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What is the best solution for tourism?
In general, tourism has been promoted as the least polluted industry with minimum costs. Many believe that it is the most effective way of seeing and learning other cultures. What we read from novels or history textbooks could be demonstrated in front of us based on the old saying, “Seeing is believing.” Furthermore, with development of technology, people could go overseas much more freely than before. It is very convenient to book airflight tickets and reserve accommodations via various channels, such as travel agencies, aircraft companies, or online booking websites. Some people suggest that tourism has become a compulsory leisure for personal pleasure or even to flaunt their social status. In most countries of the world, governments take tourism into very careful consideration for domestic economic development and promoting of national brands. Yet, some negative effects of the tourism industry have been argued about in recent years. In this essay, I will view this topic in more detail.
To begin with, technology facilitates not only communication, but also travelling from country to country. Globalization escalates this movement, such as lowering prices of tickets and accommodation by big corporations. It also standardizes products, services, and ways of seeing and travelling. On one hand, people can avoid maladjustment in overseas travel and look for brands which they are familiar with, including Mc Donald’s, Starbucks, and KFC. On the other hand, it loses the spirit of tourism to explore local culture. Moreover, there is a tendency that to satisfy tourist demands seems more important than to respect the authenticity of local atmosphere. Due to tourism development, the residents even lose their access to local natural resources, such as private island, resorts, etc. Not to mention that the destruction of natural environment happens everywhere, a huge number of tourists bring pollution and noise. Some of the tourists would invade local residents’ lives in the name of fieldwork observation. Last but not least, the living standards differ in each country. The local living expenses would be risen based on the spending power of tourists, rather than the original standard. For example, in many big cities around the world, the rental fee has been adjusted according to the price of hotel accommodations. As a result of that, local residents have to move further out to the countryside or even another city because they cannot afford the living expenses.
In my opinion, the predominant question for all human beings is economy or sustainability. For the past decades, the pursuit of economic development seems the major task for every individual, every corporation, and even every national government around the world. Everyone chases the growth of digital numbers by doing whatever it takes to meet their financial target. Consequently, we all neglect to pay attention to the environmental protection, in respect of socio-cultural values and the actual cost of tourism impacts. There are some tactical solutions to decrease the negative impact of tourism, such as limited number of tourists, improvement of local employees’ working conditions and the prevention and protection of natural resources. Yet, the key issue is that all human beings must raise the awareness of being respectful. Tourists could not take everything for granted even though they have spent a lot of money. Also, tourists could not be regarded as consumers. We all have one earth and need to cherish valuable cultural assets, including historical structures, special habitat and areas identified as a place of significance. Once these assets or wildlife disappears, we cannot use money to get it back.

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你旅遊嗎? 現在的人,旅遊已經成為一種普遍的生活方式。不少人一年至少出國旅遊幾趟,有的甚至更多。有人選擇去打高爾夫,有人純粹去觀光放鬆,有人則利用假期探訪在海外的親人。這樣的日子對於某些人來說再平常不過,但在這同時,卻也有許多人留在台灣,為了生活努力打拼,希望能讓自己和家人過得更好。 這樣的對比
 旅遊是既浪漫又艱辛的獨處時光 前言 旅遊當然令人嚮往,給人期待,但真正的結果可能不如預期。離開了舒適圈,離開了熟悉的生活和環境,當然會有驚喜,但帶來的也可能是不便。所以出外旅遊之前,我一定先提醒自己:花錢、吃力、買快樂。我覺得這個提醒很重要。因為目標明確,所以遭遇到什麼都可以笑對。桌次不順,沒
柬埔寨觀光業發展複雜,始於英國旅行者Thomas Cook,逐漸擴展至文化觀光、娛樂觀光、生態觀光和志工觀光等領域。觀光對柬埔寨的影響和成效雖逐步凸顯,但亦伴隨著文化、經濟和環境問題。本文探討柬埔寨觀光發展、當地居民觀點和觀光業對當地影響等議題。
亞太區探險新風尚:透過Booking.com預訂酒店,發現隱藏寶地! 在這個迅速變化的時代,旅遊已經不再僅僅是到達一個目的地,而是尋找那些能觸動心靈、留下深刻記憶的獨特體驗。亞太地區,這片廣袤而多元的土地,擁有無窮的探險可能,正等待著旅人們去揭開它的秘密。隨著Booking.com釋出的「旅遊信心
【日本各地出現觀光公害】 根據日本媒體報導,日本自調降COVID-19防疫等級後,外國觀光客快速增加,因觀光客大量集中造成的「觀光公害」(overtourism)問題正於日本各地發生。
近年來,大陸地區的旅遊業蓬勃發展,吸引了眾多遊客的關注。這場旅遊熱潮不僅對當地經濟產生積極影響,同時也帶動了對人才的需求。本文將聚焦探討大陸旅遊業的發展對台灣人才的吸引力,以及相應的台胞證相關規定。 1. 大陸旅遊業的快速擴張 大陸地區的旅遊業近年來取得了驚人的成就,包括自然風光、歷史文化和現代
你旅遊嗎? 現在的人,旅遊已經成為一種普遍的生活方式。不少人一年至少出國旅遊幾趟,有的甚至更多。有人選擇去打高爾夫,有人純粹去觀光放鬆,有人則利用假期探訪在海外的親人。這樣的日子對於某些人來說再平常不過,但在這同時,卻也有許多人留在台灣,為了生活努力打拼,希望能讓自己和家人過得更好。 這樣的對比
 旅遊是既浪漫又艱辛的獨處時光 前言 旅遊當然令人嚮往,給人期待,但真正的結果可能不如預期。離開了舒適圈,離開了熟悉的生活和環境,當然會有驚喜,但帶來的也可能是不便。所以出外旅遊之前,我一定先提醒自己:花錢、吃力、買快樂。我覺得這個提醒很重要。因為目標明確,所以遭遇到什麼都可以笑對。桌次不順,沒
柬埔寨觀光業發展複雜,始於英國旅行者Thomas Cook,逐漸擴展至文化觀光、娛樂觀光、生態觀光和志工觀光等領域。觀光對柬埔寨的影響和成效雖逐步凸顯,但亦伴隨著文化、經濟和環境問題。本文探討柬埔寨觀光發展、當地居民觀點和觀光業對當地影響等議題。
亞太區探險新風尚:透過Booking.com預訂酒店,發現隱藏寶地! 在這個迅速變化的時代,旅遊已經不再僅僅是到達一個目的地,而是尋找那些能觸動心靈、留下深刻記憶的獨特體驗。亞太地區,這片廣袤而多元的土地,擁有無窮的探險可能,正等待著旅人們去揭開它的秘密。隨著Booking.com釋出的「旅遊信心
【日本各地出現觀光公害】 根據日本媒體報導,日本自調降COVID-19防疫等級後,外國觀光客快速增加,因觀光客大量集中造成的「觀光公害」(overtourism)問題正於日本各地發生。
近年來,大陸地區的旅遊業蓬勃發展,吸引了眾多遊客的關注。這場旅遊熱潮不僅對當地經濟產生積極影響,同時也帶動了對人才的需求。本文將聚焦探討大陸旅遊業的發展對台灣人才的吸引力,以及相應的台胞證相關規定。 1. 大陸旅遊業的快速擴張 大陸地區的旅遊業近年來取得了驚人的成就,包括自然風光、歷史文化和現代