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【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
Human Design System(人類圖/人體圖設計/人類設計)對進化過程具有獨特的見解。大約80%的人類是能源類型。人類主要是Generator(68%)和Manifestor(8%)。它們在一起基本上代表了人類的四分之三,這意味著能源類型完全統治了以七個中心的時代(1781年之前和以九個中心的時代到來),這是一個具有戰略意義的時代。

Ra on The Evolving Role of the Projector and the Necessity of Education
Human Design is something that has a unique perspective on the evolutionary process. Just under 80% of humanity are energy types. Humanity is dominated by Generators (68%) and Manifestors (8%). Together they represent basically three quarters of humanity, and that means that energy types were something that fully dominated what was the seven-centered era (prior to 1781 and the advent of the nine-centered being), an era that was fundamentally strategic.
Projectors are somewhere between 22 and 23% of the population. In the pre-nine-centered era Manifestors ruled, but now that we live in a nine-centered era, slowly over time the Projector is ascending into a leading position in the hierarchy. It's an ascendancy of a different way of doing things. Projectors are naturally wise about the use of energy. It doesn't mean, by the way, that they act wisely, because of course they are not-self and as not-self there is no way for them to live out the advantages of what it is for them to be a Projector.
We're in an age now where it is time for the Projector to take on its role as a leader, but not as a leader in the manifesting sense, but as a guide. What is interesting about Projectors is the way in which their aura functions. When you're dealing with a Projector the aura literally focuses, and it focuses on the other. It is this ability to focus that gives them a unique capacity to recognize the essence of the other being. A Projector is not interested in him or herself. It is one of the dilemmas for the Projector, which is how long it takes to wake Projectors up to the possibility that there is something that is them, rather than what they get through the other.
And in fact, what they are indeed focusing on is your identity, which at the same time often creates a backlash, it creates a reaction and the reaction is recognition. Projectors are not after your energy, but they are designed to be able to gain access to it. A Projector is here to understand deeply how and where energy should be used. And because their aura is very, very focused in this way, they "invite" openness, which makes it very, very difficult for Projectors to escape the influence of the conditioning forces that are around them.
If you're a Projector you really need to be FORMALLY invited into any situation, and to gauge if that invitation is correct for you based on your own inner authority. The very strategy that you have is an indication of the natural demand for respect that you deserve. You have to surrender to demanding respect. It is very important for Projectors to be careful about the people they associate with. The quality of their associations directly impacts their wellbeing.
To be a Projector means that you do not simply take in conditioning, you take in conditioning that generates, motivates and moves your process. It's not that you're dependent on the other. You were not designed to be dependent on anything. You are designed, however, to be in a world in which energy is available, and that's very different. This is what the invitation is all about. If Projectors would trust in the power of their aura, their auras will pull to them the attention, the recognition, and the correct invitation to the energies that they are here to recognize and to guide.
When you enter into the beginning of your own self-recognition of what it is to be a Projector, one of the most important things that you have to do to lessen the burden of what your journey is going to be is to dismiss any idea that you're about to get instant gratification. It is really a process for a Projector. Education allows Projectors to grasp the depth of their conditioning, and education takes time. You're entering into a seven-year education program, the same kind of program you would enter into as a doctor, or as somebody learning to play an instrument. Projectors are, in that sense, born students. The Projector is here to guide. You can't guide if you don't know how the game works. And the moment that you understand how the game works is the moment that you find your power. And you are ready for the potential of success, the keynote for a Projector. A non-selfish, transpersonal, deeply shared success based on correct bonds and correct recognition both for the projector and whoever he is focusing on.
If you have a Projector child it's very important to encourage their studies, it's important to encourage particularly those areas where they have special interests, because in fact, the Projector as a type is here to recognize and to master systems, whatever they happen to be. And with the proper encouragement and the right conditioning, there's a great deal of potential in that for them. Any of you that have Projector children begin to invite them to do things. Projectors suffer deeply as children with being influenced by being trained or raised to be Manifestors. It is something that is really devastating for them. And being told what to do is something that is deeply uncomfortable for a Projector.
One of the things you get to see in this era is you get to see the advent of more and more Projector politicians that are leading countries. And they tend to be the kind of politicians that can answer questions in the minutiae, because they tend to do their homework, they tend to make sure that they understand what is going on. They tend to be very good politicians, because they have a grasp of the other.
