明確告知ChatGPT你是Marketing professional ,然後把產品的完整資訊都輸入給ChatGPT,請他想辦法產出既有說服力又可行的產品行銷文章大綱. Example: You are a world class marketing professional; you will assist me with “xxx” product marketing. Please provide me with an outline of a persuasive and effective marketing campaign material.
根據ChatGPT回傳的結果你先做修改,然後可以請他產出合適的標題。Example: According to our fixed outlines please provide a list of engaging headlines for this marketing material.
挑選好標題跟outline以後告知ChatGPT,並且請他開始依照每個outline產生內文。Example: Please provide engaging the informative content for this outline in professional and persuasive tone. 請注意,這邊可以挑選你想要的語氣是怎樣,以上面來說我是請他產出專業又有說服力的文章,但是當然可以請他依照不同情境有不同的風格產出。
依次把每個outline中的內容生出來,然後再下去編修,最後Ending的部分一樣可以請ChatGPT替你產出一個Call to action. Example: According to the headlines, outlines, and content provided above please provide a compelling call to action to end the article.
Zero shot prompting就是: Please provide me 5 engaging headlines for this energy efficient product.
One shot prompting 就是: Please provide me 5 engaging headlines for this energy efficient product. One example of this headlines is “How to reduce 50% of your electricity bill?”
Multi-shot prompting就是: Please provide me 5 engaging headlines for this energy efficient product. A few examples below: “How to reduce 50% of your electricity bill?” ; “The crisis of global warming and what you can do to help.”, “Best way to save the earth and save your electricity bill”.