2022-11-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

【聽音樂學英語】西洋老歌 Rose Garden

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay
Image by Dorothe from Pixabay
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime When you take you gotta give so live and let live or let go I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden I could promise you things like big diamond rings But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover So you better think it over Well, if sweet talkin' you could make it come true I would give you the world right now on a silver platter But what would it matter? So smile for a while and let's be jolly Love shouldn't be so melancholy Come along and share the good times while we can I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden I could sing you a tune and promise you the moon But if that's what it takes to hold you, I'd just as soon let you go But there's one thing I want you to know You better look before you leap, still waters run deep And there won't always be someone there to pull you out And you know what I'm talkin' about
So smile for a while and let's be jolly Love shouldn't be so melancholy Come along and share the good times while we can I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometime I beg your pardon
請原諒,我從來沒有承諾過給你一座玫瑰園                除了陽光之外,偶爾也有些雨                      想要得到也得付出,所以彼此包容,否則就放下吧             很抱歉,我從來沒有承諾過給你一座玫瑰園
我可以承諾予你大鑽戒之類的東西                    但是你無法見到長在苜蓿莖梗上的玫瑰                  所以你最好仔細考慮                          嗯,假如能讓甜言蜜語實現                       我立刻就鄭重把世界送給你                       但是那有什麼意義?
所以一笑置之吧!讓我們快活愉悅                    愛情不該如此鬱悶寡歡                         一起來盡我們所能共享美好時光吧
請原諒,我從來沒有承諾過給你一座玫瑰園                除了陽光之外,偶爾也有些雨                      很抱歉,我從來沒有承諾過給你一座玫瑰園
我可以為你唱首歌,許諾送你月亮                    但是假如必須得那樣才能擁有你,我寧可讓你離開我            可是有件事我要讓你知道                        最好三思而後行,表面平靜暗潮洶湧                   且不會永遠有個人在那裡拉你一把                    而你了解我在說什麼
所以一笑置之吧!讓我們快活愉悅                    愛情不該如此鬱悶寡歡                         一起來盡我們所能共享美好時光吧
請原諒,我從來沒有承諾過給你一座玫瑰園                除了陽光之外,偶爾也有些雨                      很抱歉
玫瑰園(rose garden),是一種通常向大眾開放的公園或花園,用來展示及種植各式各樣的觀賞用玫瑰,有時也包含薔薇品種。
there's,在此是 there has 的縮寫;gotta,則是(have)got to 的縮寫,表示須或得去做(某事),是很口語的非正式表達方式。there's gotta be,是「一定有」、「總會有」或「應該還有」的意思。
蘊含 give and take 給予和接受的施受道理,平等交換;互相忍讓;互相讓步,雙方有來有往、有所捨取,而不是單方予取予求。
live and let live,自己活也讓別人活,引申為包容、寬容、共存的意思。
let go,則是放下、放手的意思。
Rose 的花語象徵美與愛,代表純潔與高貴,但帶刺的玫瑰花卻有不同的意涵。
Clover,三葉草,常常被認為是幸運的象徵,能召喚幸福。有句俚語「be in clover」或「live in clover」,形容一個人生活安逸、處境優裕、養尊處優,也有活得自在舒適的意思。
you better,你最好怎樣,注意後面接動詞的用法。
sweet talk,是花言巧語、甜言蜜語的意思。
give sth. to sb. on a (silver) platter,接受者輕易獲得、不勞而獲,有給予者拱手相讓的意思。
promise sb. the moon,對(某人)許下不可能實現的諾言,向(某人)作出無法兌現的承諾。
what it takes,是成功的必要條件的意思。
just as soon...,是寧可、寧願或同樣樂於做(某事)的意思。
Look before you leap. 是一句諺語,三思而後行的意思。
Still waters run deep. 是一句諺語,靜水流深,引喻凡事不可只看表面,有「大智若愚」或「深藏不露」的意思。
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