Today is such a special day that I really, really want to remain. Something about you.
I remember the neat house you lived, the piano you played, the fish you take care of, the maps you wrinkled, the soft bed you slept, the voices you spoke.
The computer you used, the suit you dressed, the chocolate you brought, the bike you rode, the balmy smell of your body. Oh, almost forgotten, the fool of you. More stupid than I did. Very much.
The "cute boy" you don't want to be called, the restaurants we could find it, you let me chose, but I only dared to pick MOS.
The slogan you criticized, the fake surfer's(actually old nasty man) dirty hand you grasped, my head you beat, my still laughing, the kinky thing you said, the hamburger you treated.
The presidential palace, the small walk, the meaningful words you said.
My anxious waiting, your phone.
The magnificent food we ordered, Gin-tonic(hadn't done).
The money and time and mind and strength you spent on me.
The movie. Don't talk about the movie again... 全然無駄だった!
I only remembered your hands, my hands and those wonderful feelings. Even the title I afraid I can't say completely. Shame on me.
So many experiences I want to impress on my mind, but only one thing,