2021-10-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

靈氣終止了酒精成癮 Reiki Ends Alcohol Addiction

靈氣終止了酒精成癮 Reiki Ends Alcohol Addiction 我想我會分享我的靈氣經驗。我從十幾歲起就是一個鐵桿子酒鬼,每天喝一瓶酒和一些啤酒,直到我 35 歲,它最後終於逮到我了。背部受傷後,我開始有無限的時間喝酒。我搬到泰國是為了把自己喝死;有點像電影《遠離賭城Leaving Las Vegas》。在泰國,我很快就能夠每天喝五分之三瓶的 90 度朗姆酒(加上啤酒)。我這樣做了將近一年。我無意戒菸,但尋求靈氣療法只是為了減輕我的痛苦。我去了柯里的地方做了三次治療之後我不再上癮。當然我對靈氣產生了興趣,現在我自己是靈氣大師。(因為柯里,我在威廉·李蘭德的靈氣傳承中。)靈氣不僅戒掉了我的癮,它實際上治癒了我的酗酒!這些天我想喝就喝。但我只喝“好東西”,很少喝酒。但我可以並且想做什麼就做什麼;我可以隨心所欲。我有更多靈氣故事,有些就像“奇蹟”一樣!但這是我的大故事;靈氣拯救並改變了我的生活。
作者姓名: 邁克爾·馬特維尤三世
Reiki Ends Alcohol Addiction I thought I'd share my Reiki experience. Having been a hard-core drinker since I was a teenager, drinking a bottle and some beers every day until I was 35, it eventually caught up with me. After injuring my back, I had unlimited time to drink. I moved to Thailand with the intention of drinking myself to death; kind of like the movie "Leaving Las Vegas". In Thailand I was soon drinking between two to three fifths of 90 proof rum per day (plus beer. I did this for nearly a year. I had no intention of quitting but sought out a Reiki treatment just to alleviate my pain. I went to Cory's place and three treatments later I was no longer addicted. Of course I became interested in Reiki and am now a Reiki master myself. (In William Lee Rand lineage, through Cory.) Not only did Reiki cease my addiction, it actually cured my alcoholism! These days I can drink if I want. I only drink "good stuff" and rarely do I drink at all. But I can and do when I want; I’m free to do as I please. I have many more Reiki stories, a few just as "miraculous"! But that's my big one; Reiki saved and transformed my life.
Author Name: Michael Matweyou III
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