2023-09-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs


    3 Characters:





    Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a farmer and his wife. They had a goose that was quite special.

    Farmer: (excited) Look, dear! Our goose laid a golden egg!

    Wife: (surprised) A golden egg? This is amazing!

    Narrator: Every day, the goose laid a shiny golden egg. The farmer and his wife were overjoyed.

    Farmer: (rubbing hands) We'll be rich with all these golden eggs!

    Narrator: The couple collected the golden eggs and sold them. They became wealthy.

    Wife: (smiling) Our life has changed so much thanks to the goose!


    Narrator: However, the farmer's greed grew bigger.


    Farmer: (thinking) If the goose can lay one golden egg a day, imagine if we could get them all at once.


    Narrator: The farmer decided to cut open the goose, hoping to find a lot of golden eggs inside.


    Wife: (worried) Are you sure about this?


    Narrator: But when they opened the goose, they found nothing inside except feathers and flesh.

    Farmer: (regretful) Oh no! What have we done?

    Narrator: The goose was gone, and they had lost their source of golden eggs forever.

    Wife: (sad) We were foolish to be greedy.

    Narrator: The farmer and his wife learned that their greed had cost them dearly. They realized that being content with what they had was more valuable than seeking more.


    旁白: 曾經有一對農夫和他的妻子。他們養了一隻相當特別的鵝。



    旁白: 每天,這隻鵝都下著亮晶晶的金蛋。農夫和他的妻子都非常高興。


    旁白: 這對夫婦收集了金蛋並賣掉它們。他們變得富有。


    旁白: 然而,農夫的貪婪變得更大。


    旁白: 農夫決定剖開這隻鵝,希望在裡面找到許多金蛋。


    旁白: 但是當他們打開鵝的時候,裡面除了羽毛和肉,什麼也沒有。


    旁白: 鵝不見了,他們永遠失去了金蛋的來源。


    旁白: 農夫和他的妻子意識到他們的貪婪付出了巨大的代價。他們意識到對他們所擁有的滿足感比追求更多的東西更有價值。


    1. Lay (放置,產卵)
      • Definition: To put something down or place it in a certain position; to produce or deposit eggs.
      • 放置,產卵;將某物放下或放置在特定位置;產生或放置卵子。
      • Related Words: Place (放置), Position (位置)
      • Collocations: Lay the table (擺放餐桌), lay eggs (產卵), lay a foundation (打下基礎)
      • Example Sentence: She carefully laid the books on the shelf to keep them organized. (她小心地將書放在書架上,以保持整齊。)
    2. Special (特殊)
      • Definition: Different from what is usual or ordinary, often having unique qualities.
      • 特殊;不同於通常或普通的,常具有獨特的特質。
      • Related Words: Unique (獨特的), Exceptional (卓越的)
      • Collocations: Special occasion (特殊場合), special treatment (特殊對待), feel special (感到特別)
      • Example Sentence: The special book had a cover made of real leather. (這本特殊的書封面是真皮製作的。)
    3. Overjoyed (極度高興)
      • Definition: Extremely happy or delighted about something.
      • 極度高興;對某事極度快樂或欣喜。
      • Related Words: Ecstatic (狂喜的), Thrilled (非常高興的)
      • Collocations: Overjoyed with happiness (極度高興的快樂), overjoyed with success (極度高興的成功), be overjoyed to (非常高興)
      • Example Sentence: She was overjoyed when she received the scholarship she had been hoping for. (當她獲得她一直期待的獎學金時,她非常高興。)
    4. Wealthy (富有)
      • Definition: Having a lot of money or possessions, often indicating a high level of financial comfort.
      • 富有;擁有大量的金錢或財物,通常表明高度的經濟舒適。
      • Related Words: Affluent (富裕的), Prosperous (繁榮的)
      • Collocations: Wealthy family (富有的家庭), become wealthy (變得富有), wealthy businessman (富有的商人)
      • Example Sentence: The wealthy businessman donated a significant amount of money to charity. (這位富有的商人向慈善捐贈了大筆錢。)
    5. Greed (貪婪)
      • Definition: Intense desire for more wealth, possessions, or power than one needs or deserves.
      • 貪婪;對於比自己需要或應得的更多財富、財產或權力的強烈渴望。
      • Related Words: Avarice (貪婪), Covetousness (貪心)
      • Collocations: Greed for money (對金錢的貪婪), overwhelming greed (壓倒性的貪婪), greed for power (對權力的渴望)
      • Example Sentence: His greed for power led him to make unethical decisions. (他對權力的渴望導致他做出了不道德的決定。)
    6. Regretful (感到後悔)
      • Definition: Feeling sorry or guilty about something one has done or failed to do.
      • 感到後悔;對於自己所做的或未做的事情感到抱歉或內疚。
      • Related Words: Remorseful (懊悔的), Sorry (抱歉的)
      • Collocations: Regretful decision (後悔的決定), deeply regretful (深感後悔的), regretful about (對...感到後悔)
      • Example Sentence: She was regretful for not attending her friend's important event. (她因未參加朋友的重要活動而感到後悔。)
    7. Content (滿足)
      • Definition: Satisfied and happy with what one has, not desiring more or better.
      • 滿足;對自己所擁有的感到滿意和幸福,不渴望更多或更好的。
      • Related Words: Satisfied (滿意的), Fulfilled (滿足的)
      • Collocations: Content with life (對生活感到滿足), content and happy (滿足而幸福), remain content (保持滿足)
      • Example Sentence: Despite facing challenges, she felt content with the simple joys of everyday life. (儘管面臨挑戰,她對日常生活的簡單快樂感到滿足。)
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