Sarah Everard的死亡點燃了許多人的不安與憤怒,3月13日有數百位民眾湧入Clapham Common公園守夜祈福,警方以「違反疫情政策」為理由前往驅離,雙方爆發推擠衝突,數名示威者遭到警方壓制在地、逮捕。社群軟體上重複轉傳著同一張圖片,訊息對話框裡寫著 Text me when you get home(到家傳訊息給我)
「到家傳訊息給我」已經是女人們像是自動導航一樣標準程序,我希望更多男性可以理解,我們晚上獨自回家的時候不敢戴上耳機;當我們坐進Uber,總會閃過可能遭遇生命危險的念頭;每一次你們說「他們只是想表達友善」,你也成為這個結構問題的共犯;每一次我們走過一群男性旁邊,心跳會因為緊張而加快;每一次我們大聲反擊性騷擾,都冒著危及自身安全的風險。("Text me when you get home xxx" is a standard procedure amongst women. Auto-pilot. I wish more men understood the fact that we cannot walk alone at night with headphones in. That whenever we get in Ubers, there's the lingering thought this could be it. That whenever you say "they're just being friendly", you are part of the problem. That whenever we walk past groups of men, our heart beats a little bit faster. That whenever we shout back at sexual harassment in the street, we take yet another gamble at risking our safety. )
「我認識這個男人八年了,然後他天殺的幹出這種事情,這種禽獸就活在我們之中,而且他長得跟我們差不多。如果你也厭倦了近期社會針對男性的論調,你可以試著改變它,但你得開始主動參與。」( I knew this man for eight years, and he fucking did it. There are monsters amongst us, and they look like us. If you are sick of the narrative that’s currently going on about men feel free to change it, but you have to get involved.)
「與其逞英雄似地說『我要去揍死那個強暴犯』,不如試著阻止強暴的發生吧,我知道它是可以被阻止的,因為我就他媽的失敗了。我如果要對自己百分之百誠實,在認識我哥兒們的這幾年來,我有沒有看過他在女性面前表現出那樣的徵兆,答案是肯定的,然後他性侵了我的朋友,這件事情會跟著我直到我死去的那天。」(Instead of having this fucking hero complex and being, like, "I'm going to beat up a rapist", stop one, because I know it can be done, because I know how I fucking failed at it. Beacuse if I'm being 100% honest with myself. Were there signs in my friend's behaviour over the years towards women that I ignored? The answer is yes. And then he raped my friend and that's on me until the day I die.)