更新於 2021/03/11閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

Poetry Breakfast 早餐詩人

2019年在澳洲參加Nimbin Roots Festival(寧賓草根音樂節),第三天早晨餐後,陽光輕柔撫摸雙頰,雙腳隨著鳥鳴輕巧的跳耀到咖啡廳戶外的座位席,一位Nimbin當地詩人,站在台上分享他寫的詩,也朗誦他的摯愛詩選,字句扎實敲擊著我的心田,隨著他炙熱的心和文字的朗誦,我的淚珠熱烈為他鼓掌,這是我第一次的「Poetry Breakfast早餐詩人」經驗。今日我將在早餐時間,與你分享一首我喜愛的英文詩,我也將它翻譯改寫成中文版,獻給熱愛自然的你/妳,邀請聽完詩的大家一起重回大自然的懷抱,充滿愛與感恩,用你/妳的力量去守護。
2019.12.16 澳洲塔斯馬尼亞 Lake St. Clair National Park, TAS, AU
2019.12.16 澳洲塔斯馬尼亞 Lake St. Clair National Park, TAS, AU
每日醒來,我看見的風景 Everyday i wake up , it’s so good to see 那來自大地的禮物,如此美麗 The gift of nature that is oh, so lovely 祂帶來的喜悅是這樣的無可價比 That joy it brings that is very priceless 上帝的創作是如此完美亮麗 Showing that God’s work a true success
當太陽升起在天空刷上一筆亮彩 When the sun shines bright up in the sky 就像聚光燈下輕輕一吻的戀愛 It’s as if you are kissed and on a spotlight 澎鬆的雲朵像棉花糖一般輕柔 That pluffy cloud looks like a marshmallow 你想不想在夜晚如枕般的與它相擁 You want to hug them like your favorite pillow 我可以感覺冷風吹拂身意 I can feel the breeze of the cold wind blowing 枝頭上的綠葉狂舞搖曳 The green leaves of trees are widely swaying 嘰咋的鳥兒歡慶展現歌藝 The chirping of birds sounds like they’re singing 想不想攀爬至山頂來場空中飛行 Wanna climb the mountains and feel like flying
透過陽光和雨水我看見彩虹 With sun and rain i can see a rainbow 落日黃昏的天空潑灑出橘黃紅 Sunset paints sky with orange or yellow 花朵綻開使我雙眼明亮富榮 The flowers bloom i’d seen them glow 哇 這一切的美景 讓我心自由如風 Watching all these my feelings flow
大地之母創造了如此豐饒的島嶼 Our mother nature is indeed a treasure 我們要停止為了快樂的私自濫取 We don’t use it for our selfish pleasure 真心與意念需要如實的被看見 In our minds and hearts we have to bear 祂需要我們真誠的關懷與愛的給予 That it also needs our love and our care
/子萱 Aria 翻譯 2020.11.17 在Spotify上也可以聽到我用聲音分享這首詩的英文版喔: http://shorturl.at/amvJM
____________________________________________________ /英文原詩出自Zephalexia的網站 2018 origin poem from: shorturl.at/gpPY1
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