邃的思想,抑或悲觀的預言。 但夢想,假如夢想的目的不是為了實現, 那旅者行者讀者講者,我輩中人們, 是不是可以讓夢想盡可能的美好? 慢慢發現世界很大也很小,詩與遠方就是文字與自己。
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