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。

獨一無二的Projector 的其他內容
你是否願意因為某些人不喜歡你的飲食方式而犧牲你的身體、健康、大腦和幸福?這不是關於你吃得有多好;記住這一點。而是你吃得有多正確。 這是一個非常、非常苛刻的旅程——這個從飲食調理開始的轉化旅程。是的,飲食調理可能會造成某些社會困境,這取決於你有什麼樣的飲食調理養生法。
你是否願意因為某些人不喜歡你的飲食方式而犧牲你的身體、健康、大腦和幸福?這不是關於你吃得有多好;記住這一點。而是你吃得有多正確。 這是一個非常、非常苛刻的旅程——這個從飲食調理開始的轉化旅程。是的,飲食調理可能會造成某些社會困境,這取決於你有什麼樣的飲食調理養生法。
Google News 追蹤
Project50實驗紀錄:探討自律與變化的平衡,以海浪為喻,並結合Deca Joins的《海浪》音樂,闡述如何在規律與刺激中找到適合自己的節奏。
而想想Projector引導的「美」吧—— 一次只專注於「一個存在」。 這一切都關乎「生命軌跡分形線」(命運、運程、緣份),關乎不浪費你的能量、不浪費你的智慧、不浪費你的關注,而是保持正確,為那份「邀請」做好準備。 如果你是Projector,你別無選擇,只能「臣服」。
NVIDIA Project DIGITS,全球最小AI超級電腦,以3000美元的親民價格,將超級運算能力帶入個人桌面,徹底改變AI開發與應用,其影響涵蓋教育、醫療、商業等多個領域。
Alpha Project 近期在 Zealy 平臺上線了一項引人注目的社區激勵活動,這不僅僅是一次簡單的空投,更體現了區塊鏈專案在社區運營方面的創新思路。通過遊戲化任務和豐厚獎勵的結合,Alpha Project 展示了如何在短期內快速構建高粘性社區的有效方法。 活動細節一覽: • 總獎池
聚集群眾必須有其核心與焦點 你是天生的權威和引領者,具備直覺的智慧與創新的天賦,是一位能為部落提供具體解決方案的將軍。善於強化團體功用,讓相似的力量,會自然而然相互吸引,彼此獲益。展現領導力的方式,是有能力以無私的角度教育他人,讓群眾獲益,並推崇部落核心價值,共同守護物質資源,透過合適的分配讓部落
親愛的大師導師,我想了解更多關於[原型](archetype)的事。   好的,孩子們,我們開始吧,需要一點時間。首先,在你提問的定義範圍當中,我們需要定錨的是位於你們潛意識相當深處的能量區域。   孩子,當你們自源頭分裂出發,你們會朝向某一個渠道前進。以源頭為中心,有12個渠道往所有宇宙發
7-31 創始者通道 在這個喧囂的世界裡,真正的領導者並非僅僅是政治人物,而是那些能夠洞悉未來潮流、引領方向,並以獨特的方式溝通與呈現的人。他們可能來自各個領域,擁有專業知識與豐富經驗,能夠在科學與邏輯的基礎上引導他人思考。 這樣的領導者不僅僅是為了個人利益,而是關注著整個社會的福祉。他們擁有一
你正處於地球上巨大的能量浪潮之中。 用這些能量進行創造,當你身上有像現在這樣的新能量時, 就可以創造出新的東西,以及在這一刻之前人類未知的東西。 換句話說,傾聽你的內心,並相信你的願望能夠而且將會實現。
人性是自然的賦予,生而公正平等。 學習了解自己創造力模式,明白如何創造自己的世界,進而有能力經營自己滿意的世界。 法則一、存在即是創造力表現的偉大結果。 法則二、能量佔據空間時形成物質。 法則三、能量佔據時間時形成事件。
Project50實驗紀錄:探討自律與變化的平衡,以海浪為喻,並結合Deca Joins的《海浪》音樂,闡述如何在規律與刺激中找到適合自己的節奏。
而想想Projector引導的「美」吧—— 一次只專注於「一個存在」。 這一切都關乎「生命軌跡分形線」(命運、運程、緣份),關乎不浪費你的能量、不浪費你的智慧、不浪費你的關注,而是保持正確,為那份「邀請」做好準備。 如果你是Projector,你別無選擇,只能「臣服」。
NVIDIA Project DIGITS,全球最小AI超級電腦,以3000美元的親民價格,將超級運算能力帶入個人桌面,徹底改變AI開發與應用,其影響涵蓋教育、醫療、商業等多個領域。
Alpha Project 近期在 Zealy 平臺上線了一項引人注目的社區激勵活動,這不僅僅是一次簡單的空投,更體現了區塊鏈專案在社區運營方面的創新思路。通過遊戲化任務和豐厚獎勵的結合,Alpha Project 展示了如何在短期內快速構建高粘性社區的有效方法。 活動細節一覽: • 總獎池
聚集群眾必須有其核心與焦點 你是天生的權威和引領者,具備直覺的智慧與創新的天賦,是一位能為部落提供具體解決方案的將軍。善於強化團體功用,讓相似的力量,會自然而然相互吸引,彼此獲益。展現領導力的方式,是有能力以無私的角度教育他人,讓群眾獲益,並推崇部落核心價值,共同守護物質資源,透過合適的分配讓部落
親愛的大師導師,我想了解更多關於[原型](archetype)的事。   好的,孩子們,我們開始吧,需要一點時間。首先,在你提問的定義範圍當中,我們需要定錨的是位於你們潛意識相當深處的能量區域。   孩子,當你們自源頭分裂出發,你們會朝向某一個渠道前進。以源頭為中心,有12個渠道往所有宇宙發
7-31 創始者通道 在這個喧囂的世界裡,真正的領導者並非僅僅是政治人物,而是那些能夠洞悉未來潮流、引領方向,並以獨特的方式溝通與呈現的人。他們可能來自各個領域,擁有專業知識與豐富經驗,能夠在科學與邏輯的基礎上引導他人思考。 這樣的領導者不僅僅是為了個人利益,而是關注著整個社會的福祉。他們擁有一
你正處於地球上巨大的能量浪潮之中。 用這些能量進行創造,當你身上有像現在這樣的新能量時, 就可以創造出新的東西,以及在這一刻之前人類未知的東西。 換句話說,傾聽你的內心,並相信你的願望能夠而且將會實現。
人性是自然的賦予,生而公正平等。 學習了解自己創造力模式,明白如何創造自己的世界,進而有能力經營自己滿意的世界。 法則一、存在即是創造力表現的偉大結果。 法則二、能量佔據空間時形成物質。 法則三、能量佔據時間時形成事件。