2023-12-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

Inktober2023 Day28-30

Day28. SPARKLE (28/31)

Inktober's twenty eighth word is SPARKLE 閃亮

I placed my briefcase in the locker and entered the code lock. With a nude girl, wearing only gloves and thigh-high stockings, watching me, I quietly removed my suit jacket in the foyer. One by one, I shed my shirt, trousers, leather shoes, and collected tie into a silver box, rolling my belt into the box as well.

The girl pressed a few corners of the seamless wall, and it opened silently, like someone softly tapping on a xylophone. The wall swung open to reveal the sacrament inside.

The girl pressed a few corners of the seamless wall, and it opened silently, like someone snapping their fingers in the darkness. The wall swung open to reveal the sacrament inside.

Taking the sacrament in hand, I put the rose-colored wafer and a glass of crimson liquid from the tray onto my lips. The cool, herbaceous fragrance spread from my neck throughout my body.

I tried squeezing my fists and then releasing them, feeling the world gently spinning.

"Would you like to come inside? You've made me so comfortable," she whispered with a soft, sensual tone.

"Do you want it?" I asked softly in her ear, gripping one side of her soft breast and caressing it.

"With you touching me like this, what do you think?" She glanced at me with a blush, kissed my lips, and began gently rubbing her hips against my lower body, reaching for my testicles.

"I want you to come inside." she said.









Day29. MASSIVE (29/31)

Inktober's twenty ninth word is MASSIVE 大量

My wife has thin yet elastic lips. When she kisses me, it feels like leaves gently brushing against my skin—timely and precise. Her kisses aren't overly passionate. Compared to other girls I've met before, my wife's kisses carry a certain inorganic coolness. Within them, emotions are elusive, like information carried by a breeze that occasionally stirs on a lazy afternoon, sometimes leaving me uncertain.


Day30. RUSH (30/31)

Inktober's thirtieth word is RUSH 匆忙

I want to paint a girl in a leisurely wait, not too rushed, with a bit of elegance and a slightly bored afternoon. She doesn't feel like flipping through magazines. She ordered and already finished a lemon tart but is still a bit hungry. Styling her hair gave me a bit of a headache because it ended up looking somewhat masculine. I tried several different hairstyles for reference, but she wasn't quite satisfied. It turns out she just wanted her original hair to be a bit more voluminous! It does look better now, doesn't it? I'll need to contemplate the girl's thoughts a bit more.


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