作者用點名的方式,讓我們看到動物分成兩派:關心Wilbur和不關心Wilbur的,後者只有一位,就是向來我行我素的Templeton,所以他也並未準時出席,即使後來出現了,也只丟下兩句話”Let him die,” “I should worry. (我才不在乎呢)“。
不過他在聽完old sheep的分析後 (“Wilbur’s food is your food; therefore Wilbur’s destiny and your destiny are closely lined.”)了解Wilbur的食物對他來說十分重要,於是同意隔天去垃圾堆找一找,有什麼可用的字?
🐶 生字解釋
Meetings bore me. 它出現在第90頁,意思是開會對我來說無聊透了。bore就像interest, bother, annoy…等,都是所謂「情緒動詞」,主詞是事或物,翻成使(受詞)無聊、使有趣等。英文大多用事或物當作主詞,中文喜歡用人當主詞,就變成被動 I am bored with meetings. I am interested in …
🐶 片語
call (the) roll 點名
The students are waiting for the teacher to call roll.
break (something) up / break up (something)結束、停止
Nathan tried to break up the fight but ended up getting knocked out.
look out for oneself 只顧自己,未曾想到別人
Joel is selfish and only ever looks out for himself.
When Lurvy arrived with breakfast, there was the handsome pig, and over him, woven neatly in Block letters, was the word TERRIFIC. (p.94)
Everybody stood at the pigpen and stared at the web and read the word, over and over, while Wilbur, who really felt terrific, stood quietly swelling out his chest and swinging his snout from side to side. (p.96)
Mr. Zukerman 對待Wilbur也不一樣了,要給他乾淨的環境 ,還要帶他參加County Fair。Charlotte的計劃真的得到很大的進展呢!