第一,2022Q4的GAAP Net Income盈利,並不是來自營業活動。如果看PLTR的GAAP營業利潤率的話,本季其實還是負4%,沒有表面上看到的那麼好。
可能有人會問,既然GAAP營業利潤率是虧損,那為何GAAP Net Income賺錢?
簡單算一下,本季PLTR的GAAP Net Income有3,088萬美元,雖然業務營運上本季虧損1,783萬美元,不過本季其他非本業的收入不少。
像利息收入(Interest income)就有將近1,300萬美元,另外還有一筆逾4,400萬美元的「其他收入」(Other income (expense), net),這是跟收購活動有關的收入。
Fourth quarter GAAP net income was $31 million. This was a result of a strong GAAP operating quarter in addition to $13 million of investment income from our balance sheet, narrowing of losses on marketable securities to $11 million and a $44 million gain from the acquisition of our Palantir Japan joint venture.