2021-03-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘


最近壽司郎引爆全台「鮭魚改名潮 salmon name-changing craze」吸引全球主流媒體報導,百八魚場也跟進「鮭魚快閃日」,許多返鄉的鮭魚們先不用急者改回本名了。中文有很多成語都跟「魚」有關,如魚貫而入、如魚得水、魚目混珠、渾水摸魚、沉魚落雁……而英文諺語也有不少用「魚」作比喻,英文中的「紅鯡魚、金魚腦、沙丁魚」是用來形容什麼? fish for compliments、drink like a fish、fish out of water、a big fish in a small pond、have bigger fish to fry 指的又是什麼? 想知道跟「魚」相關的英文片語「事有蹊蹺、完全兩回事、上樑不正下樑歪、天涯何處無芳草」怎麼說? 今天我們來從【鮭魚之亂】學12種跟「魚」相關的英文片語。


1. to smell fishy
聞到魚腥味? 這個慣用語起源於魚市場,如果魚有難聞的氣味,就代表不新鮮,意味著魚販子是不誠實的,後來暗喻某一件事情上你覺得可疑,似乎有人在進行欺騙,也就是「感覺事有蹊蹺」。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: If a situation or an explanation smells fishy, it causes you to think that someone is being dishonest.
  • 例句:This house price appeared to be a real bargain, but I smelled something fishy because the man was in such a hurry to sell it. 這房子售價很便宜,但賣房那個人急著要賣,讓我感到事有蹊蹺。
2. fish for compliments
當我們形容某人是在fishing for compliments,意思就是用一種巧妙的方法來讓別人恭維或讚揚,試圖讓別人對你說好話,也就是「拐彎抹角謀求恭維」。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: to try to get people to say good things about you
  • 例句:When she showed me her new dress, I could tell that she was fishing for a compliment. 當她展示給我她的新衣服時,我看得出她在拐彎抹角希望我稱讚她的衣服。
3. to drink like a fish
像魚一樣喝? 魚和水緊密契合,如同成語「如魚得水」,魚在水中要喝水不僅方便,要喝多少也沒問題。to drink like a fish比喻豪飲,尤其指「飲酒過度」令人擔憂,如果你像魚喝水般天天喝酒就麻煩了。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: to drink too much alcohol
  • 例句:At any party that he goes, he drinks like a fish. His wife ought to control this if she can. 他在任何聚會上往往過度飲酒,如果可以的話,他的太太應該節制他。
4. to have a memory of a goldfish
擁有金魚的記憶? 常人誤以為金魚只有幾秒鐘的記憶,「金魚腦」用來形容很健忘的人。相反的,有驚人的記憶力可以說 have a memory like an elephant,研究顯示大象擁有過目不忘的超強記憶力,所以英文諺語有一句An elephant never forgets。
  • Your Dictionary字典解釋: A very poor memory.
  • 例句:He’s always forgetting my birthday. I swear he has the memory of a goldfish! 他總是忘記我的生日,我發誓他有金魚腦很健忘!
5. packed (in)/squashed like sardines
  • 劍橋字典解釋: If people are packed or squashed like sardines, they are positioned very close together so that they cannot move.
  • 例句:We were squashed like sardines in the rush-hour train. 我們像沙丁魚一樣擠在尖峰時段的火車上。
6. red herring
紅鯡魚? herring鯡魚是一種常見的食用魚,魚身為青色,古時沒有冷藏技術,故透過醃製和煙燻的方式保存鯡魚,鲱魚就會變成紅色,而且味道很重。據說當時人們用鯡魚訓練馬匹或獵犬,看它是否能抵抗燻鯡魚的味道,而繼續尋找狐狸的踪跡;也有一說認為是監獄逃犯為了誘騙警犬,在逃跑的路線放置紅鯡魚,藉此順利逃脫。如今red herring是用來比喻那些為了讓人轉移注意力而提出的不相關的觀點,甚至是錯誤的信息,也就是泛指「掩人耳目的事物」,與障眼法或聲東擊西類似。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: a fact, idea, or subject that takes people's attention away from the central point being considered
  • 例句:The police investigated many clues, but they were all red herrings. 警方調查了很多線索,但那掩人耳目的事物。
7. a fish out of water
想想離開水的魚會如何? 因為魚類無法在其棲息地以外的乾燥土地上長期生存,「a fish out of water如魚離水」,用來形容因環境不熟悉而感到不自在,也就是「格格不入」。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: someone who is uncomfortable in a specific situation
