【聽音樂學英語】流行歌曲 Rolling in the Deep

Image by Dani Géza from Pixabay
Image by Dani Géza from Pixabay
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark Finally, I can see you crystal clear Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare See how I'll leave with every piece of you Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark
心中一把火冒起                            直至怒火狂烈,帶我走出黑暗                      我總算看清了你                            隨你去儘管背叛我吧!我會將你的醜事昭告天下!             看我怎麼離棄遺忘所有你的一切                     不要低估了我會做出的事
fever pitch 是激動萬分、情緒沸騰的意思。
bring out 則暗喻瞭解到(真相或祕密)及闡明的意涵。
crystal clear 是清楚明白、清晰明瞭、清澈透明的意思。
Go ahead 在這裡是隨你便、隨你去怎樣的意思。
sell out 是出賣、背叛的意思。
lay bare 則是揭發、揭露的意思,昭告天下、公諸於世、給抖出來讓人知道。
The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinkin' that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling
你留下的愛情創傷讓我想起了我們                    讓我不停想著,曾經我們幾乎擁有一切                  你留下的愛情傷痛讓我喘不過氣來                    我不禁感慨…
can't help 是不由得、忍不住的意思,不由自主、情不自禁,這裡要注意的是接續的兩個動詞的形式表現。
We could've had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
我們本來可以擁有一切(你會希望從來沒有遇見過我)           內心深處翻攪著(淚水就要掉下來,內心深處翻攪著)           過去你曾擄獲了我的心(你會希望從來沒有遇見過我)           而你卻不斷玩弄(淚水就要掉下來,內心深處翻攪著)
rolling in the deep 有雙重意涵,源自於英國俗話俚語「roll deep」,表示有人幫助你、支持你。原本以為男友會一直在身邊守護著,但卻事與願違。
have one's heart inside of one's hand,將人的心掌握在手中。
to the beat,跟隨配合(某人)的生活節奏,懂得(某人)的想要和需求。
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