我在讀這中間有一段故事時讓我一直想到,我之前讀的一個短篇故事,收錄在Raphael Bob-Waksberg(馬男波傑克主創)的Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory,關於戲劇的一篇故事,我覺得如果你喜歡那本短篇故事集的話你也會喜歡Parakeet~~ (話說我有點想重讀那本)
Have you ever missed someone so much that the missing gains form, becomes an extra thing welded to you, like a cumbersome limb you must carry? (Ch.2)
I am a bird trapped inside another person’s life, sensing its mistake and trying to exit against relentless glass. (Ch.5)
It’s like getting on a plane to fly home. And you’re so excited. But the plane never lands. So you’re just always trying to get there. (Ch.8)
The mean trick of trauma is that like a play it has no past tense. It is always happening. (Ch.16)
A wedding is an Internet where everyone searches for themselves. (Ch.17)
Every time I’m offered something with almond, the same promise: You won’t even taste it. It shares this with coconut, another ingredient recommended by its inability to make a goddamned difference. Why not just stop using both? I know people like this. Recommended by their inability to influence. But they are dependable, they fill out the party and are more liked than I, subtle as anchovy. Jesus Christ, what are we all doing? (Ch.19)
Life has no past tense: To remember something is to relive it. (Ch.29)