更新於 2021/05/10閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

021121 Soaring& 翱翔

    Knew how beautifully the melody sounds, while the musical instrument is played fluently.Understood how great the environment would be, got the fresh air and the pretty scenery so close. Noted the peaceful mood, guides us to travel smoothly.  Satisfyingly Yours, Love365**Ps. 去程: 緩升, 熟悉路況中, 謹慎些; 新鮮奇妙, 經歷中.回程: 緩降, 較熟稔些了, 輕鬆些; 自由自在, 逍遙地.旅途所遇人事物, 巧合嗎?  相愛容易相處難, 正確嗎?  相遇後: 相知的, 相助的, 相挺的, 相敬的; 就, 相愛囉; 相處後: 和氣的, 和平的, 和睦的, 和諧的; 就, 同遊吧!Ps. 音樂, 電影, …: 都是朋友; 友愛, 也是愛.
    Knew how beautifully the melody sounds, while the musical instrument is played fluently. Understood how great the environment would be, got the fresh air and the pretty scenery so close. Noted the peaceful mood, guides us to travel smoothly. Satisfyingly Yours, Love365** Ps. 去程: 緩升, 熟悉路況中, 謹慎些; 新鮮奇妙, 經歷中. 回程: 緩降, 較熟稔些了, 輕鬆些; 自由自在, 逍遙地. 旅途所遇人事物, 巧合嗎? 相愛容易相處難, 正確嗎? 相遇後: 相知的, 相助的, 相挺的, 相敬的; 就, 相愛囉; 相處後: 和氣的, 和平的, 和睦的, 和諧的; 就, 同遊吧! Ps. 音樂, 電影, …: 都是朋友; 友愛, 也是愛.
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