  • 例句:I felt like a fish out of water at my new school. 在陌生的新學校裡,我感覺如魚離水格格不入。
8. be a big fish in a small pond
big fish指有權力或有影響力的人,小池中的大魚,比喻僅在小範圍內很有影響力,但放到大池塘可能沒有這麼多的影響力。類似中文「寧為雞口,不為牛後」,寧願在小場面中做主,不願在大場面任人擺布 Better a big fish in a little puddle than a little fish in a big puddle。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: to have a lot of influence only over a small area
  • 例句:His coarse management style made it evident that he was used to being a big fish in a small pond. That attitude certainly won't be tolerated by anyone at his new company. 他粗糙的管理作風清楚顯示他習慣當小公司的大人物。在他的新公司裡,任何人都不會容忍他這種態度。
Better a big fish in a little puddle than a little fish in a big puddle
9. a/the fish rots from the head down
魚從頭部開始先腐爛? rot是腐爛的意思。這句表面意思是「魚從頭部開始先腐爛」,不過這句話只是比喻,並不符合生物學常識,因為魚應該是從內臟先開始腐爛,而不是頭。諺語可能起源於土耳其權威作家詹姆士波特(Sir James Porter)在1768年所撰寫的書寫道「魚從頭腐爛」,意味著如果僕役做事不規矩,絕對是主人出了問題。如今,被廣泛比喻大型組織或國家的失敗,一個組織出問題,通常是上層領導者或長官開始腐敗,所謂「上樑不正下樑歪」就是這個意思。
  • Free Dictionary字典解釋: trouble or failure in an organization can be traced back to its leader(s)
  • 例句:The company was bound to be closed sooner or later considering the kind of managers that they had hired. A fish rots from the head down after all. 依這家公司所雇用的主管類型判斷,該公司遲早將倒閉,畢竟上樑不正下樑歪。
10. there are plenty more/of fish in the sea
海裡的魚多的是? 如同「天涯何處無芳草」,何必單戀一枝花? 英文是何必單戀一隻魚,還有更多適合的人或機會。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: used to tell someone whose relationship has ended that there are many other people that they could have a relationship with
  • 例句:Don't cry over Tom - there are plenty more fish in the sea! 別為湯姆哭了,天下的好男人多的是!
11. be another/a different kettle of fish
  • 劍橋字典解釋: to be completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about
  • 例句:Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish. 擁有知識是一回事,但能夠傳授給別人完全是另一回事了。
12. to have bigger/other fish to fry
還有更大的魚要去炸? 這個片語起源於17世紀,比喻有更重要的事情要做。
  • 劍橋字典解釋: to have something more important to do
  • 例句:It's really not worth my time. I've got bigger fish to fry! 真的不值得我花時間,我有更重要的事情要做!
have bigger fish to fry


  1. to smell fishy 感覺事有蹊蹺
  2. fish for compliments 拐彎抹角謀求恭維
  3. to drink like a fish 飲酒過度
  4. to have a memory of a goldfish 健忘的人
  5. packed (in)/squashed like sardines 擁擠不堪
  6. red herring 掩人耳目的事物
  7. a fish out of water 格格不入
  8. be a big fish in a small pond 僅在小範圍內很有影響力
  9. a/the fish rots from the head down 上樑不正下樑歪
  10. there are plenty more/of fish in the sea 天涯何處無芳草
  11. be another/a different kettle of fish 完全兩回事
  12. to have bigger/other fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做
這次「鮭魚之亂」除了凸顯台灣的戶政效率,也看到台灣的開放及自由,改名屬於個人自由,每個人價值觀不同,沒有什麼對錯,只要能愛惜食物,不要造成食材浪費就好。隨著「鮭魚之亂」落幕,未來業者可能還會推出不同魚類的相關企劃,英文有句諺語「You are what you eat.人如其食」,小心吃什麼像什麼,不曉得大家有沒有越來越像鮭魚了呢?
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