2022-01-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘


    Meet Ta遇見獺–人與人的連結
    The shop owner is a very enthusiastic person who loves to make friends. He even thinks that although making money is important, it's even more precious to be able to become friends with customers. He also hopes to bring a different face to Kinmen and use his expertise and interests to drive water sports. Do your part for the tourism development of Kinmen. We admire his positive spirit very much, even if it is very hard to support a store by himself. We hope that in the future, we can see more people playing water sports at the beach, and more surfers will drive the trend and develop water sports together. Let Kinmen not only have historical relics, battlefield scenery, and beautiful seaside scenery but also have interesting water activities.
    老闆是個非常熱情及熱愛交朋友的人,甚至認為雖然賺錢很重要,但是能與顧客成為朋友是更難能可貴的事。他也希望能為金門帶來些不同的面貌,用他的專業及興趣帶動起水上活動。為金門的觀光發展盡一份力。很敬佩他的精神,就算一個人支撐一間店很辛苦,也能開朗的過每一天。希望未來能夠慢慢地在海邊看到更多人在玩水上活動,有更多衝浪者一起帶動風潮,發展起水上活動。讓金門不僅擁有歷史遺跡、戰地風情 古蹟民宿、海邊美景,和熱情的當地人及有趣的水上活動。
    Because the shop owner’s mother is from Kinmen, he often goes back to Kinmen to visit relatives and wants to contribute to Kinmen. He found many activities that are common in Taiwan but not yet developed in Kinmen. He felt that these activities developed in Taiwan could also be tried and seen in Kinmen, so he returned to his mother's hometown and helped the development of tourism in Kinmen.
    The shop owner thinks that the part of the idea can be divided into two parts. The first part is the restaurant, hoping to bring more different dining options to local Kinmen people, and also provide some affordable and quality-guaranteed food; the second part is water activities, he hopes to bring different kinds of activities to Kinmen. He hopes to bring it to the local Kinmen people first, starting with the locals, letting them know that the place where they have been living is also an environment where they can play in the water, and only then will tourists come to Kinmen to play in the water.
    Since the shop owner runs the entire store by himself, there are no other partners, so when he needs to find someone to discuss the details of the store, develop new dishes, help in the store, or even make preparations before starting the business, he can only rely on himself; but the advantage is that only oneself will not have the problem of friction with others or inconsistent ideas. Moreover, because of the epidemic in the past few years, the restaurant has been severely affected, and it is even more unlikely that there will be additional funds to hire employees. This will increase the relative economic pressure. This is the dilemma of entrepreneurship.
    To open a restaurant, the source of customers is very important. With a fixed source of customers, there is a stable income, and there are opportunities to meet all kinds of people. Although the main purpose of doing business is of course to make money, he believes that making money is not his first condition. Knowing all kinds of people is the biggest benefit this restaurant brings to the owner, whether it is a student or a person out of society because you don't know when and when they will help you.
    The shop owner believes that if you want to start a business, you must have enough effort. It is very important to specialize in one thing, and you should be fully prepared beforehand. Entrepreneurship should be well thought out. If you make a small step today, you may need to spend more time in the future to correct your previous mistakes. So instead of this, it is better to get the required license first, or prepare the things for research, so that the road to entrepreneurship in the future will not be too hard.

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