2021-09-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘


惟因:詭鎮奇談卡牌版----馬克˙哈里根調查員指引 這是一篇為了詭鎮奇談卡牌版玩家做的調查員指引,會簡單介紹調查員特性、核心玩法、核心卡牌以及如何應對各種情況. 一、調查員特性 馬克的面板數值非常漂亮,大部分調查員的能力值總和為12點,而馬克多了1點. 自身能力為「放置傷害於控制的卡牌時,抽取一張牌.」,這個能力的觸發範圍包含了盟友、道具以及自身,只要能夠放置傷害皆可以觸發這個能力,而且每個階段可以觸發一次. 每輪遊戲有四個階段,四個階段皆可以透過觸發「快速」能力來獲取抽牌能力,若是藉由專屬卡牌索菲達成條件,更可以獲取兩點技能檢定值. 常見的觸發方式有三種. 1.索菲 2.煙斗 3.敵人或是遭遇卡效果 二、關鍵字 這套牌組對應了幾個關鍵字. #抽牌能力 #治療&取消 #攻擊 #反擊 #保護 三、核心玩法 在確保治療能力的情況下,頻繁觸發抽牌能力,確保能夠讓支援類型的卡牌儘早入場,而技能卡牌則是能讓檢定更加簡單,並且取得額外效果.
因為力量值高達五點的緣故,馬克可以輕鬆解決怪物,就算沒有武器在場也能應付絕大多數的敵人,大砍刀能夠增加輸出能力,而生存匕首則是可以節省時間. 盡量待在隊友身邊,解決必要的敵人即可.
四、核心卡牌 對於馬克而言治癒是最為重要的能力,其次是取消,最後則是輸出能力. 而治癒能力中,治癒恐懼對於馬克是很重要的,保留「劫數延後」對於馬克而言也很重要,這張卡牌能夠抵擋大量的傷害或恐懼. 「血肉結界」能夠在對抗敵人時發揮很好的效果. 「恢復元氣」以及「快速治療」則是提供大量的治療效果,至於盟友則是可以透過「身先士卒」得到些許回復.
五、應對能力 馬克在調查能力上相對弱勢,單張「將就一下」可以使用兩次,在抽牌能力強勢的情況下,可以快速壓縮牌庫規模,並且多次使用. 壓縮牌庫時可以強化聖化之鏡以及「將就一下」這兩張卡牌的能力,因為聖化之鏡的卡牌特性----愈強的抽牌能力提供愈好的治癒效果. 在治癒能力足夠的情況下,馬克可以對抗所有檢定,索菲單次觸發可以得到兩點檢定值,若是同時觸發兩次則可以取得四點,雖然代價很大但是能夠度過難關. 2021.09.19 惟因
以下是英文版,敘述方式略有不同,可以透過以下網址進入ArkhamDB查看完整內容. https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/33118/mark-expert-guide-begin-1.0
This deck is for multiplayer. If you want to Solo swap Safeguard to Shortcut.

Card Draw



Strike back



As a Guardian Mark has good stat line, even one more than others. Sophieability can trigger card draw is really strong. But Sophie has a big restriction, if there are 5or more damage on Mark it will become a weakness. there is 3 way to trigger the ability. 1 Sophie 2 Smoking Pipe 3 Enemy attack&Encounter

Card Draw:

Mark's ability makes him a strong Card Draw, 1round has 4 phase, in usually case we can draw 2 cards in 1.2phase, if the enemy phase suffer attack can draw 1 card more. If your heal is enough, just do it.


When you face enemy attack, the Flesh Ward is really good to cancel the horror.Second Wind is good way to heal damage, make sure it's in your hand and no enemy is fight with you.
Hallowed Mirror is strong but not work well in often cases, if you have strong Card draw it will be Crazy Good than you ever seen.


There is 3 way to attack. By your hand, 5power can easy kill most monster, despite takes your time more. Machete it is a good way to save your time, leave nothing behind this. Survival Knife is designed interesting. In often cases no one want to attack by enemies, especially Guardian. If you can defeat the enemy In Phase 2, why don't you do that? There is 2 benefit to use it.(If you have 2 the benefit double) 1 you have 1 extra attack chance, and this attack easy success and deal good damage. 2 Face the strong enemy, It makes you attack 4-5 times in a round. (And deal 5-7 damage one round) Despite it's direct attack is weak than other weapon, but it's really enough.

Strike back:

Survival Knife is a strong weapon to against the Hunter enemy. When Hunter attack you, Strike back 1-2 times and deal 2-4damage to it. If the Hunter still alive, attack more.


Heroic Rescue is a good way to use Survival Knife. Delay the Inevitable when you face a lot of damage or horror it's strong. So use it precious. Emergency Aid this card not for others, it's for Mark and his ally. Safeguard can make sure you are near your team.


Shell Shock is not a threat, draw it and discard it.
Investigate is difficult to Mark. 1 Winging It can use twice, when you Investigate just use. Grete Wagner is good to discover, but you need more enemy in this game.
Encounter is difficult too. All the skill is prepare for it. 2 Guts 2 Steadfast 2 Inspiring Presence Take care of your horror, don't take any horror. Despite you have Smoking Pipe you should not take 2 or more horror, it's dangerous. Use Sophie and skill to avoid any horror.


This deck don't cost much, it will be enough.

Early Game

All the Asset is good. Weapon ,Ally and Safeguard I will take first.

Middle Game

Play the asset all you have, it's easy to draw them and play.
深愛著美食與料理,對於氣味以及光線特別敏感. 認為生活的意義有三分之一來自於與人相處,三分之一來自享受美食,剩下的三分之一則是說故事.
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