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如何做專業英文簡報4 – 圖表數字,動詞名詞。| Joyce的職場視界#1031

線狀圖 - Flu Trend
線狀圖 - Flu Trend
The number of reported cases of influenza began in 2011 after which the figure rose steadily to reach about 55 in 2013. In 2014, there was a drop in the number to below 50 before increasing to reach a peak of approximately 75 in 2017. After that date, the figure declined to about 60 in the 2019. The numbers remained the same since then. 通報的流感病例數量最初始於2011年,之後數字穩定上升,在2013年達到約55例。 2014年,該數字下降到50以下,然後增加到2017年達到約75例的高峰。在那之後,該數字在2019年下降到約60例。此後的數字保持不變。
小提示 Tips: 1. 不要重複同樣的動詞,以免聽起來很僵硬 2. 一張圖表至少介紹四組時間點與數字 3. 簡潔扼要,因為你的觀眾會在幾秒內看完線狀圖的趨勢
Overall, healthcare, education, and the environment were given the highest scores in both years, and transport facilities received the lowest. 整體來說,醫療、教育和環境在這兩年都得到了最高分,而交通設施得到的分數最低。
In 2010, people rated healthcare, education and the environment the highest, with over 80% approving of health care, while the other two had figures of 72%. Under 10% respondents thought these 3 services were bad. Only a half of those surveyed gave a high score to transport, with roughly a third stating it was bad. 2010年,人們對醫療保健、教育和環境的評價最高,超過80%的人認可醫療保健,而其他兩項的數字為72%。不到10%的受訪者認為這三項服務很差。只有一半的受訪者給交通打了高分,大約有三分之一的人說交通不好。
Turning to 2020, the most significant changes were seen in education, as over 80% people were happy with it, and in healthcare whose good rating fell to 74%. On the other hand, approval of the transport facilities fell to 39%, and a similar proportion stated it was bad. Finally, regarding the environment and shopping, their approval levels both remained unchanged. 到了2020年,最顯著的變化出現在教育方面,超過80%的人對其感到滿意,而在醫療方面,其良好評價下降到74%。另一方面,對交通設施的認同度下降到39%,類似的比例也表示這部分不好。最後,關於環境和購物,他們的認同程度都沒有變化。
動詞 / 名詞字彙 Upward trend 上升趨勢 · rise / a rise · begin at · increase / an increase · climb / a climb · grow / a grow · go up
The number began at just under 200 in 2018. 圖表數字從 2018 年將近 200 開始。 Between 2009 to 2011, the population of Taiwan and Japan went up by around 3%. 在 2009 與 2011 的三年間,台灣與日本的人口數上升了將近 3%。
downward trend 下滑趨勢 · decrease / a decrease · drop / a drop · fall / a fall · decline / a decline
其他動詞 / 名詞 · fluctuate / a fluctuation · dip / a dip · remain steady at · remain stable · remain unchanged · peak at / reach a peak at · hit a high of · hit a low of · plateau / a plateau 沒有變化
The number remained at just under 5% in both years. 在那兩年,數字都維持在將近5%。 The unemployment rate reached a plateau in the 90s. 失業率在九零年代進入平穩階段。
Time Expression 時間表達 · over the next year · two years later · in the following days · the next 3 years show · over the period · from …. to…. / between … and … · the last year on the chart · at the beginning of the period
九宮格學英文 - 5月簡報引導
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