導能者 Projector 該怎麼吃?

2022/02/16閱讀時間約 6 分鐘
以我這類還不到 0.5% 的 Ego Projected Projector 來說,PHS是非常重要的。(我七大中心開放,頭腦中心更是完全開放。)
The beauty of what we have is that because the mechanics is there we can see the steps. There are techniques. All the knowledge that we have about dietary regimen and environment are things that are part of the Primary Health System. It is a journey that is very, very demanding, this journey of transformation that begins with dietary regimen.
Yes, dietary regimen may create certain social dilemmas depending on the kind of regimen that you have. But that's not the point, is it. Are you willing to sacrifice your body, your health, your brain, your well-being because some people don't like the way you want to eat? It's not about how well you eat; remember that. It's how correctly you eat. Strategy and authority allows your form to take in the experience of life in a way in which it can control its movement. Dietary regimen allows you to take in the nutrition that is going to enhance those aspects of your nature that are going to serve you best, that are going to serve your cognitive potential, that are going to give you the possibility to ultimately experience the enrichment of your awareness.
And for most people who have entered into their strategy and authority they're still not getting access to their potential; they're just able to make decisions correctly. But those decisions they're making, they're also lacking greater depth. The decision making process that one gets out of strategy and authority is basically a geometry thing, begins to align one, begins to reduce resistance, makes a life better. But it doesn't mean that the actual brain system is functioning better. The brain system isn't going to function better until it's treated better.

內在自主權 Ego 僅 0.79%、內在自主權 Ego Projected 僅 0.48%。RA 和Human Design導師,甚少提到 Ego Projected 的導能者,網上也很難找到相關資料,我們似乎是被「遺棄」的極少數中的極少數,所以生活是苦澀中的苦澀⋯⋯
通過 DeepL 翻譯稍微人工修飾:
PHS對於實踐生命轉化者非常重要,可惜,並不是大部份 Human Design 實習者都瞭解,因為,大部份實習者都不是導能者 Projector,也沒有經過至少7年的去制約之旅。
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。